1.1       Background of the Study

Library is a social institution established to collect,organize, preserve resources and disseminate them to people for which the library is established in a place conducive enough for the use of the resources. Aguolu and Aguolu as cited in Umoh (2017) have rightly observed that libraries are social institutions, created to conserve knowledge; preserve the cultural heritage; provide information; and to serve as fountain of recreation; undergird and underpin education and research. In support of this opinion, Ajidahum (2004) declared that “the mission statement of any library is the provision of excellent information service to its users” Libraries are broadly categorized into different types based on the target audience, and these are academic libraries, school libraries, special libraries, public libraries and national libraries.

A National Library serves as a nation’s or a country’s repository of information. It is the apex library of a country. The National Library is in the executive arms of government. Also, a national library is a library specially established by the government of a country to serve as the preeminent repository of information for that country. In his contribution, Whittaker (2010) opined that “National Libraries are larger libraries that attempt to stock all literature of their own country and some foreign resources as well. They are important for research purposes, having such vast resources. Because they keep older resources as part of their policy of preserving document of a nation, they are particularly valuable to scholars”.

According to Odhigba (2009) and Oshile (2009), the National Library of Nigeria is the country’s national bibliographic agency responsible for national bibliographic control in the universal bibliographic control network aimed at achieving universal availability of publications. Okentunji (2006) opined that the National Library of Nigeria is that kind of library dedicated to building world-class national information resources thereby enabling its citizens to know their country and themselves through their published heritage and to providing an effective gateway to national and international sources of information. National libraries are regarded as the apex libraries in a country.

Uwaifo (2010) acknowledged that national libraries are established and maintained by the national government of countries. They serve as the preeminent repository of information for that country. Unlike public libraries, these rarely allow citizens to borrow books. Often, they include numerous, rare, valuable or significant works. According to Recommendation concerning the International Standardization of Library Statistics by United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO (2006), national libraries are: Responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all significant publications published in the country and functioning as a legal ‘deposit’ library, either by law or under other arrangements. They will also normally perform some of the following functions: produce a national bibliography; hold and keep up to date a large and representative collection of foreign literature including books about the country; act as a national bibliographical centre; compile union catalogues; publish the retrospective national bibliography. Libraries which may be called ‘national’ but whose functions do not correspond to the above definition should not be placed in the National Libraries category.

In Nigeria, it is called National Library of Nigeria. The National Library serves heterogeneous kinds of patrons unlike other types of libraries that serve more or less specialized clientele communities. National library, according to Edoka as cited in Umoh (2017)is the library of libraries, a focal point for overall and information services in the country. A National library is usually the country’s apex library. It is the library established by national government to perform certain specialized functions. National libraries are regarded as reference libraries because their stocks or collections are usually not meant for circulation outside the library. In the words of Oduagwu (2006) national library is described as “the central book museum of a country.” It is responsible for collecting and conserving the whole of that country’s book production for the benefit of future generations. As such the significance of the national library cannot be overemphasized because national libraries are well known libraries with enormous significance.

Matthew (2009) and Okeagu (2009) mentioned the significance of National Library to be providing access to information resources, working in partnership with stakeholders, structuring knowledge, imparting skills, preserving heritage and inspiring trust which are all crucial for the knowledge economy. This is true because sustainable development implies the kind of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Similarly, White as cited in Umoh (2017)while examining the importance of national library in national and individual development concluded that, the libraries exist to amass and organize the work done by best minds regardless of when and where significant contributions originate. The library aids high-grade manpower in keeping up to date and performing at the peak of efficiency. The Library supports the intellectual freedom. Free reading nurtures the genius of the nation. This is a very undeniable and infallible truth. Without the existence of libraries in national and individual development, the system is bound to fail and collapse. This can be so risky because the possibility of the system excelling and meeting up its goals will be absolutely zero.

The quest for a national library in Nigeria dated back to the 1940s. It was not until 1964 that one was legally established in Lagos. Dr. Azikiwe’s perception of a national library in the 1950s and 1960s chimed in with that of his contemporary pan-Africanist, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, who in 1961, on the opening of the George Padmore Research Library, declared: 100 Inter. J. Acad. Lib. Info. Sci. A good national library is at once the repository of a nation’s culture and wisdom and an intellectual stimulant. In this library, there shall be no national frontiers, for here shall be stored the cumulative experience, the collective wisdom and knowledge about the entire continent of Africa, and the assessment, revaluations and studies of observers from all over the world. Azikiwe understood the value of such a library as a depository of cultural heritage, and as a research centre where authentic studies on Africa could be conducted. Unfortunately, some Nigerian nationalists, like the colonial administrators, thought of a national library largely as a magnificent, monumental edifice, with the best architectural design, involving an enormous financial out lay. Azikiwe also perceived the National Library as a living agency of progress, intellectual enrichment, and public enlightenment, not as a repository of artifacts or archival documents of the past. The 1953 UNESCO Seminar on the Development of the Public Libraries in Africa, held in Ibadan, not only encouraged Azikiwe to press for a national library for Nigeria, but also helped to crystallize the national library concept on Africa. Before the seminar was held in Nigeria, the Nigerian Council of Ministers – Nigeria’s first representative government - had rejected the National Library concept, contending that all library matters should be relegated to the regional governments, and to local and private organizations. The council was unable to see that while the regional governments would cater for the public libraries, it was the responsibility of the central government to establish a National Library for the country.

The National Library concept originated in the early1960s, when Dr. Azikiwe was the first indigenous Governor – General in 1960 and later, the first Presidentof Nigeria, when it achieved republican status in 1963. He helped to ensure that a feasibility study was conducted on the National Library by Dr. Rogers, Director of the U.S National Library of Medicine, sponsored by the Ford Foundation of America in 1961. On the attainment of Nigerian independence in 1960, the perception of the National Library by the Council of Ministers, which rejected the participation of the central government in any library matter in 1952, had taken a nationalist turn. The Council, along with the Nigeria Branch of the West African Library Association, established in 1954, quickly accepted the Rogers Report, recommending the establishment of a National Library.

