Resident of unguwan romi on program "perspective" on Invicta FM

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Radio as a mass communication medium is the most accessible and the most popular channel of communication, this is because its broadcast stories ranges from drama, entertainment to news and education, advertising and political communication. This command a wide range of listeners with its audiences stated even in remotest part of the world. Radio is the most accessible and wide reaching medium because of some advantages the medium posses such as portability, affordability and because it is relatively inexpensive compared to others like television and print media. Radio has emerged as the easiest to operate and the most effective sources of disseminating information of any kind in developing countries Sola, (2002). Also radio over the years has been the most popular medium of communication that reaches all the corners of the society, including the rural areas, this makes radio to enjoy certain advantage over other communication media. Almost every household now has a radio receiver. Radio therefore, mobilize the people on vital issues affecting their lives, as an avenue to transmitting cultural norms and values and enhances development through its program that are capable of remedying the problem of illiteracy among people. Radio in Nigeria has a direct link with political, social, economic and cultural factors, the British colonial master established radio in Nigeria because of news for them to link up with their colonies and Nigeria was one, the intention was to strengthen colonies rule as it was established as an instrument to reach all the British colonies. Advent of radio have tremendously transformed the way information is disseminated, prior to its invention, people most especially in primitive Africa society had their peculiar way of disseminating information such as the use of town criers and assembling people in strategic locations in the village such as market square to disseminate information to them. In primitive Yoruba society, different signs and objects were used to disseminate information. Colonial masters brought radio to ease their administration and ever since it has been to pass information from government to the citizen and people use it to disseminate social and religious programmes because of its capability to reach large audience. Advancement in information and communication technology has brought other means of information dissemination such as television, internet, mobile phones, fax, telex, telegram among other (Nwodo, 2015). Through radio programmes, audience can make input or comment on national issues; hence it is one program type that creates avenue for audience feedback. The public own the airwave and has the right or responsibilities to give effective feedback and to play a decisive role in shaping the communication that move through the public airwaves. Thus, if the media are to have meaningful role in democracy, citizen need to make informed decision and participate in policy making process. This can be achieved when avenues are created for popular participation among media audience (Nwodo, 2015). 1.2 Brief History Of InvictaFM Invicta 98.9 FM is a 24-hour youth-centric Urban radio station and we are a “100% ENGLISH” broadcast station. We do produce and air jingles in Hausa and Pidgin English as well. Our core target market is young & youthful people between the ages of 9 - 23 years while our overall target audience includes adults between the ages of 24-45 years and over 45’s. Invicta 98.9 FM features music genres such as hip-hop, rap, techno, electronic dance music, rhythm & blues, afrobeat, Nigerian hip-hop and R&B, dancehall, new age and reggaeton. We are gradually dominating the ‘Share-of-voice’ among radio listeners in Kaduna State and our ‘Be victorious’ brand image & brand identity is growing exponentially. Statement of Problem The importance of Radio in promoting development at both the rural and urban areas cannot be overemphasized. This is because the advent of radio and their associated programs have tremendously transformed the way information is disseminated, prior to its invention, people most especially in primitive Africa society had their peculiar way of disseminating information such as the use of town criers and assembling people in strategic locations in the village such as market square to disseminate information to them. However, the massive and rapid growth and expansion of radio stations has raised concerns over whether they are contributing to the development of their designated states or the interests of advertisers and their profit minded owners (In the case of private stations). There are schools of thought who argue that radio is a conduit of Western cultural products like music and advertisements, which are suppressing rural development-oriented local content. On the other hand, there are those who believe that radio has taken the government and its policies closer to the rural people than in the days back, and therefore helped to raise the level of awareness among the rural people, on government policies, national and international events, etc. The question is, what is the perception of the resident of UnguwanRomi on a radio program “Perceptive” on Invicta FM 98.9, Kaduna. This becomes the rationale behind this study. 1.4 Aims and Objectives of the Study Aim The research seeks to find out the impact of Invicta FM 98.9 Radio Program “Perspective” on the residents of UngwanRomi community. Objectives The objectives of the study includes; To know the level of awareness of the program “Perspective” among the residents of UnguwanRomi To find out why the people of UnguwanRomi listen to “Perspective” on Invicta FM To ascertain the impact of the program “Perspective” on the residents of UnguwanRomi 1.5 Research Questions The following research questions will serve as guide in conducting this research work What is the level of awareness of the program “Perspective” among the residents of UnguwanRomi What is the attitude of the inhabitant of UnguwanRomi towards the program How does the program “Perspective” impact the lives of the residents of UnguwanRomi Significance Of The Study The study will be significant to the community socially, morally and economically, especially in terms of development in the communities. It will also help the broadcast media to shape their programming pattern and content in order to suit and appeal to the viewing and listening abilities of the audience making it possible for the government to always be aware of the pressing issues of the communities. It will be significant to the government in terms of provision of information and training especially in the areas that are imperative for development. The academic significance of this study is that it will be of great significance to students and researchers who might embark on a related study. It will serve as a point of reference and literature enhancement. 