USER ORIENTATION PROGRAMME ON LIBRARY RESOURCES IN KASHIM IBRAHIM LIBRARY, AHMADU BELLO UNIVERSITY (A.B.U) ZARIA. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Nowadays there is enormous waste of information resources due to non-use and miss used in all types of libraries. This present a great challenge orienting the use is the proper solution. With shrinking budget libraries must encourage user to make greater and better use of available resources. In addition orientating the library user improves the quality of the use. User orientation aims to provide knowledge and skills necessary for a user to find his way in the library. User orientation is day-by-day getting more relevant especially in the present context when new sources of information are available. Further more information and that too in fraction seconds, so he/she has to be orientated about not only the use of library resources ie the various sources of information, but also about the various complexities involved the success of orientation programme would depend upon planning knowledge of psychology of the users and investment of reference librarian. Academic library as defined by Fabunmi (2012) are organized collection of information resources (prints and non-prints) which form an integral part of tertiary institution. In essence, the academic library provides resources to support the teaching and research activities of their parent’s institutions. Furthermore, academic library is referred to as a library that is attached to post-secondary institution which they serve. Academic library is one which is established in institutions of higher learning to support learning, teaching and research activities of the universities and colleges. More so, academic library serves the research needs of institutions they serve and it is also the responsibility of any libraries to ensure that the use of its information sources, resources and services are maximized to benefit of its users. Library resources as defined by Popoola and Haliso (2009) as those information bearing material in both material in both printed and electronic formats, such as text books, journals, indexes, abstracts, newspaper and magazines, report, CD-ROM databases, internet /Email, video tapes/cassette, diskettes, magnetic disk, computers, microforms etc. these information materials are the raw material that libraries acquire, catalogue, stocks, and make available to their patrons, as well as used to provide various other services. Library resources available, accessibility and use are important factor in knowledge acquisition, learning and research. Indeed every academic library regardless of size is expected to have adequate information resources available for its community for reading, learning and research. In October 1962, the central library of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria which was designed originally for the Nigerian College of Arts, Science and Technology and was officially opened and named “Kashim Ibrahim Library” (KIL). The library was established to cater for the academic or educational needs of students and staff in terms of teaching and research. It also comprises the Kashim Ibrahim Library (the main Library) and eleven other satellite libraries located in different campuses of the university. Within the first three years of its existences, it started experiencing accommodation problems which was accentuated by rapid expansion of stock in its constituent’s libraries. Its bound periodicals were then shelved away in an adjourning block formerly used as classrooms and which also housed the bindery. At that time, Kashim Ibrahim Library was serving twenty four departments of the faculties of Agriculture, Arts, Architecture, Engineering, Sciences and Veterinary medicine. It was also offering all sorts of assistance to the other libraries such as inter-library loan and cooperation. The library was known as ShettimaKashim library, until 30th June, 1963 when the name Shettima was dropped. This was because Shettima was not part of the name he was given and he was popularly known as Kashim Ibrahim. During the formal opening on the 3rd November, 1963, his Excellency, the then governor of the Northern State, Sir Kashim Ibrahim after whom it was named, said that it was a great honor and privilege to be called upon to open the great library which would be named after him. He went on to say that any library consists of books, non-books and building which are normally provided in that order. According to Aguolu in Sirajo (2008) a library was the collective memory of mankind and it provide the students with the knowledge and wisdom of all times and climes. He further stated as a very small collection of books. By the Nigerian college of Arts, Science and Technology and additions have been made every year since the time. The library building then was that small building that is now the university staffs club. But collection of books in this great magnificent building which I shall open in a few minutes is a collection worthy of the great centre of learning which the library is designed to serve. Already it is the largest store – house of information in Northern Nigeria and it has very important role to play in the extension of higher learning and education in general. The librarian was Mr. W. J. Plumber, when he left; his successor Mr. J. M. M. Grey there of took the post and in addition left his own marks. He did not convert the stripdex catalogue which was used at that time back to cards but also change the classification scheme from the BLISS Bibliographical classification to the library of congress classification scheme by 1973. The university based selection policy remained flexible. Between November 1973 and January 2018 the library has a total holding of over 1.2million volumes of books and 66,000 periodical titles. The university library has always been at the center of research and scholarship university library has always been at the center of research and scholarship playing major role in acquiring, processing, lending library materials and responding to patron’s inquiries. (http://library. The library management in the past few years has been striving to upgrade the IT skills of the staff to enable them cope with challenges of the information age. Recently, thanks mostly to donations by the Mac-Arthur foundation and the Carnegies Corporation. Rapid progress has been made not only in updating the collection, but also in automation the resources and service of the library system. Today, online and CD-ROM searches are a common feature among, staffs and students of university. With staff strength of 42 professional and 109 para-professionals, 22 senior staffs and 102 junior non-professional staffs in the entire university library system, the library management is striving to upgrade the IT skills of the staffs to enable them cope with challenges of the information age. Kashim Ibrahim Library has gone through several hands and at present the librarian is in person of Prof. Umar Ibrahim. (http://library. 1.2 Statement of the Problem Most of the newly admitted students of Ahmadu Bello Univesity (ABU)come from public schools with different background some of which possess little or no skills as how to utilize library materials such as retrieving appropriate books from shelves, use of internet and library catalogue. The institution library conduct orientation programmes in every first semester of each session, but still there are some students who face difficulties in accessing and use of library materials. They take long time to ask and go around themselves searching for particular resources. This situation made the researcher to embark on this study. With the hope of finding why these students are not responding positively to the orientation given to them on usage of library resources in Kashim Ibrahim Library (A. B. U) Zaria. 1.3 Research Questions The research questions are as follows: How often does the KIL conduct user- orientation for their users? What is the effect of the orientation for the users of the library? What are the problems encountered in conducting the orientation? What are the ways to improve on the orientation programmes of the KIL ABU Zaria? 1.4 Objectives of the Study The following are the objectives of the study: To determine how often KIL conduct user – orientation for the users of the library. To find out the effect of the orientation on the users of the library. To find out the problems encountered in conducting the orientation. To determine ways to improve on the orientation programmes of the K.I.L ABU Zaria. 1.5 Significance of the Study The need for effective use of information resources in the library gave rise to user orientation which is the most effective way of helping library users to be able to find their way in the library. This study on user orientation will help the library patron find his way in the library with ease because of the knowledge and skills provided during orientation. It will reduce the lack of or non-use and misuse of all types of information materials. Users orientation will promote longevity of library resources, that is because users will be oriented on the proper use of all types of materials in the library. Management will save cost on replacement of misused and damaged information resources as a result of proper, usage due to user orientation. 1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study This study covers only Kashim Ibrahim Library ABU Zaria and it is limited to user orientation program of the library and its effects on usage of library resources. 1.7 Operational Definition of Terms Academic Library: Academic Library is one which is established in institutions of higher learning to support learning teaching and research activities of the university and colleges Library Resources: Library resources is a platform or media on which information is documented with the intension to store, preserve, manage, disseminate or retrieve and utilize. Orientation: means the adjustment or enlightenment of oneself or ones idea to surround or circumstance. User: Any person who uses something REFERENCES http://library. Fabunmi, P. M. (2012). User education and library use in college of education in Abia and Imo State Library philosophy and practice Popoola, S. O., and Haliso, Y. (2009). Use of libray information resources and services as predation of teaching effectiveness of socialist ceinectist in Nigeia universities. AJAIS 19 (i): 65 – 77. Sirajo, H. (2008). User orientation and its effect on use of serial publication. A case study of Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. An unpublished project submitted to Department of Library and Information Science, Ahamdu Bello University, Zaria.


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