1.0            INTRODUCTION
The introduction of computer into news has been of advantage to numerous individual and groups. Often efforts along the line consists of a separate cause on which coding or programming is introduced or a more general introduction to computer is presented. From a logical view, it appears that computer should be studied intensively in other to develop and design application software to promote media process. Computer is considered as a sophisticated, significant management tool for analyzing and interpreting web news feeds and data for accurate and timely broadcasting of information.
Web news is a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content. Content distributed syndicate a new feed there by allowing users to subscribes to it. Making a collection newsfeed or web feed accessible in one spot is known as Aggregation, which is performed by internet aggregator. In a typical scenario using web feed a content provider publishes a feed link on their site which end users can register with an aggregator program (also called feed reader or news reader).
Running on their machine; doing this is usually as simple as dragging a link from the web browser to the aggregator. When instructed, the aggregator as all the servers in its feed list of they have new content, if so the aggregator either makes a note new content or downloads it.
This project will analyze and examine how students has actually utilize this technology to spread information within and outside the institution, haven explained online web news update service and how information can be accessed by end users.

Computer science department was established during 1999/2002 session and was just running only certificate in computer science programme. Then in 2006 the leadership of the department changed by appointed Ahmed Lawal as head of department, by 2008 he proceed to study in India than Mr. John Isaiah was appointed as the acting head of department in September, 2008. Therefore, by 2009 Shamsuddeen S.M was appointed as head of department until 2013, by 2012 the new school was created which includes computer science, mathematics and statistics and office technology and communication technology (SICT). Where the head of department of computer science Shamsuddeen S.M was appointed as director for the school and also higher national diploma (HND) was mounted during Engr.  Ahmed .A. Lugard (rector) and Shamsuddeen was relief and appointed Engr. Rechard .O. Chukwu as head of department until September 2013, where Ahmed Lawal was appointed as head of department and ICT manager until September 2015 where present head of department in person of Shamsuddeen .S.M appointed till date, the department move from it temporary site to its complex build by Engr. Ahmed .A. Lugard in 2016. Then in 2018 Engr. Richard .O. Chukwu was appointed as head of department till date (September, 12 2018).
The department has more than twenty-five (25) staffs both academic and non-academic staffs and student are almost five hundred (500) enrolling national diploma (ND) and higher national diploma (HND) program.

1.2            PREVIOUS WORK
Many authors have discussed on the subject matter in various journals textbooks, online publication and in design implementation of online web news update. A project research work was conducted by according to (Smith 2007) news media defined as a media outlet that provides political news coverage in print television fermate including online and print newspaper. News media has envolved overtime to include newspaper, radio, television (TV) and the internet. This overwhelming majority of Americans (92%) use multiple platforms to get news on typical day including national TV, local TV, the internet, local newspaper, radio and national newspaper (“participating news consume”. 2010). News media to news accessed via the internet.

1.3            PROBLEM STATEMENT
Large scale web syndication of content started in 2001 when mini clip freely syndicated online browser-based interactive gaves to the masses. 
Today many different types of contents one syndicated on the internet millions of online publishers including newspapers, commercial websites, blogs and school now publish their latest news headlines, products, offers or blogs posting in standard format newsfeed update.
In addition to freely distributed materials, some broadcaster and other use similar methods for the controlled placement of proprietary content on multiple partnering internet destinations. In addition to web feed, such commercial syndicators and school may use other method to distribute their content such as associated press and rectors.
Some commercial web syndication borrow its business models from syndication in other media as part, radio and television. Priority syndication arouse in those their media so that content creators could reach a wider audience.
Four problems that this research work intend to solve include:
i.                   Improper dissemination of information.     
ii.                 Unavailability of information to the staff and student of the institution.
iii.              Lack news update database in the institution.
iv.              Difficulty in research of history and previous event.