1.7 Scope/Limitation Of The Study The scope of study is focus on the resident of UnguwanRomi perspective on the radio program “Perspective” on Invicta FM 98.9 and is limited to the study area (UnguwanRomi, Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State). 1.8 Theoretical Framework This study is guided by two models which includes; selective perception theory and uses and Gratification theory. These theories describe how peoples perceived media content. 1.8.1 Selective Perception Theory This theory is also known as selective exposure, is the theory that an audience's interpretation of media is dependents on their personal beliefs. The public willingly chooses to consume media that aligns with their principals if they consume media that does not reflect their ideas, the audience will view and construe the medium's content in a frame that supports their original ideas. In the way, every piece of content portrayed in a medium will be placed in an agreeable stance with the viewers belief or be ignored. This theory was originally established by Paul lazarsfeld under the Bureau of Applied social Research in the Columbia school. Lazarsfeld was an American sociologist who wrote the people's choice in 1948, a book on how voters determine their presidential with Barnard Berelson, Lazarsfeld claimed that the media has little influence over the public's opinion in voting (Danes, 2013). When a person views media content only the ideas that fit preconceptions are entertained while counter-claims are disregarded. Lazarsfeld's and Elihu Kats's research in 1955 focused on if and to what extent can a medium's content about a candidate change the beliefs of voters supported the political party information that fit their previously-held ideas. These results showed that a person's interpretation of media content is based around the values of their social classorgroup (Danesi 2013). 1.8.2 Uses and Gratification theory Much has been said about the uses and gratifications theory of the media and on which the study of audience listening behaviour of private radio broadcasting stations in Nigeria is set up (Albarran, Tonya Anderson and co Researchers, (2007). The theory focuses on media-audience research and on need approach to underscore how individuals use the media to meet their needs and fulfilled their value-interest. As Papacharissi (2009) puts it, individuals select media and content to fulfill felt needs or wants, noting that the needs are expressed as motives for adopting a medium use. The author therefore submits those media users are active audience. Gora, (2017) notes that the uses of mass media are dependent on the perception, selectivity and previously held beliefs, values and interest of the people. The development of uses and gratifications theory, and its influence in media audience research is connected to earlier media researchers such as Lazarsfeld (1940) who studied the uses and gratifications theory in radio listening in USA, Herta Herzog, (1944) studied the relations of the uses and gratifications theory and the reasons why people chose specific types of media and identified emotional, wishful thinking, and learning as three gratifications of media use. McQuail, Blumler and Brown, (1972) draw on the uses and gratifications theory established the benefits of media use and emphasizes diversion, personal relationships, personal identity and surveillance as critical gratifications in consumption Furthermore, Katz, Blurnler, & Gurevitch (1974) and subsequently advances in media audience research and as need-fulfillment approach to engage media content consumption noting that people have certain needs that they wish to gratify from media usage behaviour. The authors appear to suggest that media use has the following goals and are; The audience is active and its media use is goal oriented People have various uses (needs) they seek to satisfy through media Audience members take initiative to link need gratification to a specific media The media compete with other sources for need satisfaction People have enough self-awareness of their own media use, interests and motives to be able to provide researchers with accurate picture of that use and Value judgment of media content can only be assumed by the audience. Furthermore, Biocca, (1988) sees audience as a critical factor in media consumption noting that the active and passive audience categorization as a means understanding the processes of media content consumption. The author regards active audience as individuals who use the media relative to his own interpretative forms, interest and value system and freedom of usable behaviour while passive audience is always at the receiving end of media content flow and the freedom to use the media in relations to own inclinations and meaning is non-existent. Blumler, (1979) advances the activity of the audiences within the framework of the uses and gratifications of the media, and point out that audience uses the media in diverse ways citing as follows; Utility refers to using the media to accomplish specific tasks. Intentionality occurs when people’s prior motive determines use of media. Selectivity refers to audience members’ use of media reflects their existing interests and Imperviousness to Influence: refers to audience members’ constructing their own meaning from media content. A more retrospective documentation on the stages of development of the uses and gratifications theory in media-audience research has found from the work of scholars such as Egede, (2013; Papacharissi, (2009); Ruggiero, (2000) and Obot, (2013) and on which the principles of U&G in radio news media research is linked. 1.9 Operational Definition Of Terms Radio- Radio is a medium that can be used to mobilize the rural dwellers and even urban dwellers for development purposes if effectively used. Broadcast Programmes- this is the practice of organizing and ordering of broadcast media programmes (internet, television, radio, e.t.c) in a weekly, monthly, quarterly or season-long schedule. Audience: This refers to the media participants or receivers and all those who are actually reached by a particular programme. Feedback: It is the audience response to a particular message.


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