IMPACT OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT IN THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NIGERIA, KADUNA STATE BRANCH. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Library is a social institution established to collect,organize, preserve resources and disseminate them to people for which the library is established in a place conducive enough for the use of the resources. Aguolu and Aguolu as cited in Umoh (2017) have rightly observed that libraries are social institutions, created to conserve knowledge; preserve the cultural heritage; provide information; and to serve as fountain of recreation; undergird and underpin education and research. In support of this opinion, Ajidahum (2004) declared that “the mission statement of any library is the provision of excellent information service to its users” Libraries are broadly categorized into different types based on the target audience, and these are academic libraries, school libraries, special libraries, public libraries and national libraries. A National Library serves as a nation’s or a country’s repository of information. It is the apex library of a country. The National Library is in the executive arms of government. Also, a national library is a library specially established by the government of a country to serve as the preeminent repository of information for that country. In his contribution, Whittaker (2010) opined that “National Libraries are larger libraries that attempt to stock all literature of their own country and some foreign resources as well. They are important for research purposes, having such vast resources. Because they keep older resources as part of their policy of preserving document of a nation, they are particularly valuable to scholars”. According to Odhigba (2009) and Oshile (2009), the National Library of Nigeria is the country’s national bibliographic agency responsible for national bibliographic control in the universal bibliographic control network aimed at achieving universal availability of publications. Okentunji (2006) opined that the National Library of Nigeria is that kind of library dedicated to building world-class national information resources thereby enabling its citizens to know their country and themselves through their published heritage and to providing an effective gateway to national and international sources of information. National libraries are regarded as the apex libraries in a country. Uwaifo (2010) acknowledged that national libraries are established and maintained by the national government of countries. They serve as the preeminent repository of information for that country. Unlike public libraries, these rarely allow citizens to borrow books. Often, they include numerous, rare, valuable or significant works. According to Recommendation concerning the International Standardization of Library Statistics by United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO (2006), national libraries are: Responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all significant publications published in the country and functioning as a legal ‘deposit’ library, either by law or under other arrangements. They will also normally perform some of the following functions: produce a national bibliography; hold and keep up to date a large and representative collection of foreign literature including books about the country; act as a national bibliographical centre; compile union catalogues; publish the retrospective national bibliography. Libraries which may be called ‘national’ but whose functions do not correspond to the above definition should not be placed in the National Libraries category. In Nigeria, it is called National Library of Nigeria. The National Library serves heterogeneous kinds of patrons unlike other types of libraries that serve more or less specialized clientele communities. National library, according to Edoka as cited in Umoh (2017)is the library of libraries, a focal point for overall and information services in the country. A National library is usually the country’s apex library. It is the library established by national government to perform certain specialized functions. National libraries are regarded as reference libraries because their stocks or collections are usually not meant for circulation outside the library. In the words of Oduagwu (2006) national library is described as “the central book museum of a country.” It is responsible for collecting and conserving the whole of that country’s book production for the benefit of future generations. As such the significance of the national library cannot be overemphasized because national libraries are well known libraries with enormous significance. Matthew (2009) and Okeagu (2009) mentioned the significance of National Library to be providing access to information resources, working in partnership with stakeholders, structuring knowledge, imparting skills, preserving heritage and inspiring trust which are all crucial for the knowledge economy. This is true because sustainable development implies the kind of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Similarly, White as cited in Umoh (2017)while examining the importance of national library in national and individual development concluded that, the libraries exist to amass and organize the work done by best minds regardless of when and where significant contributions originate. The library aids high-grade manpower in keeping up to date and performing at the peak of efficiency. The Library supports the intellectual freedom. Free reading nurtures the genius of the nation. This is a very undeniable and infallible truth. Without the existence of libraries in national and individual development, the system is