At the request of the Nigerian government, the Ford Foundation sent Professor Carl White, former Dean of the School of Library Science, Columbia University, to serve as Library Advisor to the Nigerian government on setting up the National Library of Nigeria. On his arrival in Nigeria in March 1962, Dr White was shocked to learn that there was no budgetary provision for the newly proposed library in the first post- independence National Development Plan, 1962-1968.The immediate personal intervention of the Governor- General, DrAzikiwe, and the Prime Minister, Sir Abubakar saved the day. They asked Professor White to mprepare a special report on his financial needs, and on the objectives, scope and structure of the library. Hisreport, known as the “May 1962 Report,” was accepted by the government without delay. By the end of 1962, work on the National Library had begun in Lagos, with three American librarians and Professor White, as the Federal Government’s Library Adviser. The National Library Act drafted by the Adviser, was enacted in 1964.This set the library on a legal footing, and on6th November, 1964, the National Library was opened to the public by an Act of parliament in 1964, which was abolished by Decree No.29 of 1970. It is the Nation’s apex library charged with the responsibility of providing library services to the public, such as it is being provided by National Libraries of the highest standing in the world.

There are currently seven (7) Departments of the National Library of Nigeria. The National Bibliography of Nigeria (NBN) (2008) supplementary edition outlined the library and information services carried out by the National Library of Nigeria by its five (5) professional departments – Public Services Department (PSD), Collection Development and Processing Department CDPD), National Bibliographic Control Department(NBCD), Research and Development Department (RDD)and the Virtual Library Services Department (VLSD) to include provision of reference and document delivery services, acquiring resources through subscription/purchase, promotion of research in the field of information, provision of bibliographic services to the nation and transforming knowledge into digital content for all levels of education in Nigeria. The other two (2) Departments are the Administration and Finance and Supplies.




1.2       Statement of the Problem

The library materials form a large constituent in the collection of the National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna. They are of great benefit in bibliographic control, research, study, learning, entertainment and knowledge transfer from one generation to another. It draw a lot of users to the library which include lawyers, students, researchers, civil servants, legal practitioners, tourists etc.

However, it has been pre – observed by the researcher, through on- the- job experience that library materials seem not to be adequately manage for effective use by these users. The National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna seems not to live up to its expectation in acquiring and managing these materials to satisfy the information needs of the users. Perhaps, if this matter is not urgently addressed, it may lead to total failure of the nation`s process of information preservation and dissemination. This may lead to a citizenry who are alienated and are not versed in the nation`s indigenous information. Finally, the researcher`s extensive search of literature shows that within the context of this research, few in-depth studies have been carried out on the Management of information materials in National Library, Kaduna. This study is therefore being carried out to fill this gap.

1.3    Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

1.      What are the typesof information resources available and accessible in national library of Nigeria, Kaduna?

2.      What are the procedures adopted for managing information resources in National library of Nigeria, Kaduna?

3.      What are the challenges associated with the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna?

4.      What are the strategies adopted to overcome the challenges associated with the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna?

1.4    Objectives of the Study

1.      To identify the types of information resources available and accessible in national library of Nigeria, Kaduna

2.      To examine the procedures adopted to for managing information resources in National library of Nigeria, Kaduna

3.      To identify the challenges associated with the management of information resources in national library of Nigeria, Kaduna.

4.      To determine the strategies adopted to overcome the challenges associated with the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna.

1.5       Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be of benefit to the management and staff of

the National Library of Nigeria – Kaduna, researchers, students, policy makers, authors, lawyers, civil servants, publishers, lecturers and students of library and information science.

Library materials are important library resources and have indeed taken their place in the literature of library and information science. This study on the Management of National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna is expected to add to the existing body of knowledge in the department of Library and Information Science.

Furthermore, the findings of this work, if adopted, will be of great benefit to the National Library of Nigeria, libraries as it may reveal its strengths and weaknesses in the management of informationresources for adequate access and effective use. Authors, publishers and printers would also benefit from the findings of this study as they will be enlightened on the benefits of managing information resources in the National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna.

Finally, the findings of this study may reveal the hindrances and remedies on the management ofinformation resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna and may perhaps make the administrators adopt strategies for effective management of the information materials.

1.6       Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study covers the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna.

1.7       Operational Definition of Terms

1.      Information Resources: Any organization, facility, or individual willing and able to give authoritative responses to scientific or technical inquiries out of an existing store of knowledge or Expertise.

2.      Library: Library is a social institution established to collect, organize, preserve information resources and disseminate them to people for whom the library is established in a place conducive enough for the use of the information resources.

3.      Management: Is an act or process of forecasting, planning, organizing, controlling, commanding and coordinating. Also, management is a process by which organizations ensure that their objectives are achieved by the proper planning, organization and controlling of their resources – human and materials.

4.      National Library: These are the kinds of libraries which irrespective of their title are responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all significant publications published in the country and functioning as a deposit library either by law or under some arrangement.




















Ajidahum, C. O. (2004). Procedures in Educational research. Jaji, Kaduna, Zaria. Alpha Publishing.

Matthew, P. (2009). Reference services in libraries paper presented at the National Workshop on refresher course, Abuja.

Odogwu, N. (2006). Acquisition and Preservation of Newspapers in the National Library of Nigeria Nigerbiblios. Vol. 17 Number 1 & 2,pg 1-9

Ohigba, A. A. &Oshile, S. (2009). Database management in the National Bibliographic Control Department of the National Library of Nigeria.

Okentunji, O. B. (2006). Production of the National Bibliography of Nigeria: The Journal so Far.

Umoh, E. B. (2017). Management of Information Resources in National Library of Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Library and Information Science (0nline). Vol. 5(3), pp. 97-121.

Uwaifo, S.O. (2010). Information Communication Technologies and Library Services in Society. In E.C

Whittaker, K. (2010). The Basics of Users Services: Library Association Publishing, London, P. 73.