The specific objectives of this research work are as follows:
i.                   To show department news can easily be put on the website instantly.
ii.                 To create an opportunity for student information on websites for their views on departmental matter.
iii.              It is widely dispersed that is one a news item is put on the internet it becomes instantly available for consumption to every student.
iv.              Student can interact with each other and read comments to use reaction and possibly understand more.
1.5            SCOPE OF THE STUDY
The scope of the study is to students of computer science department, considering the effectiveness and the efficiency of information broadcasting system. The problem and activities of the online web news procedure and processing at present will be highlighted. It will also be knowing that the area a work and information covered in those work be mainly on consideration. Therefore all implementation will be based on online news research also has a limited time within which to carry out the research work.

i.                   Financial Constraints: one of the major limitation of the study is that, the research have limited financial power to implement the project.
ii.                 Unwillingness of the staff and a personals of case: The personals of the case are not willing to release some reformed information to the research,
iii.              Time Constraints: Onlining the activities, the research have limited time to carry out the project.

1.7            GLOSSARY
i.                   Web freed: Is a data formate used for providing use is with frequently updated content.
ii.                 News media: The elements of the mass media that factors on delivering news to the general public or a target public.
iii.              Journalism: Is defined as the professional selection of actual news fact to an audience by means of technological distribution method.   
iv.              Syndication: A chain or collection  that distributes features to multiple new reader process for reading and posting to newsgroup.
v.                 Newsgroup: Is a discussion about a particular subject consisting of notes written to a central internet site and redistributed through use net.
vi.              Blog: A website that allow users to share opinions and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal while readers may comment on a post.
vii.            Blogger: Is a blog publishing service that private or mult-user blogs with time stamped entires.
viii.         Social networking sites: Are sites that focus on facilitating the building a social networks or social relations among people.   

An online web news with regard to computer technology and telecommunication indicates a state of connectivity and as an activity or service which is available on or of performed using the internet other computer network where packages of information  about new happenings are been posted or update through the internet. In this chapter it consists of various author of different books and research work are been cited on how news are collected and compiled.
News media are those elements of the mass media that flows on delivering news to the general public or a target public. These include print media (newspaper, news magazines), broadcast (radio and television) and more recently the internet (online newspaper, news blogs). According to (Smith 2007) news media is defined as a media outlet that provides political news coverage in print or television format including online and print newspaper. News media has evolved overtime to include newspaper radio, television (TV) and the internet. The overwhelming majority of Americans (92%) use multiple platforms to get news on a typical day including national TV, local TV, the internet, local newspapers, radio and national new accessed via the internet.
News items is defined as information on a certain action or event containing also, as a rule, a piece of information on the view point of the main participants in the event, the news refers to more assumptions are not allowed to be presented as news items (participating news Consumers 2010).
Changes in the New Concept      
The well-known writer Toffler (2000) helped to popularize the concept of information society in his book information communication analyses; Toffler suggested that there has been a shift from an agricultural society to an industrial society and most recently, to an information society. To strengthen his argument, Toffler went to explain that the popularize civilization, which the media reflects and intensifies brings with it an enormous jump in the amount of information we will exchange with one another. And it is this increase that we are becoming an “information society” the term information society describes growing of society trading industrial products and good is no longer priority, instead knowledge and information is transported in bits bytes around the globe on the information superhighway.
As computers have increasingly played a more significant role in society, discussion about the possibilities and risks of new information technologies have becomes more common. Never before have so many people been able to generate, store, transmit and retrieve so much information in so many different forms. An Treuor (2002) Pointe out so many news communications technologies and services have appeared in recent years, satellites and fiber options to carry telephony and data, video cassette recorders, pay or subscription television multimedia and online services, intelligent and interactive networks as electronic superhighways, the internet with its world wide web, (Trello, 2002). In essence, it is technical development such as high capacity information networks, the internet, the world wide web (www). In line with the development, “multimedia” and “news media” are now in common usage. However, there is a sense in which the use of these new terms is problematic. Multimedia for example, appears to be simply a new and potentially highly efficient mean of repackaging and distributing existing media such as radically new media from with fundamentally different creative and narrative demands from the previous media, multimedia is an opportunity for exploitation by existing media (Trellor, 2002).