bound to fail and collapse. This can be so risky because the possibility of the system excelling and meeting up its goals will be absolutely zero. The quest for a national library in Nigeria dated back to the 1940s. It was not until 1964 that one was legally established in Lagos. Dr. Azikiwe’s perception of a national library in the 1950s and 1960s chimed in with that of his contemporary pan-Africanist, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, who in 1961, on the opening of the George Padmore Research Library, declared: 100 Inter. J. Acad. Lib. Info. Sci. A good national library is at once the repository of a nation’s culture and wisdom and an intellectual stimulant. In this library, there shall be no national frontiers, for here shall be stored the cumulative experience, the collective wisdom and knowledge about the entire continent of Africa, and the assessment, revaluations and studies of observers from all over the world. Azikiwe understood the value of such a library as a depository of cultural heritage, and as a research centre where authentic studies on Africa could be conducted. Unfortunately, some Nigerian nationalists, like the colonial administrators, thought of a national library largely as a magnificent, monumental edifice, with the best architectural design, involving an enormous financial out lay. Azikiwe also perceived the National Library as a living agency of progress, intellectual enrichment, and public enlightenment, not as a repository of artifacts or archival documents of the past. The 1953 UNESCO Seminar on the Development of the Public Libraries in Africa, held in Ibadan, not only encouraged Azikiwe to press for a national library for Nigeria, but also helped to crystallize the national library concept on Africa. Before the seminar was held in Nigeria, the Nigerian Council of Ministers – Nigeria’s first representative government - had rejected the National Library concept, contending that all library matters should be relegated to the regional governments, and to local and private organizations. The council was unable to see that while the regional governments would cater for the public libraries, it was the responsibility of the central government to establish a National Library for the country. The National Library concept originated in the early1960s, when Dr. Azikiwe was the first indigenous Governor – General in 1960 and later, the first Presidentof Nigeria, when it achieved republican status in 1963. He helped to ensure that a feasibility study was conducted on the National Library by Dr. Rogers, Director of the U.S National Library of Medicine, sponsored by the Ford Foundation of America in 1961. On the attainment of Nigerian independence in 1960, the perception of the National Library by the Council of Ministers, which rejected the participation of the central government in any library matter in 1952, had taken a nationalist turn. The Council, along with the Nigeria Branch of the West African Library Association, established in 1954, quickly accepted the Rogers Report, recommending the establishment of a National Library. At the request of the Nigerian government, the Ford Foundation sent Professor Carl White, former Dean of the School of Library Science, Columbia University, to serve as Library Advisor to the Nigerian government on setting up the National Library of Nigeria. On his arrival in Nigeria in March 1962, Dr White was shocked to learn that there was no budgetary provision for the newly proposed library in the first post- independence National Development Plan, 1962-1968.The immediate personal intervention of the Governor- General, DrAzikiwe, and the Prime Minister, Sir Abubakar saved the day. They asked Professor White to mprepare a special report on his financial needs, and on the objectives, scope and structure of the library. Hisreport, known as the “May 1962 Report,” was accepted by the government without delay. By the end of 1962, work on the National Library had begun in Lagos, with three American librarians and Professor White, as the Federal Government’s Library Adviser. The National Library Act drafted by the Adviser, was enacted in 1964.This set the library on a legal footing, and on6th November, 1964, the National Library was opened to the public by an Act of parliament in 1964, which was abolished by Decree No.29 of 1970. It is the Nation’s apex library charged with the responsibility of providing library services to the public, such as it is being provided by National Libraries of the highest standing in the world. There are currently seven (7) Departments of the National Library of Nigeria. The National Bibliography of Nigeria (NBN) (2008) supplementary edition outlined the library and information services carried out by the National Library of Nigeria by its five (5) professional departments – Public Services Department (PSD), Collection Development and Processing Department CDPD), National Bibliographic Control Department(NBCD), Research and Development Department (RDD)and the Virtual Library Services Department (VLSD) to include provision of reference and document delivery services, acquiring resources through subscription/purchase, promotion of research in the field of information, provision of bibliographic services to the nation and transforming knowledge into digital content for all levels of education in Nigeria. The other two (2) Departments are the Administration and Finance and Supplies. 