2.1       Introduction

This chapter presents literature reviews for this work. The review was done under the following sub-headings;

2.2        Concept of information resources management

2.3        Types of information resources available and accessible in National library

2.4        Procedures adopted for managing information resources in National library

2.5        Challenges associated with the management of information resources in national library

2.6        Strategies adopted to overcome the challenges associated with the management of information resources in National Library

2.7        Summary of the review

2.2       Concept of InformationResources Management

Resources are the information items acquired, processed and made available in the libraries for the users. They enable the libraries to fulfil the goal of meeting the information needs of the users. It is the duty of the librarians to ensure that good and relevant informationresources are selected and acquired for the library. Ifidon(2007) asserted that beautiful buildings, well trained staffand modern storage and retrieval systems cannot make a library without information resources. Aina (2007) asserted that information resources is information and related resources such as personnel, equipment and information technology. He further stated that, it involves library resources which include the calibre of staff andtheir information handling skills, adequate finance,resources and availability of equipment for information acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination. A resource is something that can be used to help achieve an aim, especially a book, etc that is capable of providing information; such items must be capable of being stored and retrieved. Resources are necessary documents needed in the smooth running of any organization or institution and many countries are making conscious efforts to provide improved facilities for the care of resources in form of resource centres, etc.

Harold as cited in Umoh(2017) gave an elaborate definition of information resources as, “All information resources setting out facts or events, irrespective of media, characteristics of origin, which is maintained by an institution or organization in transactions of its normal business or pursuance of its obligations.” Harold’s definition seems to be all encompassing, and the library as an organization cannot but develop a culture of maintaining information resources in whatever form which will serve as reference tools in helping the library fulfil its obligation for effective management of library problems.

The information resources from which they secure andaccess any type of information are grouped into print andnon-print resources. The print information resources are those resources with characters which are produced by mechanical or electronic means. They are texts or documents in hard copies which are acquired, processed and made available in the library to meet the information needs of the users. They include monographs, (books) both reference and non-reference resources, serial publications such as newspapers, magazines, journals, etc. The non-print information resources are records of human knowledge or ideas that are not in print format but in electronic formats which are referred to as e-resources that include the e-journals, e-books, e-serials, audiovisual, CDs, microfilms, microfiche, microforms,database, CD-ROMS, Internet and so on. They requirethe use of specialized or information and communication technology (ICT) equipment to access their intellectual

content (Mohammed, 2009). In order to achieve thepurpose for which information resources are meant, thereis the need for proper management of information resources.

Information Resources Management (IRM) is one ofthe major factors that affect information management. Foreffective interaction between the information seekers and information resources, information resourcesmanagement should be accorded paramount importantplace in the scheme of information transfer. McClure (2011) stated that “the overall purpose of information resources management is to determine how informationresources can be harnessed more effectively andefficiently to meet the decision making and problemsolving it of today’s professionals”. Also, Savicquoting White in Umoh (2017) expressed the same view concerning Information Resources Management as: “The process of efficiently and effectively identifying, acquiring, integrating and applying information resources to meet current and future information requirements”.

However, information resources management also canbe seen as the administrative system which concernsitself with the control of resources and information from their creation to their ultimate use. Resources management aims at accurate and complete documentation of the policies and transactions of an organization, and at controlling and simplifying resources systems, and at the judicious preservation and use of resources. It can be regarded as an art of application of systematic creation through collection, organization, preservation / conservation, accessibility and use. As explained by Unuigbe in Umoh (2017), “resources management is the area that deals with full range of work from the creation of new library resources to the moment when itis made available for use. Therefore, resourcesmanagement is the spinal cord of all organization without which management will be stifled in achieving the corporate objectives of the library. Jirgi (2007) stated that “when a man’s knowledge is not in order the more of it he has, the greater will be his confusion of thought.” Therefore, resources management cannot be achieved without properly organizing the resources in orderly manner.

In addition, resources management could be regardedas the application of systematic analysis and scientificcontrol to resources from their creation through organizing, reservation and conservation, accessibility and final use. Popoola (2013) defined resources management as the discipline of information which arises internally within the library as a result of its activities. In the same vein, Pothas and Powell (2016) have posited that, proper resources management to a long way is enhancing effective administration of any organization. However, the availability of information resources for use by the users to satisfy their information needs, according to Popoola (2013), depends on the way resources havebeen physically and intellectually organized.

Nonetheless, despite the indispensable value ofresources and gargantuan amount of money spent on itscreation and maintenance, proper management of resources that will lead to economy and efficiency in their creation, organization,etc, as well as use are seldom considered top priority in the National Library of Nigeria (Popoola, 2013). Adding on to this view, Akinfemiwa(2013) and Oke (2008) argued that, in spite of the invaluable role information resources play in the administration of National Library of Nigeria; information resources librarians often exhibit misconceptions and indifference to the management of resources. By so doing, this often leads to significant waste of time, human efforts, resources, space and money that would surprise one if they were to realize its magnitude and implications. As such, it becomes imperative for National Library of Nigeria to embark on effective and efficient management of information resources.

2.3       Types of Information Resources available and accessible in National Library ofNigeria

Information resources apply to all types of printedresources (books, serials, pamphlets, maps, etc.) to mostaudio-visual resources (discs, films, videos, multimedia kits, etc.), to broadcast resources and to electronic publications (diskettes, CD-ROMs, on-line resources, etc. Agbajeas cited in Umoh (2017) described serials as sources of information (printed or electronic) that are produced at regular intervals. They include newspapers, minutes of meetings, newsletters, bulletins, government publications, magazines, journals, radio and television programmes, tapes, CDs, video tapes (printed or electronic) and other periodicals. These information resources occur in successive parts and are meant to be continued indefinitely. These range of resources form a bulk of information resources of the National Library. They attract a lot of readership because they containcurrent information on national issues.

In a survey carried out by Owen (2007), the findings show that information on Nigerian economic development, government and politics ranked high on the information needs of users of National Library of Nigeria on the use of resources. These resources are mainly serial publications. He identifies that newspapers and magazines constitute major information sources consulted by users. Similarly, Ajidahun (2016) in Owairu posited that most Nigerians today rely on libraries that offer free newspaper service to keep abreast of current information within and outside their immediate environment. The National Library of Nigeria is one of such libraries.

