influence of smartphones usage on social interaction among the youths of Malali, GRA- Kaduna.

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION Smartphone has become one of the most pervasive gadgets of the 21st century. In the last decade smartphone adoption has grown exponentially to emerge as an integral part of everyday life in most societies (Alfawareh and Jusoh 2014). A survey of global attitudes and trends by Pew Research Centre (2016) show a sharp rise in smartphone ownership over the last three years. While the survey indicate a high prevalence of smartphones in Europe, Africa, US and South Korea however, emerged the country with the highest penetration of smartphones (88%). Smartphones were made possible by the introduction of the Global System for Mobile Communication popularly known as GSM. The emergence of GSM is traceable to 1982, when the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) constituted the Groupe Spécial Mobile committee ostensibly, to draw up a unified cellular telephone protocol for Europe, although the eventual mandatory standard or specifications were articulated by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (Huurdeman 2003). Essentially, the GSM encapsulates the open and integrated second- generation (2G) digital cellular standard that powers mobile phones. Between its introduction in 1982 and now, the GSM has improved in capability and efficacy becoming the most widely used phone technology across the world. In 2010, the GSM Association reported that technologies using the GSM protocol serve eighty percent of the international mobile market, covering over 5 billion people across more than 212 countries and territories, making GSM the most pervasive of the many standards for mobile systems. As at 2014, GSM has emerged as the de facto global standard for mobile communications – controlling over ninety percent market share and in use in more than 219 nations and regions. With the infusion of General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) technology, Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), and the 3G standard, the GSM phones provide a variety of applications that allow people to perform a number of activities ranging from personal, social, economic to academic endeavours. Nigerian mobile phone consumers have embraced this technology passionately. The dawn of the 21st century marks the revolution in information and communication technology (ICT), revealing that more people are becoming reliant on wireless communication systems. Research has shown that Nigeria is one of the world's largest users of wireless phones with an estimated 600 million users in 2005 and also indicated Nigeria as having a wireless phone user population of about 14.5 million (55.9 percent) in 2004, this exceeds half of the total population. It has also been predicted that the population of mobile phone users in Nigeria will rise higher than the current figure once the 3G technology becomes fully operational in the country. The Nigerian Communication and Multimedia Commission conducted a survey which exposed that the number of wireless phone users has exceeded those of the fixed lines. And this study also indicated that about 74 % of the users of mobile phone sent at least one SMS a day. The packaging of mobile communications devices with internet services such as e-commerce and other broadband services is providing customers with fewer restrictions and greater flexibility. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Accessibility of smartphones in youths has been increasing significantly in recent time and it will be kept snow-balling in future due to social’s digital trends, dropping prices, educational and emotional mobile’s applications, online presence through social networking and of course personal communication. Needs are now transformed into behavioural addiction in which youths sometimes become so absorbed that they are unaware of their surroundings and thinking themselves incomplete without smartphones. Further, earlier studies and related researches has revealed about smartphone addiction/ technological addiction causing decline in physical exercise leading towards mental fretfulness and physical stunted growth. Mentally, smartphone addicted youths are deprived of the ability to sympathize, communication and coordinate with others and become aggressive which make them difficult to make friends. This addicted relationship between smartphone and the youths due to growing proliferation of digital media implies some adverse risks of cyberbullying, unpredicted actions and violence. Moreover, longer screen time may associate with obesity, sleeping disorder, anxiety, depression and poor health condition due to high microwave radiation exposure in youths causing non-substance-related disorder which includes compulsive un-socializing behavior, lack of tolerance, cognitive distraction and functional impairment. Parents and teachers on other hand, started feeling insecure with youths increasing addiction of smartphone and scattering social networking particular when identity of virtual users is hidden and unknown. Adults consider it unnecessary screen time and problematic smartphone usage in youth. Lack of monitoring and control over children’s smartphone access further exacerbating parents/ teachers’ situation particular related to youths interest in viewing inappropriate content on their smartphone (alone & in group) and unsolicited contact from strangers destroying their peace-of-mind. Collectively, this non-chemical behavioral addictions increasing stresses in life and this study therefore will examine the influence of smartphones usage on social interaction among the youths of Malali, GRA- Kaduna. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY AIM The research seeks to examine the influence of smartphones usage on social interaction among the youths of Malali, GRA- Kaduna. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the study includes; To find out the number of youth that owned a smartphone in Malali GRA- Kaduna To find out the uses of smartphone among the youths of Malali, GRA - Kaduna Examine the different ways smartphone have influence social interaction among youth of Malali GRA RESEARCH QUESTIONS The following research questions will serve as guide in conducting this research work To know the number of youths in Malali who have a smartphone? To know the activities youths engage with when using the smartphones To know how many hours youths in the study area spend on smartphones To examine the value attached to the smartphones To examine how the use of smartphones influence social interaction among youths of Malali GRA - Kaduna SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The convenience brought by the mobile phone technology has indeed changed the life of many people and society. The mobile phone is becoming the primary personal communication mechanism worldwide (Leung & Wei, 2000). Not only is it a talking device on the move, but it is also a social accessory (Peters & Alluoch, 2005). Its use has become a social phenomenon, taking place within a social context and influenced by perceptions of products, services and social norms (Roos, 2003) This study is significant in assisting communities to stay socially active maintaining interpersonal relationships and therefore enriching the social capital (Chou & Hsiao, 2000). Healthy social interaction helps one maintain good physical and emotional health and cognitive function (Lloyd & Devine, 2009). Although social interaction is complex, it is vital to human health, both mentally and physically. It provides many learning opportunities (Roos, 2003). Teenagers who learn appropriate social interaction skills often have a higher self-esteem and show a greater willingness to interact with their environment as they grow (Reid & Reid. 2007). This learning starts at the family level. 1.6 SCOPE/LIMITATION OF THE STUDY The scope of study is focus the influence of smartphones usage on social interaction among the youths residing in Malali, GRA, Kaduna, the scope of the research is reduced to just dealing with a representative sample drawn from the target population in the study area to save on time and money. 1.7 DEFINITION OF TERMS Smart Phone: A portable wireless electronic device used to but not limited to communicate, socialize, entertain. It is also referred to as a mobile phone. Smart phone usage: Any application of the cell phone as a tool, including talking, text messaging, game playing or the sheer accessibility of the instrument. Originally the cell phone served as a tool for business management. Now, cell phones serve as a tool for social connection, in other words, managing social relationships. Social Interactions: Refers to how people communicate, relate, connect, make exchanges and make contacts. Social interactions are the acts, actions, or practices of two or more people mutually oriented towards each other's selves, that is, any behavior that tries to affect or take account of each other's subjective experiences or intentions. This means that the parties to the social interaction must be aware of each other and have each other's self in mind Youth: The time when a person is young (a young man/woman) Socialization: This refers to access to the network of social connections, institutions, relationships, that exist between people, and their shared values and norms of behaviour, which enable and encourage mutually advantageous social cooperation that shape the quality and quantity of a society's social interactions Communication: This refers to the use of cell phone to send text messages, email, and instant access to news. Entertainment: It refers to use of mobile phones for various media-related activities such as chatting, watching video clips, TV or listening to radio, music and taking pictures Cell Phone Addiction: An irresistible and compulsive cell phone over-use by someone. You feel the urge to be on the phone always and a sense of insecurity and irritableness when without the cell phone.


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