DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A GSM BASED CAR SECURITY SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the report As the level of technology increases on daily basis it becomes necessary to device more means of curbing or reducing to nearly zero, the high rate of crime. Technology can be fashioned in a way to provide security of life and property. The case of car hijacking or theft has become so rampant to the extent of threat to almost everybody. Many cannot drive in their expensive k official cars without escorts of nothing less than four to five cars full of armed men depending on the level of security of the country, plus the sounding of given to scare the evil doers. But for an ordinary man who is not allowed to drive in car with siren or accompanied by escort, It may yield another story. Through the advent of technology, the security agencies has been assisted in tracking, finding or locating a stolen vehicle by the integration or incorporation of a hijack or theft security system such as GSM based security system into the car which can be programmed to immobilize the vehicle from moving hence forth until the GSM resets the electronic circuit. The relevance of this work is not far fetched, it is obvious that this work can be exercised on automobiles. It therefore becomes more interesting for a car owner or driver to pay more attention to this study. Since the number of car owners increases, though threatening to the proportional increase in fuel price, yet number of cars keep increasing. Hence this work is therefore relevant to every individual that is security conscious for both life and property. However, with the implementation of the project, taking advantage of the wide proliferation of GSM wireless network communication technology, vehicles securing and recovery can be done easily and remotely. 1.2 Statement of the Problems Some problems encountered during the project construction include misuse of some component leading to component damage, some damaged component bought unknowingly which failed in the course of construction, and these were resolved by replacing the damaged component. Another problem encountered was the sourcing of desired component for the project, this is mainly due to the absence of ratified parts dealers and manufacturer’s representative within reach, and it lead to various modification of design to suit the types of parts that can be readily sourced, making the project really tasking and time consuming. 1.3 Aims and Objectives This project is aimed at designing and constructing a GSM controlled vehicle security system. The objectives of this project is to: Design and construct the security control unit Design and construct the GSM interface circuit Realize a regulated 5v d.c supply which is to be used in the charging of the handset batter Incorporate an actuator such as the fuel pump into the circuit Incorporate the brainbox into the circuit 1.4 Methodology To achieve the desired aim and objective of this project, the following method are to be adopted. Realization of a 5volts regulated d.c supply The car battery (lead acid battery) being a regulated 12v d.c supply is further regulated to 5 volts which is going to be used to power only the GSM circuit, so that it remains on even if the vehicle is off. Incorporation of a GSM handset. In this project a low cost handset (Nokia 26100) due to its good reception will be embedded in the car security system, fully loaded with al the necessary facilities that will enable it to receive calls (i.e sum card, charging system of the GSM battery e.t.c) the sound signal or calling pulses acts as a triggering pulse to the PC 123 IC in the control circuit of the system. Incorporation of actuators (fuel pump) The actuators are basically relays driven transistors switches, it interfaces the output transducer (fuel pump) Incorporation of the brain box system into the circuit The negative voltage going to the brain box is connected to the circuit. Since the positive voltage is not tampered with, all the display LEDs on the dashboard will indicate “OK”, this will leave the thief more confused. 1.5 Scope of the Study The existing car security system and its techniques as available to day becomes ineffective because of the following Increase in failure rate of the existing car security system. Level of awareness The theft of cars and items from cars is now a booming business. Fortunately most thieves like easy pickings and the casual thief will tend to avoid vehicles that are security locked with no valuable left visible, for the professional thief a more active form of deterrent is required and this simple GSM controlled car security system should fill the bill in most cases. It can be installed with a minimum of interference with the existing car wiring. 1.6 Report Organization This project is divided into five chapters, including the introduction as chapter one, chapter two describes the related theory as well as the basic building blocks and operation of the GSM controlled car security system. Chapter three unfolds the design and implementation of each block, while the test result and discussion are presented in chapter our, conclusion will be in chapter five and references.


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