Another information carrier that forms a majorconstituent of the National library resources ismonograph. Monographs are resources that are treaties on one subject. Librarians consider a monograph to be a non-serial publication complete in one volume or a definite number of volumes. Thus, it differs from a serial publication such as magazines, journals or newspapers. It is normally intended to be a complete detailed exposition of a substantial subject at a level more advanced than that of a text book. A text book is a standard book which systematically expresses the concept, principles, theories, methodologies, etc of a particular field or subject. Consequently, Esharenana(2009) opined that textbooks are information resources which are mostly used by students and lecturers on curricula offerings of a university and other institution.

Another type of information carrier in the National Library of Nigeria is the reference resources. These are information resources borne out of research to provide most current information and facts. Significantly, these information resources are mainly for consultations and not for general reading. They include dictionaries, both subject and general. They give meaning to the words’ pronouncements; etc. Encyclopedia describes things or events in detail more than the dictionaries. They include both subject and general. Examples are Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Science, EncyclopaediaBritannica, etc. They are useful for research purpose. Other types of reference resources include biographical sources, almanacs, handbooks, directories,bibliographies, geographical sources (e.g. Maps, atlases and gazetteers), etc.

According to Aina as cited in Umoh (2017), another important type of information resources are the government publications. Government publications are also part of the legal deposit collection in depository libraries by government ministries, parastatals, agencies and / or its authority. They can be in different formats like book, audiovisuals, atlases, reference sources and serial publications. He opined that government documents fall within three categories such as Legislation publications: These include bills, decrees constitutions, debates, parliamentary debates and all such as emanate from legislative body in Federal, State or Local government; Judicial publications: These are publications that originate from court processes, examples include Law reports and Laws of the Federation; and Executive publication: These ones emanate from government ministries, agencies, presidency, and research institutes. They include gazetteers, directions, commission of enquiry, annual reports, press releases, technical reports, developmental plans etc.

Ezema and Okafor (2009) stated that government publications have an official, instructional, descriptive, or historical nature, and are issued by government departments. These documents or publications alsoattract a wide range of users including civil servants,researchers, students, lawyers, government official, etc. These resources are more of archival in nature and arealways used as reference points. The National Library ofNigeria is currently converting some of these documents into machine readable database that will reflect the nation’s heritage. Other constituents of the information resources are digital resources. These resources come in form of CDROM, and other electronic format.

Esharenana (2009) asserted that there are numerous resources on the internet and World Wide Web with which users’ information needs can be met. Resources such as e-journals, e-books, conference proceedings, preprint services, achieved scholarly articles etc, are increasingly being available on the net. The challenges before library and information science (LIS) Staff is to be aware of the numerous Web resources that are relevant to their users’ needs, select, acquire, and integrate them into the services of the library. The advocates of Universal Availability of Publications (UAP) believe that all types of resources should be available to all types of readers to be able to use them.

Esharenana (2009) stated that in principle, all the typesof information carriers that we have known till now can betransformed and made available in digital form. These resources are acquired in National Libraries for permanent preservation, proper processing and dissemination to the public. The resources are mostly in indigenous and they emanate from authors and publishers within a geographical area.

Therefore, libraries and information centres acquire,organize and disseminate all available and relevantinformation resources in both print and non-print formatsto enable their target clientele access and use the needed information to succeed in their respective endeavours. These Libraries and information services are carried out by the National Library personnel (staff) whose creativity and ingenuity is relevant for effective and efficient service delivery. The Librarians are veritable mediators between man and information resources that have been produced through generations. Majorly, the objective of the Librarians is to minimize the social use of these resources of human culture for the benefit of humanity. It is the basic responsibility of the Librarian to identify the needs of his users and to select, acquire and organise the information resources that would satisfy those needs (Umoh, 2017).

Penzhorn (2007) also conducted a research on “The Implementation, Monitoring and Management of EffectiveLegal Deposit System for South Africa,” which was anempirical study for the award of Ph.D (InformationScience). The aim of the study was to carry out acomparative study of South African legislation on legaldeposit vis-a-vis the United Kingdom, Australia andMalaysia. It carried out empirical investigation in twostages: First, a survey of opinions, attitudes, actions ofpublishers and legal deposit libraries to determine howthey affected successful implementation of legal depositin South Africa. The second phase was a feasibility studyto determine the state of compliance with legal deposit inthe country.

In his contribution, Whittaker as cited in Umoh (2017) opined that:“National Libraries are large libraries that attempt tostock all literature of their own country and some foreignresources as well. They are therefore important forresearch purposes, having resources as part of theirpolicy of preserving document of a nation; they areparticularly valuable of scholars”. While highlighting the resources of the Reader Servicesof the National Library, Bankole (2013) mentioned thatthe resources are grouped into four main categories interms of form and source of origin. The four groups areNigerian resources, foreign monographs, foreign serialsresources and non-book media resources, which aredetailed in the foregoing.

The Nigerian resources comprised Federal, State andLocal Government Publications i.e. gazetteers, reports onvarious government activities and functions, reports ofcommissions of inquiries, boundary disputes, texts ofgovernment legislation and decrees, reports on the workof different organs of government i.e. ministries,parastatals, corporations, etc. The Nigerian resourcesalso contain intellectual output of Nigerian authors andpublications about Nigeria by foreign nationals. TheNigerian monographs cover all fields of knowledge likemedicine, the sciences, literature, and law, includingreports on research work on various subjects on or aboutNigeria.On the other hand, monographs and documents arealso acquired by the National Library through purchase,gifts and exchanges. The resources contain valuable andintellectual publications of foreign governments such asthe United Kingdom, Canada, United Nations and theOrganization of Africa Unity (O.A.U) countries. The notable among them are the BritishHouse of Lords on Nigeria and the intelligent reports ofthe colonial period, publications on the United Nationsand its specialized organs such as F.A.O, UNESCO,I.L.O, and W.H.O, reports of the General Assembly andof the Security Council and other foreign governmentpublications, publications on English speaking countrieslike England, U.S.A, etc.Similarly, the National Library acquires foreign serialresources into its collection. The foreign serials in theresources are enormous, covering different tittles, whichare acquired through subscriptions and gifts. In the samevein, inter-library loan is another means of acquiringresources into the library especially those informationresources that are not available in a particular library.