1.2 Statement of the Problem The library materials form a large constituent in the collection of the National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna. They are of great benefit in bibliographic control, research, study, learning, entertainment and knowledge transfer from one generation to another. It draw a lot of users to the library which include lawyers, students, researchers, civil servants, legal practitioners, tourists etc. However, it has been pre – observed by the researcher, through on- the- job experience that library materials seem not to be adequately manage for effective use by these users. The National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna seems not to live up to its expectation in acquiring and managing these materials to satisfy the information needs of the users. Perhaps, if this matter is not urgently addressed, it may lead to total failure of the nation`s process of information preservation and dissemination. This may lead to a citizenry who are alienated and are not versed in the nation`s indigenous information. Finally, the researcher`s extensive search of literature shows that within the context of this research, few in-depth studies have been carried out on the Management of information materials in National Library, Kaduna. This study is therefore being carried out to fill this gap. 1.3 Research Questions The following research questions were formulated to guide the study: What are the typesof information resources available and accessible in national library of Nigeria, Kaduna? What are the procedures adopted for managing information resources in National library of Nigeria, Kaduna? What are the challenges associated with the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna? What are the strategies adopted to overcome the challenges associated with the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna? 1.4 Objectives of the Study To identify the types of information resources available and accessible in national library of Nigeria, Kaduna To examine the procedures adopted to for managing information resources in National library of Nigeria, Kaduna To identify the challenges associated with the management of information resources in national library of Nigeria, Kaduna. To determine the strategies adopted to overcome the challenges associated with the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna. 1.5 Significance of the Study The findings of this study are expected to be of benefit to the management and staff of the National Library of Nigeria – Kaduna, researchers, students, policy makers, authors, lawyers, civil servants, publishers, lecturers and students of library and information science. Library materials are important library resources and have indeed taken their place in the literature of library and information science. This study on the Management of National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna is expected to add to the existing body of knowledge in the department of Library and Information Science. Furthermore, the findings of this work, if adopted, will be of great benefit to the National Library of Nigeria, libraries as it may reveal its strengths and weaknesses in the management of informationresources for adequate access and effective use. Authors, publishers and printers would also benefit from the findings of this study as they will be enlightened on the benefits of managing information resources in the National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna. Finally, the findings of this study may reveal the hindrances and remedies on the management ofinformation resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna and may perhaps make the administrators adopt strategies for effective management of the information materials. 1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study The study covers the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna. 1.7 Operational Definition of Terms Information Resources: Any organization, facility, or individual willing and able to give authoritative responses to scientific or technical inquiries out of an existing store of knowledge or Expertise. Library: Library is a social institution established to collect, organize, preserve information resources and disseminate them to people for whom the library is established in a place conducive enough for the use of the information resources. Management: Is an act or process of forecasting, planning, organizing, controlling, commanding and coordinating. Also, management is a process by which organizations ensure that their objectives are achieved by the proper planning, organization and controlling of their resources – human and materials. National Library: These are the kinds of libraries which irrespective of their title are responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all significant publications published in the country and functioning as a deposit library either by law or under some arrangement. REFERENCES Ajidahum, C. O. (2004). Procedures in Educational research. Jaji, Kaduna, Zaria. Alpha Publishing. Matthew, P. (2009). Reference services in libraries paper presented at the National Workshop on refresher course, Abuja. Odogwu, N. (2006). Acquisition and Preservation of Newspapers in the National Library of Nigeria Nigerbiblios. Vol. 17 Number 1 & 2,pg 1-9 Ohigba, A. A. &Oshile, S. (2009). Database management in the National Bibliographic Control Department of the National Library of Nigeria. Okentunji, O. B. (2006). Production of the National Bibliography of Nigeria: The Journal so Far. Umoh, E. B. (2017). Management of Information Resources in National Library of Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Library and Information Science (0nline). Vol. 5(3), pp. 97-121. Uwaifo, S.O. (2010). Information Communication Technologies and Library Services in Society. In E.C Whittaker, K. (2010). The Basics of Users Services: Library Association Publishing, London, P. 73.


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