MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRONIC INFORMATION RESOURCES IN NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, KADUNA ABSTRACT This research project covers the Management of Electronic Information Resources in NOUN University of Nigeria, Kaduna. The objectives of the study were to identify types of electronic resources available, determine the methods use in the management of electronic information resources, the challenges do library face in managing electronic information resources determine the solutions to the challenges faced in managing e-information and resources in NOUN Library, Kaduna. The research design adopted was the case study method using questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. The population of the study comprised staff totaling 15 and purposeful sampling techniques was used because of same sample with population. The questionnaires were distributed and analyzed. The questionnaire that were administered were returned representing 100%. It was revealed from the study that the type of electronic resources available in the Open University of Nigeria, Kaduna include OPAC, E-journals, E-mail and E- books, the findings established digital library as the method used in the management of electronic information resources in NOUN Library, Kaduna. The study also identified some challenges the library face in managing electronic information resources in NOUN Library, Kaduna which is to beinformation explosion. Also, it was contained in the study that solution to these challenges are provision of adequate fund, provision of adequate information and communication infrastructure, provision of institutional policies should be provided. Recommendations were also given so as to improve access and use of electronic information resources in the library. The study comprised of five chapters which are, introduction, review of related literature, research methodology, data presentation and analysis, summary, conclusion and recommendation. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Background of the Study The Management of Electronic Information Resources in NOUN e-library is acomplex institution with multiple roles and a host of related operations and services developed over the years. Yet their fundamental purpose has remained the same, to provide access to trustworthy, authoritative knowledge. Today’s rapid changing world highlights the influence and impact of information technology in all aspects of learning life and libraries. These developments offer rich opportunities to embed technological innovations within the learning environment. Although many tertiary institutions across the world have incorporated internet-based learning systems, the success of their implementation requires an extensive understanding of end-user acceptance process (Al-Adwan, 2013). The advancement of computer and networking technologies, there is a significant growth in the availability and use of e-resources (Tao, 2008) The revolution in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), particularly the internet, is exerting profound effects on information based services. The proliferation of new technologies gives rise to a number of challenges for teaching, learning and research (Sethi and Panda, 2011). Notable, among these are those associated with the adoption and institutionalization of these emerging technologies in teaching, learning and research.As a result, in the last few years, there have been many initiatives to enhance the developed and developing countries capacity to harness this technology in reshaping their educational sectors in ways that are consistent with current knowledge societies. The internet, therefore, has created the possibility of establishing alternative models for the dissemination of information. Use of the internet by research scholars therefore, is an important area of study in today’s information environment. It has become an important component in academic institutions as it plays a pivotal role in meeting the information and communication needs of institutions. The internet makes it possible to access a wide range of information, such as up-to-date research articles, from anywhere in the world. It enables scholars and academic institutions to disseminate information to a wider audience having websites and a way to search them and organize the output (Madhusudham, 2007). Electronic resources can be defined as a resource which requires computer access or any electronic product that delivers a collection of data, be it text referring to full text bases, electronic journals, image collections, other multimedia products and numerical, graphical or time based, as a commercially available title that has been published with an aim to being marketed. These may be delivered on CD-ROM, tape, via internet and so on (Tamizhelvan, 2012). Electronic Information Resources include; the internet, online databases, e-journals, e-books and various e-resources can be accessed through computers, and other electronic devices. Most people prefer e-resources to traditional print and human information resources. Electronic resources (e-resources) have become a sign of the modern age and are an invaluable tool for teaching, learning and research. Management is a concept that refers to a set of tasks that need to be performed in order to achieve any kinds of business undertaking (Fayol, 1916). The management of electronic resources often refers to the tools and processes used to organize administrative metadata, such as license terms, vendor contracts and usage statistics. (Mitchell and Surratt, 2005). The avalanche of online resources was forcing the beginning of change on the traditional library organization. Managing of the acquired digital resource created sets of challenges for libraries. The journey to effective management of e-resources according to Parker (2007) started as a result of Digital Library Forum (DLF) held in Atlanta, Georgia, in April 2000 with a view to reviewing the shift needed to adjust from project to production perspective in digitizing efforts in libraries. This gave birth to Digital Library Federation (DLF)-Electronic Resource Management Initiative (ERMI).There were development of policies and practices and building of tools to help in the management of the over- whelming e-resources and the information therein as the structures of Library Management System (LMS) could not sustain it. "Adam Chandler of Cornell University developed a Web Hub for developing administrative metadata for electronic resource management for promoting sharing of what different individuals and libraries were building in terms of tools to support electronic resource management (Parker, 2007). This developing countries like Nigeria, striving to be equally competitive in international markets, under tremendous pressure to similarly embed appropriate blends of technologies within their learning and curriculum approaches, and consequently enhance their learning experiences.Consequently, academic libraries along with their private and governmental counterparts have long stood unchallenged throughout the world as the primary providers of recorded knowledge and historical record. Within the context of higher education especially, when users wanted dependable information, they turned to academic libraries (Campbell, 2006). The history of the National Open University of Nigeria started as a Federal Open and Distance Learning (ODL) institution, the first of its kind in the West African sub-region. It is Nigeria's largest tertiary institution in terms of student numbers and is popularly referred to as 'NOUN'. The National Open University was initially established on 22 July 1983 as springboard for open and distance learning in Nigeria. It suspended by the government on 25 April 1984. However, its resuscitation begun on 12 April 2001 by the former President of Nigeria, Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo. At