According to Bankole (2013) Libraries all over the worldparticipate in Interlibrary Loan (ILL) in a cooperative effortto provide articles, books, and other resources toresearchers, students, and others.In line with the above, the National Library alsoacquires non-book media resources, which includesdifferent types of non- book resources such asmicroforms, microfilms, tapes, cassettes, discsphotographs, maps, slides, pictures, etc. The maps aremainly topographical maps with only a few administrativeroads and geological maps. The microfilm resourcesinclude microfilms of parliamentary reports and ofnewspapers i.e., London Times, New York Times, etc.The photographs in the collections are mainly those ofimportant national personalities dating back to thecolonial period.Interestingly, the National Libraries act as libraries ofthe last resort. Meaning that they are the places wherescholars can go and see information resources that arenot available anywhere else. Unfortunately, based on thisstudy, the researcher has discovered that there is noLibrary in the world, including the National Libraries ofNigeria that are able to stock all the informationresources in order to meet the information needs of theirusers and that is why there is the need for inter-librarylending in the library operations. This means that for theNational Library of Nigeria to be effectively and efficientlymanaged the needed information resources, there is theneed to properly engage itself in interlibrary loanexercise. This will go a long way to assist the library inmaking the needed information resources available for use by the library users.Also, there is the need for the Staff of the NationalLibrary of Nigeria to be aware of the numerous Webresources that are relevant to their users’ needs. Forexample, Esharenana (2009) asserted that there arenumerous resources on the Internet and World WideWeb with which users’ information needs can be met.

Resources such as e-journals, e-books, conferenceproceedings, preprint services, scholarly articles etc areincreasingly being made available in the net. Therefore,the challenge before library staff is to be aware of thenumerous Web resources that are relevant to their users’needs and select, acquire as well as integrate them intothe services of the library. In light of the above, Aguolu as cited in Umoh (2017) was on the same view when he said that “It is thebasic responsibility of the Librarian to identify the needsof his users and to select, acquire and organize theinformation resources that would satisfy those needs.For the National Library of Nigeria to be able to meetup the information needs of the users there is the needfor awareness of the numerous Web resources that arerelevant to their users’ needs which have to be properlymanaged and make available for use by the library users.





2.4       Procedures for Managing Information Resources in National Library of Nigeria

Management is the process of reaching organizationalgoals by working with and through people and otherorganizational resources. According to Ifidon(2008), management has the following three (3) characteristics:

1.      It is a process or series of continuing and related activities

2.      It involves and concentrates onreaching organizational goals

3.      It reaches these goalsby working with and through people and otherorganizational resources. In other words, management ofinformation resources in the library simply means theprocesses taken to make available information resourcesfor use by the library users. Therefore, management ofinformation resources in the National Library of Nigeriainvolves procedures such as collection/acquisition ofinformation resources, organization of informationresources, preservation and conservation (maintenance)of information resources, accessibility of informationresources and use of information resources.

2.4.1    Collection of National Library Resources

As a collecting centre of all books and literature inNigeria, the National Library of Nigeria collects Nationalliterature, contemporary knowledge products, as well as cultural heritage in a holistic and systematic way. Meaning that, collecting information resources is the most important basic function of the library. Therefore, books are collected through submission by publishers, purchase, gifts, donation and exchange. According to Adeniran (2012), “Collection development is the procurement of library resources either by Purchase, gifts and exchange or Legal Deposit into the library.” Collection development is a laid down principle stating what, who, how, and where resources can be collected for the library (Adeniran, 2012).

The pride of the National Library of Nigeria’s resources is the Nigeriana collection. It comprises library resources published in Nigeria and overseas whose whole or larger part of the content is related to Nigeria. The collection of Nigeriana is done by the National Library of Nigeria under the legal deposit obligations (Lun, 2005). However, legal deposit is the requirement, enforceable by law, to deposit with a specified institution a specific number of copies of publications produced within the limits of the jurisdiction and is applicable to all forms and media of publications (Lun, 2005; Jaeger, 2007; Banjo, 2012).

As such this category of resourcesconsists of Federal government documents which include gazettes, laws of the Federation, decrees, budget speeches, raw materials (Colonial documents), Ministries/Extra ministerial department publications, State government publications, monographs, newspapers, magazines, journals, non-book resources published by Nigerians abroad. They are usually organized and stored in close access rooms (i.e. readers do not have direct access to them except through the assistance of the library personnel). Over the years the collection hasgrown tremendously that it has become an important section of the National Library of Nigeria. It has also become an important reference source of information on the socio-economic and political development of Nigeria.

2.4.2    Organization of National Library Resources

Cook (2014) has attempted an explanation of the conceptof organization of information resources in the nationallibrary. He pointed out that, it entails “putting resources into their proper final order” or to place them in an order relative to each other. In the olden days, library resources were subjected to a variety of organizations and reorganizations, for instance, many ancient scholars have used chronological order, subject matter, and geographical consideration for organization of library resources. From the above point of view of Cook, it is true because library resources need to be properly organized in order to promote or create room for easy accessibility of library resources.

Similarly, Okoli (2017) identified four main systems of classification namely: “alphabetical, chronological, numerical, and subject”. These systems have their inherent advantages and disadvantages. With time however, such artificial organizations were considered ineffective and inefficient, as such, as systematic and effective organization of library resources based on their nature and character was developed.

Cook (2014) viewed organization as “putting library information resources into their proper order.” However, the term resources organization system is intended to encompass all types of schemes for organizing and promoting resources management. Resources organization system includes classification schemes that organize resources at a general level (such as books on a shelf), subject headings that provide more detailed access, and authority files that control variant versions of key information such as geographic names and personal names (Ugah, 2008). They also include less-traditional schemes, such as semantic networks and ontology. Because resources organization systems are mechanisms for organizing resources, they are at the heart of every library, museum, and archive. Resources organization systems are used to organize resources for the purpose of retrieval and to manage a collection (Kamanda, 2014). 


The National Library of Nigeria organizes its resources based on Library of Congress Classification Scheme because of its wider space to accommodate more resources (Mazikana, 2009). “Libraries are of use, the easier users can find what they need from them, the more they will be encouraged to make use of the library” (Mohammed, 2009). For the convenience of library users, librarians devised techniques to speed up the retrieval of books and other library resources in their collections.

