THE USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING (TWITTER) AMONG THE STUDENT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [A CASE STUDY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION] INTRODUCTION Social media is the future of communication, a countless array of internet based tools and plat forms that increase and enhance the sharing of information. This new form of media makes the transfer of in general fluid among internet user. Social media has relevance not only for regular internet user, but business. Social media is feast changing and taken on many different forms including social networking sites (e.g Facebook, my space), belongs and Microblogs (e.g twitter) content communicates (e.g your tube flick) virtual worlds (e.g second life), social gaming podcasts, and wiki site to name a few. EARLY BEGINNING OF SOCIAL NETWORKING Early social networking on the World Wide Web began in the form of generalized online communications such as the globe. Com (1995) geocities (1994) and Triparcom (1995). All these focused on brining people together to interact with each other through chat rooms. In the late 1990, user profile became central feature of social networking sites, allowing users to compile lists of “friends” and search for other users with similar interests at about this period, newer generation of social networking sites began to flourish with the emergence of six degrees. Com in 1994, followed by make out club in 2000, friends site. In 2002, friendster was followed by my space in the same year. Twitter is a social networking like Facebook, but focuses more on words or text. Twitter set the trend for real time services, where in users can broad cast to the world what they are doing or what is on their minds through communication. BRIEF HISTORY OF TWITTER Dom sagolla, formerly of Odeo Corp Corporate predecessor of (Obvious Corp), the company behind twitter, tells the story of the micro-messaging service that has caught the imagination of every on. From tech mommies to cables news net works sports start and holly wood stars. It has become a source of breaking news and rumors. It is the new pull sating heart of the real – time internet it was born at a time when oden was facing a rather bleak future. “Rebooting” or reinventing the company started with a day long brain storming session where we broke up into teams to talk about our best ideas was lucky enough to be in at jack’s group, where he first described a service that uses to tell small groups what you are doing. Remember that at jack’s first uses case was city related, telling people that the club he’s is happening. Want to have a dispatch service that connects us on our phones using “text” twitter work on the project started on March 31 – 2006 at Jack Dorseyi until recently the CEO of twitter. He write the version 0.1 with Noah Glass who showed me twitter, back when it was known as twitter, at a party in Soma in San Francisco, that very night he wrote a short belong post about the service. GENERAL ADVANTAGE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING Social networking is a recent invention that has the internet still at the edge of its seat one to its popularity with people. This is mostly because it really is for the people. A social networking top tip by Johntotice (2010) identifies a number of advantages associated with social networking they are: Low Cost: It is cheaper to use online social networking for both personal and business use because most of it is world free. Connections: This is where you are friends with people who have other friends and so on. Such friends can also be your friends. And these connections can be very valuable in the long run. There are experiences of persons who get jobs through face book, and who met their best friends on either one social network or the other. Several Website: Are beginning to tap into the power of the social networking model for philanthropy. Such models provide a means for connecting small organizations without the resources to reach a broader audience with interested users. Contracting: With people through social networks has become, this using social networking plat forms to establish contract. Late the interaction is easier because they have already talked in interacted online. Social networking tools serve as a quick and easy way for the government to get the opinion of the public and to keep the public updated on their activities. Social networking sites have recently showed a value in social and political movement in the Egyptian revolution, face book and twitter both played a vital role in keeping people connected to the revolt. The social networks provide a platform for planning protest and sharing news in real time. Social networks are beginning to be adopted by health care professionals is a means to manage institutional knowledge and disseminate peer knowledge some social networks aims to encourage health life styles in their users for example, spark people is a social network that offers tools for peer support during weight loss. POSITIVE IMPACT OF SOCIAL NETWORKING ON STUDENT Social networking sites stands as an educational aid as student can easily access information for their school project, research and home work. They can also share and express their thoughts and ideas as a form of exercise to the freedom of speech. Social networking sites turn out to a major part of our civilization its influence is rapidly taking over the internet world like a flash. It functions as a great podium to keep in touch with family members, friends and relatives a far. It’s a modern way to meet new people on the web. People today rise up every morning and immediately look on the net for information instead of inquiring the newspaper. The National School Board Association in the united state in 2010 reported that almost 60 percent of students who use social networks talk about educational topics online and more the following are some of the positive impacts of social networking on students and learning. The use of online social networks by school libraries is also increasingly prevalent and they are being used to communicate with potential library user. Social works are being used by teachers and students as a communication tools. Because many students are already using social networking sites, teachers have began to familiarize themselves with this trend in order to leverage student interest in relations to curriculum content some of this includes: Creating chartroom forum. Positing assignment, text and quizzes to assist with home work, outside the class room setting. Creating groups to extend class room discussion. Social networking services are being used to faster teacher, parent’s communication. This service makes it possible and more convenient for parent to ask questions