Journalism and News Gathering     
According to (Sanders, 1999), journalism defined as the professional selection of actual news facts to an audience by means of technological distribution methods. Journalism has undergone a number of significant changes in recent years. Indeed, according to Accord to (Paulik, 1997); journalism is now going through its most fundamental transformation since the rise of the penny press of the mid-nineteenth century. Furthermore, (Paulik, 1997), proposed that “content is becoming much more fluid than in the past, a story was typically published by a newspaper and then perhaps the next day. Today, news is in constant of flux and updates are made continuously.
In the twenty-first century, a new form of journalism is emerging where by the distinguishing qualities of ubiquitous news, global information access; multimedia content and extreme content customarization are paramount. Although may of these aspects can be linked directly to the development of the internet, the reason for this information of journalism is neither simple nor one dimensional. Rather a set of economic regulatory and cultural forces driven  by the technological changes, are converging to bring about a significant shift in the nature of journalism.
While journalism is the most important textural system in the world, has traditionally been almost a conspiracy of silence by journalist about themselves and their news gathering method. Any journalist, whether covering hard or soft news, needs to gather information in preparation for writing. All writers have to conduct research and gather information before they can start writing. A journalist uses three (3) main tools to collect information for stories:
1.     Interviews
2.     Observation
3.     Background Research
Gathering information expanding on those three, here are typically ways to collect information for a news story.
1.     Interviewing
                                        i.         Interviewing knowledgeable people such as exports, witness, officers, mangers, leaders, politicians, office holders, social scientists.
                                      ii.         Corresponding by email and letters.
2.     Observation
                                     i.            Observing events
                                   ii.            Attending speeches, lectures and public address
                                iii.            Conducting experiment and tests
3.     Research
                                     i.      Searching the internet: general search engines, academic search engines, web homepages, web articles , web journals, web archives and email discussion groups.
b. Searching the Library
i.       Electronic library catalog, general books, scholarly books and journals reference books, periodicals, bibliographies and websites.
ii.     Inspecting government documents
iii.  Reading personal papers
iv.     Viewing audiovisual materials
v.        Surveying with questionnaires

Responsibility and Integrity of Journalism  
Quality journalism began squeeze out at the end of the 19th century. As the market became saturated with sensational, people felt the need for a more responsible media, one could trust for information and not just use for entertainment, but for as it became relatively unprofitable and move to the background of online practice.
Journalism is often depicted as “watchings” or “advocates”. Both meterphors imply that journalist should operate on behalf of the public provides it with information necessary for democratic decision making, defend society from corruption and deal with issues that the publics cares about, similarly, journalistic discourse the relationship between journalists and their audiences. As a typical journalist code of ethics declares; the public’s right to know about matters of importance paramount. The newspaper has a special responsibility (associates press managing editors, 2004). Corresponding, when journalist are asked about the factors that determine their professional satisfaction, they emphasizes the importance of knowing that they are helping people and serving the public interest (Weave, 1999). Beyond these examples, various competing models of journalistic practice could be conceptualized through their interpretation of the public interest theme. The objective-neural model positions journalist as emissaries of the public due to their skill and training. Public journalism’s criticism of the prevailing models of journalistic practice focuses on the gap between the public interest perceptions of professional journalist and those of the public itself (Rosen 1991). That the development of the blog signaled the coming of the citizen journalist who gathers information from traditional resources and the offers remark. 
News group Bloggers and Sites
A newsgroup is a discussion about a particular subject consisting of notes written to a central internet site and redistributed through Usenet, discussion worldwide network of news discussion groups. Usenet uses the network news transfer protocol (NNTP).
Newsgroups are organized into subject hierarchies, with the first few letters of the newsgroup name indicating the major subject category and sub-category represented by a subtopic name. Users can post to existing new groups, respond to previous post and create new newsgroups. New comes to newsgroup are request to learn basic usenet netiquette and to get familiar with newsgroup before posting to it (Dashe and Danlop, 2003).
Blogger: is a blog publishing service that allows private or multi-users blogs with time stamped entries. It was created by the Pyra labs, which was bought by Google  in 2003. Generally, the blogs are hosted by Google at a sub domain of blog spot. Com, up until may 1, 2010 bloggers allowed users to publish blogs on other hosts, via FTP.HI such blog had (or still have) to be moved to Google’s own services, with domains other the blogspot. Com allowed via custom URLs. Blogs exhibits community structure and temporal dynamic aspect which makes them a richer domain of study than static  web pages (Dash and Danlop 2004).
Earlier work has found surprising patterns in blog dynamics; they are unexpected power laws in the popularity of blogs and the distribution of blog sites and self – similar (and busty) patterns in the blog activities.