Through the use of these techniques, librarians try toensure that the library patrons can find informationresources on any subject they wish, by any author they desire, by the title they wish. These practices were attempts to resolve a basic dilemma of finding information resources – whether it is a floppy disk, a book, a film, a map, or a phonographic records. In furtherance of this, it has been found most advantageous to organize information resources in some definite order, usually in groups of specialized sections, either by the subjects they cover (Physics, English Language, Art, etc) or their literature content (poem) or their physical format (colour, size). Therefore, cataloguing is the process of describing a work and assigning it a call number. Cataloguing process includes determining the main entry, describing the work and assigning added entries, subject entries and a call number.

Bello (2016) described library catalogue as a“systematic list of information items in a particular libraryorganized in a particular fashion, usually alphabetically”.

Aina (2017) therefore sees a library catalogue as aregister of all bibliographic items found in a library orgroup of libraries, such as network of libraries at several locations. However, from the definition above, a bibliographic item can be any information entity (e.g. books, computer files, graphics, realia, cartographic resources, etc) that is considered library resources (e.g a single document in history) or a group of library resources, or linked fromthe catalogue (e.g. a webpage, a union cataloguing) as far as it is relevant to the catalogue and to the users of the library. So library catalogues are lists of what libraries have in their collections. Poor organization of library resources leads to the frustration of the library patrons. Proper organization will assist greatly in facilitating access to deteriorated library information resources that are needed to be preserved and conserved. Meaning that it will make the processes go smoothly.

2.4.3    Preservation and conservation of National LibraryResources

Preservation and conservation is one of the mosturgent issues to be tackled by libraries all over the world.The preservation and conservation issues are complicated by the diverse nature of library resources, both in composition and structure. Fortunately, librarians, manufacturers, conservators and publishers are becoming more cognizant of preservation and conservation issue and as such, they are gradually resolving them. The concept, preservation in this context is used to refer to all necessary strategies, measures and steps invested into prolonging the lives of library resources. As supported by Lamikanra (2013), preservation is the degree to which something has not been changed or damaged by age, weather, and so on.

Preservation includes all the managerial and financial considerations, including storage and accommodation provisions, staffing levels, policies techniques and methods involved in preserving library and archival resources and information contained in them. Conservation on the other hand, refers to specific practices taken to slow deterioration and prolong the life of an object by directly intervening in its physical or chemical make-up. Examples of the latter are the repair of damaged binding or the de-acidification of paper (Habila, 2014).

From the above explanation, one would deduce thatpreservation of library resources refers to the activitiesassociated with maintaining library resources for use, either in their original physical format or in some other format. This includes a number of procedures from control of the environment to conservation treatment.

Conservation therefore, is the treatment of libraryresources to stabilize their physical structure in order tosustain their survival as long as possible in their original format. Alegbeleye (2012) argues that libraries are prone to disasters that can be classified broadly as natural and manmade and they include fire, flooding, civil unrest, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, war lightening, and to some extent, rodents and pests attack. It is in this regard that the usefulness of preservation cannot be over emphasized in our Libraries today.

“The National Library of Nigeria collects, organizes and preserves information resources for easy retrieval. Thewhole idea of classification is to be able to retrieve relevant information with accuracy and minimum delay regardless of the nature of the resources. This information has been stored in print form over the ages, e.g cuneiform writing in Mesopotamia. The central mission of the National Library of Nigeria is to collect, organize, preserve and provide access to information resources. In fulfilling this mission, National Librarypreserves a valuable record of culture that can be passeddown to succeeding generations. The National Library is essential link in this communication between the past, present, and future. Whether the cultural record is contained in books or in electronic formats, libraries ensure that resources are preserved and made available for later use. National Library of Nigeria proved people with access to the information they need to work, play, learn, and govern (Mohammed, 2009).”

Mohammed (2016) stated that the National Library of Nigeria has a lot of challenges in the field of preservation of library information resources. This is due to the preserving problems it is facing such as inadequate facilities, information resources are deteriorating, the books and serials are becoming acidic and no efforts are being made to de-acidify them. Non-book resources like microforms, tapes, photographic negatives and slides have gone bad and there are no disaster detection facilities as a measure towards disaster control. Ode and Omokaro (2017) suggested that libraries should be concerned with the preservation and repairs of resources because they are responsible for the useful life of the resources under their custody. Preservation is the action taken to read, stop or prevent deterioration, especially by providing the proper storage areas and repair damages already done to an item.

2.4.4    Use of National Library Resources

Libraries are organized so that users can find theparticular item or piece of information they are looking forfrom the collection for their use. It is in the library that users learn the concept of searching for particular information items and using them. Abubakar (2018) identified use as an activity which measures the worth of an item to a library or information system. Use is the only criteria which could be employed to determine the reason for retaining a document within the collections of a library.The use of a library can be obtained from the demand of the items. Therefore, if the users have no demand for the information resources of a library, it means that the library does not have what they want, in this case, the library records low patronage.

Use of information resources and services are usually determined by the users’ statistics which reveals the information resources and services consulted. The National Library of Nigeria has readers’ statistics of all subject areas of which the books and other resources removed from the shelves and consulted are recorded according to subject areas. This determines the actual use of library resources put in place by the library. This is why libraries must strive hard to assuage the intellectual and information thirst and curiosity of their users by acquiring and processing various reading resources for the use of their patrons in order to justify their continual existence.In providing the information services to the users, it isimperative for the librarians to know the informationneeds and seeking behaviours of the users, their skills and satisfaction levels in using information resources.

Consequently, Oke (2018) asserted that information is a key resource that can bring change and improvement in the society. User’s services in libraries are based on the premise that effective library services must begin with a clear understanding of the actual needs of the users. The use of information resources depends on choice or preference of the users. Fasick (2017) has described the way in which a user gradually moves from choosing books haphazardly from the shelves or book trucks to learning that books on particular subjects are grouped on the shelves, and eventually discovering that the catalogue is a guide to finding books as resources to use. Librarians have been long aware of the difficulties which users have in learning to use the library retrieval systems such as the catalogues, indexes and abstracts, indeed, many adult users never learn to use them efficiently.It is as a result of the lack of knowledge on how to usethe Library resources that has made the National Library of Nigeria to introduce the concept of Users Education, which is given to users by the professionals on how to use the Library resources to get information they want from the library.