and voice concern without having to meet face to face with their children’s teacher e.g sites like twitter, Facebook and 2go e.t.c. Social networking sites are product of technological advancement of computer systems that provide email, chat and even surfing for inform eventually as the passed by large and growing establishments are now hopping into the social networking trend it has help businesses in an enormous way that some of it becomes a part of the company’s cycle. In addition, the usage of it provides companies a direct feedback from its customers. Since most of us are spending much time on social networks activities, it is wise to identify the positive and negative effect of social networks, certainly, it is a big help to business economic status in such a way that they can advertise and promote easily. NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL NETWORKING The popularity of the social networking sites increased rapidly in the last decade. This is probably due to the reason that college and university students as well as teens used it extensively to get global access. These social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook have become a raging craze for everyone nowadays. The negative effects of these social networking sites overweight the positive ones. These sites have caused some potential harm to society. The students become victims of social networks more often than anyone else. This is because of the reason that when they are studying or searching their course materials online, they get attracted to these sites to kill the boredom in their study time, diverting their attention from their work, other negative side effects of social networking websites include the followings: Reducing learning and research capabilities: Students have started relying more on the information accessible easily on these social networking sites and the web. This reduces their learning and research capabilities. Multi-tasking: Students who get involved in activities on social media sites while studying result in reduction in their focus of attention. This cause reduction in their academic performance and concentration to study well. Reduction in real human contact: The more time the students spend on these social media sites, the less time they will spend socializing in person with others. This reduces their communication skills, they will not be able to communicate and socialize effectively in person with others, and the employers are getting more and more satisfied with the communication skills of the fresh graduated due to this reason. The effective communication skills are key to success in the real world. Reduces command over language usage and creative writing skills: Students mostly use slang words or shortened forms of words on social networking sites. They start relying on the computer grammar and spelling check features. This reduces their command over the language and their creative writing skills Time Wastage: Students while searching and studying online, get attracted to using social media sites and sometimes they forget why they are using internet. This wastes their time and sometimes students are not able to deliver their work in the specified time frame. Low grade: Students get low grades in school due to lack of the desired information and writing skills. Loss of Motivation in Students: The students motivational level reduces due to the use of these social networking sites, they rely on the virtual environment instead of gaining practical knowledge from the real world. Effect on Health: The excessive use of these sites affect the mental as well as physical health. Students do not take their meals on time and take proper rest, they take excessive amount of coffee or tea to remain active and focused which effects negatively on their health. The overuse of these sites on a daily basis has many negative effects on the physical and mental health of students making them lethargic and unmotivated to create contact with the people in person. The parents should check and balance on their children when they use the internet. They should be on guard whether they are using it for appropriate time period or not. The peers and teachers should also help students make them aware of the negative effect and explain what they are losing in the real world by sticking to these social networking sites. THE NEGATIVE EFFECT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON SOCIETY AND INDIVIDUALS Social networking allows users to easily meet and communicate. Social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace allow you to find and connect with just about anyone from a co-worker in a neighbouring cube to the girl who played Emily in your high school production of “Our Town” thirty years ago. Browsing these sites can make you feel connected to a larger community, but such easy and casual connection in an electronic environment also have its downside. A false sense of connection: According to Cornell University’s Steven Strogatz, social media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish between the meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous causal relationships formed through social media. By focusing so much of our time and psychic energy on these less, meaningful relationships, our most important connections, he fears will weaken. Cyber-bullying: The immediacy provided by social media is available to predators as well as friends, kids especially are vulnerable to the practice of cyber-bullying in which the perpetrators, anonymously or even posing as people their victims trust, terrorize individuals in front of their peers. The devastation of these online attacks can leave deep mental scars. In several well publicized cases, victims have even been driven to suicide. The anonymity afforded online can bring out dark impulses that might otherwise be suppressed. Cyber-bullying has spread widely among youth, with 42% reporting that they have been victims, according to a 2010 CBS News Report. Decreased productivity: While many businesses use social networking site to find and communicate with clients, the sites can also prove a great distraction to employees who may show more interest in what their friends are posting than in their work tasks. posted two studies which demonstrated damage to productivity cause by social networking. Nucleus Research reported that Facebook shaves 1.5% off office productivity while more claimed that British companies lost 2.2billion a year to the social phenomenon. New technology products have become available that allow social networks to be blocked, but their effectiveness remains spotty. Privacy: Social networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives. Because intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives, what’s