Social Networking Sites and News Group              
Social networking sites are site that focus on facilitating the building of social networks or social relations among people who for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds or real life connections. A social network sites consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links and a variety of additional service. Most social network sites are web – based and provide means for users to interact over the internet such as e –mail and internet massaging. Social network sites, through in a broader sense, social network services usually means an individual-centered services. Social networking site allow user to share ideas, activities, events and interest within their individual networks. Popular methods of networking sites now combines of those with face book, twitter and Google widely use world wide. Social network sites are also being used teachers as a communication tool because many students are already using a wide range of social networking sites, teachers have began to familiarize themselves with this trend in order to leverage student interest in relation to curriculum content some of this includes creating chat room forums and groups to extend lectures discussions  to posting assignments, tests and quizzes.
The news group are as separate interest service from web. To access a newsgroup, you need to know the address of a news server to get the news from many e-mail programs such as outlook express can also be used to read newsgroups and these are news-reading programs as well new group message can be viewed by other subscribers and usually stay up for extracted periods of time ( a few hours to a few day to a few weeks, depending on the particular newsgroups).
Newsgroups are often moderated and subject to stricter rules than char forms. Many newsgroups provide FAQs (frequently asked questions), in order to acquaint new comers with the rules and regulation and “netiquette” of a particular group.
Overview of the Existing System
The existing system is a manual system of web news updates, where the department post news on departmental notice board. And there is no probability that the news will entail all the information of the student because it use to happen in schools. In a situation whereby the staff is tired he or she could not place the news on the right time. The system may be characterized by many comings which are lost of document, due to lack of backup.       

Adopting to the News Media
In the last two decades it has been argued on several platforms, from academic conferences to news media that the institutionalized journalism suffers from a deep crisis. Some even go as far as declaring the death of traditional journalism and there claims echo in the work of leading scholars in media studies (Bamidele, 2004).
The decline of circulation and advertising revenues for media institution (Bamidele, 2004) or the general public distrust towards media are considered symptoms of the crisis. These factor lead to massive journalist lay-offs in many parts of the world. Beside the damaging effects of this crisis on the news professionals and media organization, critical scholars also point out a wider problem.
“democratic deficits” (Agbo, 2007) 7 traditional media in general and journalism in particular, they claim  that journalism as its is practiced today becomes an obstacle rather than an enable for democracy. The evaluations that stem from the democratic deficit perspective target different aspects of journalism. This decreasing quality of political journalism is blamed on the commercialization and tabloidization of the news contents (Agbo, 2002). In line with this, increasing levels of ownership concentration as well as conglomeration are pointed to as aggravators of the problem by “reducing” the range of issues” and voice covered by the media (Anderson and Oluchi, 2007). Beside the structural constrains top down nature of news media, professional norms such as objectivity and practices such as over-dependence on elite source as well as issues related to gate keeping role have been conceptualized as problematic aspects of journalism as they are claimed to be excluding certain voices and thus reproducing and making the existing inequalities of power in the society. All these critiques strongly suggest a necessity for reform in journalism. Depending on the perceived causes of the problems, the reform projects focus on the structures (Agbo, 2007).
Concept on Online News Gathering and Reporting
Since journalist first began to gather and report information sources centuries ago, they have encountered a variety of obstacles for example in accurate and incomplete information, unreliable sources, deceptive and misleading information providers and others similar difficulties have caused both major and minor problems in news reporting (Erkion, 2001). The value of sources of reporters is also well documented. “The source is the reporter’s life blood. Without access to information in through the source, the reporter cannot function” wrote Columbia university newsgathering expert.
While new technologies, as they develop help to overcome some of the obstacles, they do not always seen to be the solution. They can sometimes add to existing problems. However, journalist have used telephones, shot-wave radio, fax machines and other new information gathering technologies to improve their work and to resolve some of the difficulties of gathering information that have emerge during the past century.
Technology-based resources, for instance, helps increase speed and sometimes, the accuracy of information being reported. Technologies of course have their shortcomings; sources on the telephone for instance may not be who say they say they are supposed o be.
Human sources have been known to be unreliable to lie and even to engage in elaborate hoaxes, with the latest information technology centered on the worldwide network of computer systems known as the internet which has been an asset to most journalist who have embraced it. Growing numbers of journalist uses the world wide web as a reporting tool with considerable enthusiasm (Sigh, 2000).