take off of the university, pioneer student enrollment stood at 32,400. The National Open University of Nigeria in its effort to take education to the doorstep of the Nigerian populace irrespective of their social status and the developing Economy of Nigeria has deployed and implemented iLearn portal technology to enhance student's learning experience. The NOUN iLearn platform has been created to ease access to excellent quality education. The platform provides amongst many, the following; Online class discussions organized by NOUN facilitators thereby creating a virtual classroom environment; Facility for students to get answers to any questions or areas of difficulty pertaining to their course of study; Networking and collaboration tools to help in community of interaction among students, facilitators, academic staff and faculty members; Better study tools such as the Smart e-Book Digitized lecture video and audio materials for an enhanced student’ learning experience available on the platform; and Access to assignments, quizzes and self-study assessment tools. The e-resources are found in the e-library of the university. E-library may be defined as the way of carrying out the functions of libraries encompassing new types of information resources, new approaches to classification and cataloguing, intensive use of electronic systems and networks and dramatic shifts in intellectual, organizational and electronic practices (Fox, 2012). The NOUN operates an e-library in which all students have access to after providing a valid student's identity card. Students have access to both Internet facilities, books, journals, projects, thesis of past students and other educational materials. By its nature as an ODL institution, NOUN does not provide lectures to students in normal classrooms except some certain study centres. The study centre in Lagos for instance provides lectures to all its Law undergraduates and supplies necessary course materials to all students after the payment of tuition fees. All the courses being offered by the university have been accredited by the National Universities Commission (NUC). However, the literature reveals by Sethi and Panda(2011) that there is a dearth of studies on the use of e-resources and the internet in the context of academics, researchers and students across the globe. Therefore, the present study is to investigate on the Management of Electronic Information Resources in NOUN E-Library, Kaduna 1.1 Statement of the Problem Management of Electronic Information Resources in NOUN e-library has a major input into research, teaching and decision-making related to learning activities is information and knowledge. Therefore, access and use of appropriate and up-to-date information resources and knowledge by researchers, students and policy-makers is vital if they are to carry out their activities successfully. Unfortunately, due to various factors such as, the reduction in funding to libraries, the increasing cost of library resources, licensing fees and subscription fees that showed that very few African countries, including Nigeria, can afford such costs. However, with the availability of electronic resources (e-resources) the situation is changing due to the collaboration amongst libraries. Library collaboration and cooperation is a current trend and therefore widely studied. Open University of Nigeria, Kaduna has been the subject of various studies. For this reason, this has motivated the study onmanagement of electronic information resources in NOUN e-library, Kaduna Centre. 1.2 Research Questions The following are the research questions for the study: What are the types of electronic information resources available in the Open University of Nigeria, Kaduna? What are the methods used in the management of electronic information resources in NOUNLibrary Kaduna? What challenges do library face in the management of e-resources in NOUN Library Kaduna? What are the solutions to the challenges faced in the managing electronic information resources in NOUN Library, Kaduna? 1.3 Objectives of the Study The following objectives will guide the study: To identify the types of electronic resources available in the Open University of Nigeria, Kaduna. To determine the methods use in the management of electronic information resources in NOUN Library Kaduna. To identify the challenges do library face in managing electronic information resources in NOUN Library, Kaduna. To determine the solutions to the challenges faced in managing e-information and resources in NOUN Library, Kaduna. 1.4 Significance of the Study The study on the management of e-resources in NOUN university e-library will benefit the following; students and teachers, government, librarians, researcher and the public. The findings will benefit students, lecturers in identifying types of e-information resources and methods of their management. The findings of the study will assist libraries, government and all policy makers in decision making and formulating improved policies regarding challenges and solution in the management of e-resources. The findings of the study will benefit the researchers and public by contributing to the existing body of knowledge on the subject, and for further researchers. 1.5 Scope and Delimitation of the Study The study will focus on the types of e-resources available in NOUN e-library; the methods in managing e-resources, the challenges e-library face in managing e-resources and the solutions to the challenges faced in managing e-resources resources NOUN e-library, Kaduna. 1.6 Operational Definition of Terms The following are the operational definition of terms: Academic library: as an integral part of a college, university, or other academic institution for post-secondary education, organized and administered to meet the information needs of students, faculty, and affiliated staff of the institution. E – Library: it is refers to as paperless library which deals with online information resources. E-resources: are defined in the study as resources which require computer access or any electronic product that delivers a collection of data, be it text referring to full-text databases, electronic journals, image collections, other multi-media products and numerical, graphical or time based as a commercially available title that has been published with an aim to be marketed. Library: It can be defined as the warehouse of information resources both prints and non-prints which are acquire, store, process, preserve and disseminate to the general public for use. Management: Management is the process of planning, controlling, organizing, directing and co-coordinating of both human and informational resources in the library. Management of electronic resources: often refers to the tools and processes used to organize administrative metadata, such as license terms, vendor contracts and usage statistics. NOUN: It is an acronym for National Open University of NIGERIA, Kaduna REFERENCES Al-Adwan, A., Al-Adwan., A. and Smedley, J. (2013). Exploring Students’ Acceptance of E-Learning Using Technology Acceptance Model in Jordanian Universities. International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology, 9(2): 4-18. Campbell, J.D. (2006). Changing a Cultural Icon: The Academic Library as a Virtual Destination. EDUCAUSE Review, 41(1): 16-30. Madhusudham, M. (2010). Use of Electronic Resources by Research Scholars of Kurukshetra University. The Electronic Library, 28(4): 492-506. Sethi, B.B. and Panda, K.C. (2011). Use of E-Resources by Life Scientists: ACase Study of Sambalpur University, India. Library Philosophy and Practice [e-journal]. Tao, D. (2008). Understanding Intention to Use Electronic Information Resources: A Theoretical Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. The AMIA [American Medical Informatics Association] Annual Symposium Proceedings Archive.


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