Marteleto (2009) revealed that even though lecturers recognize the potential value of the library, they do not use them or encourage their use tostudents because of poor service, resources and facilities. Olum (2011) saw inadequate reading space as a major issue affecting the use of library information resources at the National Library of Nigeria, while Ajileye(2005) also pointed out that lack of use of catalogues and problems of locating information resources on the shelves by the users affect to a great extent the use of library resources. The researcher agrees with the views expressed by the above researchers that ineffective use of library resources has negative implication on the value of education of the library users. In fact the value of a degree granted by universities is a reflection of the library resources that are provided to the staff and students bythe universities. In support of the above assertions, Banjo (2012) is equally of the view that the fundamental requirement for an effective reading environment is the availability of appropriate books and other reading resources.

2.5       Challenges associated with the Management of Information Resources inNational Library of Nigeria

Management of Information Resources especially inNational Libraries of Nigeria is being faced with a numberof challenges for example. Popoola (2013) identified the following; Inadequate funds which had affected staffing,accommodation, expansion and the execution ofsuch operations as creation, organization,preservation and conservation as well as libraryservices; Poor training opportunities for resourcesmanagers; Lack of adequate infrastructure and moderninformation technology for library information.

In his contribution, Ngwanyias cited in Umoh (2017) highlighted that thechallenges encountered in Nigeria National Libraryinclude: funding, storage, maintenance, skilledmanpower, access to information, delay in retrieval,power supply, equipment, security, weeding of resources,low morale of staff, training and re-training, use of ICT,creation of resources, and government policies.

According to Alegbeyele (2010) stated that lack of centralized control of library resources contributes to lackof knowledge of information resources management and vital information resources program. To support the above view, based on the observation the unorganized nature of information resources in National Libraries has been greatly influenced by the near lack of awareness and nonchalant attitude of National Libraries to information resources management training. In their study on resources management practices in National Library in Nigeria, Abioye (2009) Okoro (2008) and Habila (2007) reported that “there were no forms of information resources management training programme received by the staff at the studied Library.”

Despite the digitization project of library resources in the National Library of Nigeria, the bulk of library resources are still in bound volumes. Dalton (2010) stated that the following are some of the problems:

a.       Lack of sufficient air-conditioning: Air-conditioningis highly recommended for rare book collections. Airconditionershelp in stabilizing the temperature andhumidity condition in Libraries. They also help to filter outparticulates and chemical pollutants. A visit to theNational Library of Nigeria newspaper room in Abujashows that there are insufficient air- conditioners in theroom. Air- conditioning is very important in thepreservation of newspapers in particular and books ingeneral. Lack of sufficient air-conditioning in thenewspaper room will result in the fast deterioration of the newspapers.

b.      Lack of constant electricity supply: Electricitymust be available in the library resources room for 24hours a day to facilitate the use of the air-conditioners, oreven ceiling fans. This is not possible because of theepileptic power supply in Nigeria. The incessant powerfailure is not conducive for the preservation of informationresources.

Similarly, lack of funds and modern equipment formanaging library resources is yet another big problem inthe management of information resources in the NationalLibrary of Nigeria. Mayes(2007) stated that, The National Library of Nigeria lacksfunds to preserve its information resources with modernpreservation methods. Latest information technologies forconserving information such as microform, magnetictapes/ disc and optical disks are better ways ofpreservation than binding. Also, Mayes (2007) givingreasons for binding journals, says its main purpose is toconserve an item for the future, to protect it againstcurrent heavy usage or to ornament or decorate it. He didnot hesitate to point out the difficulty in bindingperiodicals; that bound volumes are difficult to maintainon the shelves. Information preserved in microform e.g.microfilming has a life span of 500 years as againstpreservation through binding. Moreover, the library lacksequipment like hydro-thermographs which can also beused for preservation purpose.

The challenges analyzed above are very crucial to themanagement of information resources in the NationalLibrary of Nigeria. This is because whatever affects the information resources affects the library itself, since the library is one of the mandatory facilities that the nation should have. However, information resources in the National Library of Nigeria need to be properly managedin order to meet up with the information needs of the usercommunity. This will go a long way in ensuring that the goals and objectives of the National Library of Nigeria are being achieved.

2.6       Strategies Adopted to Overcome the Challenges associated with the Management of Information Resources in National Library

The National Library of Nigeria needs not only books as its information resources, but also other current adequate information resources like the modern ICT facilities, for example, computers, as well as more audio-visualresources. There is also the need for information resources sharing among libraries so as to solve the problem of acquisition, as this would equally foster cooperation and unity among different libraries.

The National Library of Nigeria should strive to ensure that legal deposit law which is still under review in the National Assembly is being attended to as quickly as possible and also awareness of it should be created to the people.There is the need for proper public awareness of this policy and adequate funding of the agency for effective management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria. The National Library of Nigeria should sensitize and enlighten the general public on the legaldeposit as one of the means of makinginformation resources available in the library and its function so that those concerned can take note and become aware, if really there is the need to sustain the system.

There is the need to solve the challenges in the management circle of information resources, forexample in the area of preservation andconservation among others if effectivemanagement of information resources for use is to be achieved in the National Library of Nigeria.User educationprogramme should be introduced and maintained where librarians can teach the users on how to make good use of the library resources such as catalogues, indexes, abstracts, etc.

The government should make provision of adequate funds, as that will enhance the provision of sufficient, adequate and current information resources in various formats, theprovision of more effective Internet services, adequate facilities and to organize programmeson the management of information resources, the provision of constant power supply, etc.

2.7       Summary of theReview

This chapter discussed the various studies related to management of information resources in National libraries. In considering the concept of information resources management, is information and related resources such as personnel, equipment and information technology. It involves library resources which include the calibre of staff andtheir information handling skills, adequate finance,resources and availability of equipment for information acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination. A resource is something that can be used to help achieve an aim, especially a book, etc that is capable of providing information; such items must be capable of being stored and retrieved.