News Feed Take to the Web
Mass media representation, the firsthand accounts of bloggers and academic have taken different perspectives on the blog as both modes of publishing online and as a kind of communicative practice. The group of bloggers who first became popular commonly referred to as the original weblog community stressed the ease of blogging. Blogging from this group implied using the blog as a tool for popularity of the blogs, members of the mainstream media envisioned the blog as something specials something revolutionary. (Dash and Danlop, 2005) suggested.

According to Business Dictionary of computer (1993) “computerization can be defined as the computer application of any activity formally carried out by hand, or without computer”. And also by creating a place with computer facilities or automated procedures there by converting a manual function into level that is performed by the computer system.
According to Kelving James (1999) computerization technology include feedback control, computer process control, computer system planning and data collection and decision making to support various activities. In order word computerization simply mean changing the manual act of doing something into the digital process of doing the same thing with help of computer and also computer programs or software Paulwall (2000).
According to vocabulary Dictionary (2012) define computerization as the act of implementing the control of equipment with advanced technology; usually involving electronic hardware.
Lastly, the term computerization means the way of changing from manual operation to computer operation.
In this section, we will take a look at the meaning of the concept “apartment management system” the will also take a look at other concept that are aligned with management system.
The use of the computer as a tool in the improvement of job efficiency and reliability cannot be over emphasized. The computer machine can be define as an electronic device used for data input, processing information storage and output formatting as the may be aligned with the process of using the computer as the basic tool in developing an apartment management system and also managing a system.

The reason for computerization cannot be over emphasized the advantage is processes over the manual method are:
Computer being a highly complex electronic device is capable of solving mathematical and logical data processing problems with little or human intervention it can handle enormous masse of data unimaginable speed and perform in micro – second calculations that trained mathematician would take days to solve computer is used as an information management system by providing accurate, promoted and quality information, which help management in decision making in achieves their organizational goals and objective. It keeps comprehensive records of financial transaction and other operational activities involved in an organization.

The following are the benefit of online system:
i.                   It enables organization to be part of global villages is internet.
ii.                 It enables organization accessible around the world.
iii.              It improves organization communication.
iv.              It enhances organization efficiency and productivity.
v.                 It interlinks and interrelates.

Accuracy: With aid of computerization there is more accuracy and precision of information.
Speed: Information would be disseminated within a non-second the general public.
Update: Non information can easily be updated with ease.
Automatic: Computerization is highly automatic, once the program is leaded into computer memory user’s instruction are executed with little or less human intervention easy to regulate and monitor variable real-time information.
Security: Computerization provides high security level for data integrity and to prevent intrusion from unauthorized person.
Larger storage capacity: Computer has large capacities. This storage is capable of storing billion of data item and such data are easily accessible. 

Quick response to request: online system is the fastest and quickest form of sending and receiving request. Information are sent transmitted and delivered with shortest period of time.
Speed and flexibility: With online systems, customers have the freedom of choosing the service or merchandise among what is available and knowing precisely what are getting. Since the reservation is made in real time, the customer receives immediate assurance that what he wants is or is not available. Also because customers conduct their own transactions and receive confirmations. They are free to makes changes during  or even after the process, with a minimum of complicating factors.

The methods, techniques and tools that were used to collect and analyze data in the design of the online web news update for computer science students will be the primary focus of attention in this chapter. The proposed system which will serve as a solution problem faced using the current and manual mode of updating students will be properly examined.

The problems to be tackled in the existing system earlier are restated as follow
i.                   Lack of good medium of school advertisement publication student and public.
ii.                 Unavailability of detail information to prospective student and general public.
iii.              Enormous gap between the polytechnic and prospective student and general public.
iv.              Ineffective admission advertisement publication to prospective student.
v.                 Unavailability of detail information publication online for prospective student.

A programming languages is the computer language the programmers. Users to develop programs. The programming language used in this project is PHP (Personal Home Page), it is a language that can used to perform complex manipulation and query information from various databases such as MYSQL, and other advantages of PHP are:
i.                   It is cross platform i.e it can run on any operating system.
ii.                 It is easy to write and debug.
iii.              It is easy to maintain.
iv.              It is the preferred choice for developing interactive web sites.