more, the thing they post remain available indefinitely. While at one moment a photo of friends doing shorts at a party may seen harmless, the image may appear less attractive in the context of an employer doing a background check. While most sites allow their users to control who sees the things they’ve posted, such limitations are often forgotten, it can be difficult to control or don’t work as well as advertised. BRIEF HISTORY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF KADUNA POLYTECHNIC The Department of Business Administration started as Department of Commerce and later became the Department of Business and Secretariat Studies in 1981 with Mr. E. O. A Jabge as the Head of Department. The Department was splitted into two i.e Department of Secretariat Studies; Mrs Sarah Mshelbwala who as the HOD then moved to the Department of Secretariat Studies (i.e her area of specialization). Consequently, Mr. Alfred Opatunde became the HOD in 1990. In 1992 the mantle of leadership fell on Mrs. M. B. Omotosho uptill 1999, Mal. A. D. Umar took over from 1999 – 2004 and Dr. Aliyu Mamman (The current Deputy Rector, Kaduna Polytechnic) became HOD from 2004 – 2008. Thereafter in 2008 Mal. Isah M. Adamu was saddled with the responsibility of leadership when Dr. Aliyu Mamman was appointed the Director of CBMS. After a year of leadership Mal. Isah M. Adamu went on a course and Mrs. Sulzy B. Ali was then appointed HOD in 2009 till date. The department is the largest in College of Business and Management Studies with a staff strength of 40 part from Youth Corpers and student population size of over 1,600 (One Thousand Six Hundred) running various programmes ranging from Post Graduate Studies to Higher National Diploma to National Diploma, the Higher National Diploma runs in Regular, evening and Weekend, so also the National Diploma programme runs in the morning and evening. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION The method of data collection used in this research work is (Audio) voxpop method. Voxpop are method used to get rushes or techniques employed by the media houses to sample the opinion of people or different perspectives on any contemporary issues that affect them either directly or indirectly. The aim of voxpop is to sample people’s opinions, its help to have variety of ideas and it should be noted that responses from voxpop should be short, snappy and straight forward or hits the nail on the head. Voxpop can be done in a pizza place where people works and does different activities, it will enable a reporter to gathered his or her rushes easily. In addition, voxpop can be done in various ways, taken of scene and video shorts in other to gather sensitive materials for news and different programmes in the media houses. And also no news or events are wasted in the media houses because it can be another means of perspectives and also grievances to the government through the means of media corporation houses. PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS Based on result gathered from rushes or findings, it analyze the merits, demerit and also effects of twitter chat and its usage among students of Business Administration Department. The research reveals that there is a wide usage of Twitter chat among students of Business Administration, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna. According to research, majority times of students who chat on twitter said, they use it always while some said at their leisure time they used in chating (twitter) also according to research student who chat on daily basis are 50% while students or youths who considered it as a source of information are 35% and means of meeting new and old friends. While 15% of them says the bad effect of twitter, by saying users have no time for there self anymore, when you are used to it, you can’t do without it, it also make some people married the wrong person or meet a wrong friend. Furthermore, the study reveals that the users of twitter uses it effectively but on leisure times. Twitter has the ability to attract it is enlightening and entertaining. However, the research questions and answers raised in the study perverted that majority of the students of Business Administration, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna expose themselves to twitter with 50% respondents representing entire Business Administration students of Kaduna Polytechnic, exposing themselves to school sports and music, act news reading across the world and are also used to twitter chat. CONCLUSION The research was concerned about the impact of social networking on youth learning. The investigation was based on social networking and students. Social networking has made exchange of ideas and knowledge easier and faster than it had ever been. Youths especially use social networks very well, this is because it is now accessible using mobile phones, to this end, various kinds of topics can be discussed through the social networks including topic related to schooling and education. Since students form a larger part of those who use social networking, it is not right to say that students would not discusses anything about their education. Since It can therefore be concluded that social networking has a great impact on youth learning among which is the involvement of students into discussion pertaining to school activities and other educational issues. RECOMMENDATION Government should incorporate social networking in the school curriculum; this will help students to understand how to use the social networks for academic purpose. School teachers should regularly post and re quest submission of assignment through social networks so as to engage the students in academic activities while using the social network. Teacher and parents should strive to join the social network which their children belong to and hear the students and their friends in the network. This can help to monitor the activities of the students online and know how to help them. School should discourage the use of social network during school or lecture hours, thus discouraging chatting while in class. More forums and groups should be created and each class of students should have their own group of forums. This can aid discussion among students and teachers helping students to make choices of their career in life. REFERENCES Nallace, P (2007) who Know The Internet. John M. (2011) Social Networking In Academic. www.netppred.htm Saman A. (2012). Online Social Networking Services. Uses and Dangers. Stelled J. (1989). Homonizing Information Management for Specialized Reporting. Enugu. J. R. Bittner (1989) Introduction to Mass Communication. New Delhi. Falaran, B. (1998). Mass Communication: An Introduction, McGraw Hill. New York.


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