IMPACT OF TERTIARY EDUCATION TRUSTFUND ON LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT FROM 2010 – 2017 (INSTITUTE OF WATER RESOURCES, MANDO - KADUNA). CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study The Impact of Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND), on Library Resource of the Institute of Water Resources, Mando from 2010 -2017 is to ascertain how TETFUND support tertiary institution. From 1980’s and beyond, the decay of all tiers of education was monumental. Facilities had almost collapsed teachers and lecturer’s morale was at its lowest. Enabling environment for conducive teaching and learning was absent. The administration of President, Ibrahim Babangida being mindful of the reality of the situation took measures to arrest the rot. Odekunleas cited in Clementina(2018), Education is widely accepted as a major instrument for promoting socio-economic, political andcultural development in Nigeria. Higher institutions educate future leaders and develop the high-level technical capacities that underpin economic growth and development.Essentially, much funding is needed to enable education effectively play this role. However, thisis usually emphasized albeit as mere rhetoric in every government and non-government forum on education (Ugwoke, 2013). From the 1980’s and beyond, it was obvious that from Primary to Secondary and Tertiary levels, there was the urgent need for funding to improve educational facilities and infrastructure, restore morale of teachers and lecturers, and generally create an enabling environment for conducive teaching and learning for the 1990s and beyond. Traditionally, public funding of education is either directly in form of teachers’ salaries, instructional materials and general infrastructure or indirectly through subsidies to households in form of tax reductions, scholarships, loans andgrants. The main sources of fund had always been federal and state taxes, royalties and sale ofcrude oil, import and export duties and later since 1994 value added tax (Ugwoke, 2013). In December 1990 the Federal Government constituted the commission on the Review of Higher Education in Nigeria (the Gray Long commission) to review the post independent Nigeria Higher Education after Lord Ashby’s commission of 1959.In January 1993, the Education Tax Act No7 of 1993 was promulgated alongside other education elected Decrees. This was a home grown solution to address issues of funding to rehabilitate decaying infrastructure, restore the lost glory of education and confidence in the system as well as consolidate the gains thereto; building capacity of teachers and lecturers (http…//, May 2011). The Library in academic environment is set up to provide supplementary support to all level of public tertiary institution with the main objective of using funding alongside project management for the rehabilitation, restoration and consolidation of tertiary education in Nigeria ( Merriam-Webster’s learners Dictionary (2016) define library asa place set apart to contain books, periodicals, and otherMaterials for reading, viewing, learning, study, orreference,as a room, set of rooms, or building where booksmay be read or Borrowed (www, Dev.) An academic library must be properly supported financially. Adequate funding should be considered a basic necessity for the effective development of academic libraries. Ubogu and Okiy (2011) emphasized that it is absolutely essential for an academic library to possess the resources that will enable it meet its goals; like well trained staff, current information system storage and retrieval, provision of ICT based services can only be appreciated if excellent services are rendered to users. The National water resources institute started when the Hydrogeology Technical Commit generated a national awareness. A central institute was then established to manage water resources problem. Problems include salinity effects, flooding. The committee held its first meeting on the October, 1977. The National water resources institute located in Mando Kaduna. The institute plays a role in promoting training courses in water resources. The institute performs researches on water development issues and advises the minister on water resources management issues. ( 1.2 Statement of the Problem In spite of the importance of the library over the years, a handful of criticisms have been leveled against the management of education system in Nigeria. The Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) administrators and the ministry of education. TETFUND are mandated with the responsibilities, provided by section 5(1) to (9) of the Act No. 7 to administer and disburse certain amount of money to the federal and state tertiary institutions including library development, but this fund might not be utilized adequately. Therefore this study have seen the necessity to meet the need of the uncertainty on the impact of Tertiary Education Trust Fund on library development in Institute of Water Resources from 2010-2017. Institute of Water Resources had its first allocation of TETFUND intervention on the 14th of January 2011. It is against this backdrop that this project aims at examining the impact of TETFUND on library development with special attention of the institution and its significance for sustainable development. Education is the main instrument used by a society to preserve, maintain and upgrade its social equilibrium. A society’s future is believed to depend largely in the quality of its citizen’s education. The education tax boards which are the administrators of the fund are faced with the problem of accountability and transparency which in the long run hinders effective assess of the beneficiary of TETFUND. 1.3 Research Questions i) What factors attracted TETFUND agency in the development of library in the Institute of Water Resources, Mando? ii) How have TETFUND made impact on library development in the institute library from 2012-2015? iii) What are the problems the library faced in accessing TETFUND intervention on the development of library in the Institute of Water Resources, Mando? iv) What are the strategies to remedy the problems? 1.4 Objectives of the Study The general objective of this study is to determine the impact of TETFUND on library development in Institute of Water Resources. The specific objectives are to: Identify the factors that attracted TETFUND on library development in the Institute of Water Resources, Mando. Identify the areas of TETFUND impact on library development in the Institute of Water Resources, Mando. Identify the problems faced in accessing TETFUND by the library. Determine possible strategies to the problem library face in accessing TETFUND intervention in the development of library in the Institute of Water Resources, Mando. 1.5 Significance of the Study The need for effective use of information resources in the library gave rise to library development which is the most effective way of helping library users to be able to find latest information resources to satisfy their needs. This study on library development through allocation of fund by Tetfund will help the library patrons find their ways in the library with ease because it helps the library to provide updated information. Tetfund will provide up to date information which helps the library to grow as a living organism according to one the Ranagathan Law which says library is a growing organism. Management will save cost through the impact of Tetfund to the library development. This project will be of immense benefit to all academic environments that includes Teachers, Student, Library and government agencies. This finding will enable Lecturers and Students to understand the factor that attracted TETFUND in the development of library. The findings of this study will completely help the administrators of education and the institution to understand specific functions of TETFUND and to discuss the problems, and for further improvement and policies. The findings of this will benefit the government in ascertaining solution to the problem encountered to enable strategies that could improve services in ten prevailed libraries.Researchers will find the findings of this study as a source of information that will be of immense benefits. It may also help to extend the frontiers of knowledge and bridge the gap in the area of library development. 1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study The study will take place in the Institute of Water Resources Library, located at MandoKaduna Igabi government area of Kaduna state, Nigeria. The study will cover the factors that attracted TETFUND, areas of TETFUND impact, problem in accessing TETFUND, and strategies to remedy the problem. 1.7 Operational Definition of Terms Development: This is defined as the process of growing more or causing something to grow or become larger or more advance. Impact: This has been defined by the Merrian Webster dictionary as “a significant or major effect on something. Library development: This is defined as the growth or directed change which provides leadership, grants and other assistance to libraries and literacy communities to improve services for all its users. Library: It is as an institution, which is specifically established for the acquisition, processing, organization, preservation, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information stored in books and other contemporary formats. TETFUND: The meaning of “TETFUND” is Tertiary Education Trust Fund. REFERENCES Clementina, O. (2018). Impact of TetFund for library development in an Academic Library (A case study of Isa Kaita Library). A project submitted to Department of Library and Information Science, Kaduna Polytechnic(Unpublished work). -water-resources-institute Merriam-Websters Learners Dictionary (2016). Book Development Definition, Onlinewww, Dev. Tertiary Education in Nigeria (2015). Daily News Paper May 25th, Tertiary Education Trust Fund, Intervention (2011). Ubog, J.O and Okiy R.B (2011). Sources of fund in Academic Libraries in Delta State, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice. Ugwoke, R.O. (2013).Education tax law and administration in Nigeria .Wudpecker Journal ofPublic Administration 2013 Wudpecker Journals 1(2), pp. 028 - 036, November 2013.


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