Research designs are concerned with turning the research question into a testing project. The design depends on your research questions. Fury design has it positive and negative sides. The research dealing with a least for problem, what question to study, what data, what data to collect and how to analyze the result. Research design can also be divided in fixed and flexible research design (Robinson, 1993). Other have referred to this distinction with quantitative research designed and qualitative research design.
Examples of fixed research design are:
Experimental design
Non – experimental design
Quasi – experiment
Examples of flexible research design:
Case study
Ethnographic study
Research methodology is a collective term for the structured process of conducting research and the term is usually considered include research design, data gathering and analysis. Research methodology can be qualitative (for example asking people what they fell about a certain situation) or quantitative (for example measuring the number of times someone does something under certain condition). System approach is a problem solving method which help to:
i.                   Define the problem as clearly as possible.
ii.                 Analyze the problem and identify alternative solution.
iii.              Selective from the alternative and develop the most viable solution.
iv.              Evaluate the effectiveness and worth of the solution
The top-down system  approach is applied here where it is taken from the beginning the middle and the end.

The choice of method is influenced by the data collection strategy, the types of variable, the accuracy required, the collection point and the skill of the enumerator. Links between a variable, its source and practical methods from its collection can help in choosing appropriate methods. The methods of data collection used in this project are;
a.     Interviews
b.     Observation
c.      Background research
Gathering information expanding on these, here are typically ways to collect information for a news story includes:
This method of data collection used involves oral interviewing and responses from knowledgeable administrative office holders on the process of how information gets across to the student when using the existing system.
This method of data collection was gathered by one observing events and process of how student get their information, l observed the long queue, times consuming and congestion that computer science students do under go when information is been posted on the notices broad and late arrival of some information of some information due to the long process involves.
·                DOCUMENTATION
This method of data collection involves:
i.                   Searching the interest: General search engines, academic search engines, web homepages, web articles, web journals, web archives and email discussion groups.
ii.                   Searching the library
iii.              Electronic library catalogo. General books scholarly books and journals, references books, periodicationals and websites.
iv.              Reading personal papers.


v.                 Watching videos and television programs.   

Input are the signal or data received by the system and outputs are the signal 7 data sent from it. E.g keyboard or mouse  maybe an input device for a computer while monitors and printer are considered output devices for a computer.
The output specification is the list 7 record in the file, the report 7 new from the department, other websites and access by student. For more details of the program see appendix for program interface.
Users Output Design

This is the process of designing architecture components, modules, interfaces and data for a system to satisfy specified requirement it provides technical specification and report with which the problem can be trackled.
System design involve the analysis, design, configuration of necessary hardware and software. Component to support your solutions architecture the five (5) major component of system design include; the information model, commanity model, security/permission model, system integration, workflow and technical architecture.

Design of software is a creative task which has its objectives as the implementation of a system creative benefits and improvements superior to those archieve over named produces. A software programmer/developer uses programming languages to develop his software and write programs. I wrote my program with PHP and MYSQL as it database.

Due to problem observed, a new software will be designed to easy up the problem of manual recording of customer’s transaction. Location of files and records files for better assessment and management of customers records that will enable the system to be:
a.     Flexible: The system is designed to edit and correct in case of any error that is found in the program.
b.     User friendly: The program interface must be attractive and friendly to users, so that they can operate on the program by adding and removing.
c.      Easy to use: The program must be easy to use by its users, that is, making the program to be friendly as well.
The following must be achieved;
i.                   To access customers record without making mistakes.
ii.                 To be able to maintain every records and transaction of the organization.
iii.              It should be able to avoid  time wastage.
iv.              It should be able to secure information of the customers and their business transaction.

The entire file include in the program should be maintained in order not to loss important information. Microsoft visual basic has no database of its own but uses Microsoft access database where information is stored for proper maintenance and to prevent data accumulation and redundancy. Therefore, the Microsoft access database file are to be maintained properly to avoid lost of information.

These phase of the project explained the equipment required to maintain the new design system. The equipment is too major which are the hardware and software.

