assess the impact of road network on tourism development in Kaduna Metropolis.

CHAPTER I Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study Tourism is defined as the short term movement of people from their usual place of residence (origin) to other places (destination) for the purpose of leisure and recreational activities without any intention of securing a permanent resident or job at the destination; Cooper and Boniface (2006). It is also seen as the science, art and business of attracting and transporting visitors, accommodating them and graciously catering for their needs and wants; Mentosh and Gupta (2008). Since the early 70s, tourism has grown to become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world, ranking only after petroleum and auto trades. Tourism today plays a significant role in the balance of payment of many countries both in the developed and developing worlds. Tourism therefore, brings huge economic and social benefits to many nations, especially those that carefully plan and manage their potential attractions or resources (UNTWO, 2010). It has become the world’s largest growing industry, statistics by the world Tourism organizations shows that there are no signs of this growth slowing down in the next Millennium. To benefit from this global trend, tourism is been adopted by governments as a vehicle for poverty alleviation, employment generation and wealth creation. It is also seen as a veritable tool for the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Road networks are observed in terms of its components of accessibility, connectivity, traffic density, level of service, compactness, and density of particular roads in tourism development. Level of service is a measure by which the quality of service on road network devices or infrastructure is determined. Developments of various road network modes have become pivotal to tourism developments in Kaduna such modes include railways, rope ways and cableways, pipelines, inland waterways, sea, air, and roads (SaidandShah, 2008). As rivers and mountains naturally reclaim the geographical composition of the continents, so ground road network systems dominate the physical planning of landscapes and cities. These man-made systems / barriers offer freedom of movement to people and goods in the society (SaidandShah, 2008). 1.2 Statement of the Research Problem Tourist attraction in Kaduna metropolis is growing. According to Mjingo (2011), there are about 10,000 tourists in the city who need transport to go to tour site and travelling back home. But the safety of travelling for these tourists, most of them rely on the erratic road transport system, which is at stake most of the time. Mjingo (2011) also reports that Kaduna metropolis has about12tourist sites. Roads are the lifeblood of Nigeria trade and social utility. Despite the increasing focus on the use of other modalities like railway, shipping and all kinds of public transport, roads carry’s the majority of tourist, keeping this traffic rolling is the main concern for road authorities. Building new roads network or expanding square meters of asphalt might seem to be the obvious way to do this. Therefore this study assess the impact of road network on tourism development in Kaduna Metropolis. 1.3 Research Objectives The objectives of the study were as follows: To assess the current system of road network used by tourists in the city of Kaduna metropolis. To examine the impact of road network irregular schedule on tourism development. To assess the mode of transport frequently used by tourist in Kaduna metropolis Research Questions The research questions of the study were as follows: What is the current system of road network used by tourists in Kaduna metropolis? What is the impact of road networks on tourism development in Kaduna metropolis What is the mode of transportation frequently used by tourists in Kaduna metropolis? 1.5 Significance of the Study The study contributes towards the on-going discussions and initiatives taken by various stakeholders towards providing reliable road network to tourists. The study also adds on information about the impact of road network transport system on tourism owners for their management of their transport systems, passenger treatment and development of tourism in Kaduna state. Tourism organizers in Kaduna will have a second look into the road network system as a major factor in setting up a tourist event, as it will involve transporting tourists around Kaduna Metropolis. 1.6 Scope of the Study This research study is based on assessing the impact of road networks on tourism development in Kaduna metropolis.


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