The system requirements for this project to be possible are:
i.                   Hardware Requirement
ii.                 Software requirement
Hardware Requirement   
i.                   Minimum of 256MB RAM
ii.                 Minimum of 40GB of hard disk
iii.              A computer system
iv.              A phase (Android, Smartphone, blackberry e.t.c)
v.                 VGA color monitor
vi.              Keyboard
vii.            Mouse
viii.         Local Area Network
ix.              Uninterrupted power supply units (UPS) and stabilizer
Software Requirement
This component of the system represents the program written to make the hardware component function
i.                   Window XP
ii.                 Window Vista
iii.              Window 7
iv.              Adebo dioam waver
v.                 Microsoft SQL  

The web site requires the following tools to use when uploading to the remote server. A file transfer protocol (FTP).
A fast internet connection.
To log on the website, user would need internet facilitates whether on a smart phone, a tablet, a laptop or a computer and a compatible browser, then enter the web address in the URL.
When the site is fully loaded to the system, a navigator has bar containing links which are home, FAQ, apply and contact. This navigator has will appear on all the pages so as to ease navigator.

The project research work has been carried out and computed. Some phases of development of the proposed system prototype only. The research work has not been deployed for use in the case study. Amongst the stages which the researcher work prototype has been carried out and completed are:
i.                   Detailed system analysis: The system analysis of the research work has been carried out and completed for the prototype only.
ii.                 System design: The system design of the research work prototype has been carried out and computed.
iii.              File design: The modules design of the research work program prototype has been carried out and completed.
iv.              System test design: The system test of the research work program prototype has been carried out and completed.
v.                 Module design: The module design of the research work program prototype has been carried out and completed.
vi.              Module coding: The module coding of the research work has been carried out and completed.
vii.            System testing: The system testing of the research work program prototype has been carried out and completed.

Coding is what makes it possible for us to create computer software application and website your browser, your operating system, the application on your phone, facebook, and the website they are made with codes.        
Coding is also known as computer programming or program. Is the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging and maintaining of the source code of computer programs. The purpose of programming is to create  a program that exhibits a certain behavior using HTML.
Testing: Software testing also known as testing can be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software program/application/product.
i.                   Meets the requirements that guided it design and development.
ii.                 Can be implement with the same characteristics.\

Implementation is a realization of technical specification or algorithm as program, software component, or other computer system through programming and development.
i.                   Project planning feasibility study: Establishes a high-level view of the intended project and determines it goals.
ii.                 System analysis requirement definition: Defines projects goals into defined function and operation of the intended application, analysis and user information needs.
iii.              System design: Describes desired features and operations in detail, including screen layout, business rules, process diagrams, pseudo code and other documentation.
iv.              Implementation: The real code is written here.
v.                 Integration and testing: Brings all the pieces together into a special testing environment, then checks for errors, bugs and interpretation.
vi.              Acceptance installation deployment: The stage of initial development, where the software is put into production and runs actual business.
vii.            Maintenance: What happen during the rest of the software’s life, changes, correction, additions, mouse, to a different computing platform and more.
The changeover the process whereby the new system is taken to usage. Changeover is of type namely:
i.                   Direct changeover: This is situation whereby the old system is completely being replaced by the newly developed system after it has proved effectiveness in its.
ii.                 Parallel running: This is a situation whereby both the old and newly developed system are used for data processing to cross check the results. The new system workability id proved for at least one system circle alongside the old system before all operation are being done with the new system alone.
iii.               Pilot running: This is situation whereby data obtained to see the effectiveness and workability and accuracy of the new system. The project has adopted the parallel changes over due to it accountability and accurate result process despite the fact that is the most expensive changeover.

During the course of carrying out this project, many problem arose are stated below:   
1.     Power supply: The work was hindered due to power failure due to unavailability of light.
2.     Unavailability of funds: There is no enough money to carry out the project.

The purpose of this study is to fully understand the existing system and to identify the basic information requirement and then discuss how the challenges of the system can be solved or reduced. The study is also aimed as designing a website  that will be more reliable, faster and interactive to students.

In order to ever come the various challenges of the conventetial news feed system in computer science department enumerated earliest, it is recommended that:
1.     The use of online web news update services for student be implemented.
2.     It is also recommend that computer science department should adopt the newly developed system in order to enhance the ease flow of information to student on time, because of the fact that the internet provides a flexible and dynamic place to exchange information, and having idea on how this new system operates any student in future can design an online web news update for the entire school.                  
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