The literature equally reviews that,types of information resources available and accessible in National Library of Nigeriaareall types of printedresources (books, serials, pamphlets, maps, etc.) to mostaudio-visual resources (discs, films, videos, multimedia kits, etc.), to broadcast resources and to electronic publications (diskettes, CD-ROMs, on-line resources, etc. Agbajeas cited in Umoh (2017) described serials as sources of information (printed or electronic) that are produced at regular intervals. They include newspapers, minutes of meetings, newsletters, bulletins, government publications, magazines, journals, radio and television programmes, tapes, CDs, video tapes (printed or electronic) and other periodicals. It reviews the procedures for managing information resources in national Library of Nigeria include collection of National library resources, organization of National library resources, preservation and conservation of National Library resources and uses of National Library resources.

The literature equally reviews that, challenges associated with the management of information resources in national library which include; Inadequate funds which had affected staffing,accommodation, expansion and the execution ofsuch operations as creation, organization,preservation and conservation as well as library services, Poor training opportunities for resources managers and Lack of adequate infrastructure and moderninformation technology for library information.

Finally, the researcher reviews the strategies adopted to overcome the challenges associated with the management of information resources in national library which includes; availability of current adequate information resources like the modern ICT facilities, for example computers, as well as more audio-visualresources.Enlighten the general public on the legaldeposit, provision of adequate funds etc.












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3.1       Introduction

This chapter presents the methodology adopted for this study. It discusses the research design, area of the study, population of the study, sample and sampling techniques. The chapter also discusses the instrument for data collection, validity of the instrument, reliability of the instrument, procedure for data collection and procedure for analysis

3.2       Research Design

The research design adopted for this study is descriptive survey. This method will deliberately use because it will helped the researcher to gather some factual information which will be used to solve the problems of the study. Osuala (2009).

Onodugo, Ugwonah and Ebine (2010) assert that a descriptive survey has the sole aim of examining the current opinion, behavior and other characteristics of a group of group. They further stressed that, it investigates into what currently exists in an area at the time of the research it natural form.

3.3       Area of the Study

The study was carried out at National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna State Branch.

3.4       Population of the Study

This research work has the whole staff of National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna State Branch. The population of the staff of National Library of Nigeria Kaduna branch is twenty five(Source: Researcher’s Survey, 2019).

3.5       Sample and Sampling Techniques

The researcher used the entire population in other to have a better understanding of the problem at hand and to avoid sample and systematic error that has to do with sampling, couple with the fact that the population of the study is manageable to the researcher. Therefore there will not be any sampling techniques because the population is manageable.

3.6       Instrument for Data Collection

The basic instrument which was used for collecting data in this study will be questionnaire. According to Delen (2010) questionnaire is a research tool used by education and it’s to obtain facts about events, conditions and to make inquiries concerning attitude and opinion.

The choice of questionnaire is based on the fact that it enables respondents to supply information that makes researcher have a better understanding of the phenomenon under study. The questionnaire used comprises of four sections. Section A for personal data, section B the type’s information resources available and accessible in national library, section C procedures adopted for managing information resources and section D for challenges associated with the management of information resources.

3.7       Validity of the Instrument

The questionnaire was validated by my supervisor and two other specialists in the area of the study and the corrections made by them were incorporated into the final version of the questionnaire that was administered to the respondents.



3.8       Reliability of the Instrument

The instruments were also being taken through pilot testing to improve on the efficiency of the research instrument. Reliability dealt with the quality of measurement thus it is the “consistency” or “repeatability” of the research measure. Mugenda (2010) states that reliability measure the degree to which a research instrument would yield the same result or data after repeated trials, is influenced by random errors that may arise from coding, ambiguous instructions and bias among others.

Reliability was done using pilot test. In this study, reliability testing was done by using test-retest method. The questionnaires were administered to some selected staff in National library of Nigeria, AbujaBranch so as to test the reliability of the data is often.

3.9       Procedure for Data Collection

The research administered the questionnaires personally to the respondents with the support of research assistant. The questionnaires were collected back immediately after filling.

3.10     Procedure for Data Analysis

The data collected will be analyze and arrange into frequency distribution table. This study adopted descriptive statistics to analyze the data generated. Thus, tables were used and simple percentages were used to analyze the collected data accordingly.





Mugenda, A. (2010). Social science Research: Theory and principles. Nairobi: Applied research & training services.

Onodugo, V. A. (2010). Social science research; principles, method and application. Enugu: El “Demark publisher.

Osuola, B. (2009). Introduction to research methodology in social science. Ibadan: University of Ibadan Press.


















4.1       Introduction

This chapter is concerned with the analysis of data collected from the analysis which consist of the administration of the questionnaires in Kaduna State Nationallibrary. The questionnaire is divided into four sections. The first section presents personal data, the second section present the types of information resources available in National Library of Nigeria - Kaduna, the third section presents the procedures for managing information resources in National Library of Nigeria – Kaduna, the third section presents challenges associated with the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria – Kaduna while the fourth section presents the strategies adopted to overcome the challenges associated with the management of information resources in national library of Nigeria, Kaduna.

4.2       Response Rate

Twenty five (25) questionnaires were administered on the population of Staff in Nationallibrary of Nigeria, Kaduna. Only twenty three (23) response rate was achieved which indicate a percentage of 92%. This is because time was given for the respondents to respond to the questionnaires and subsequent follow up for completion and returned of the questionnaires.



4.3       Data Presentation and Analysis

The returned questionnaires were thoroughly examined and analyzed as shown in the following tables;

Table 4.3.1: Gender



Percentage (%)










Source: Researcher’s Survey, 2019

Table 4.3.1 indicates that 15 of the respondents, representing (65.2%) of the respondents are male while 8 of the respondents representing (34.2%) are female. Therefore, this shows that majority of the respondents are male.

Table 4.3.2: Highest Academic Qualification Obtained



Percentage (%)






















Source: Researcher’s Survey, 2019

Table 4.3.2 indicates that 3 of the respondents, representing (13%) of the respondents are ND holders, 6 of the respondents representing (26.1%) are HND holders, 7 of the respondents representing (30.4%) are BSC, 4 of the respondents representing (17.1%) are MSC while 3 of the respondents representing (13%) have PhD qualifications. Therefore, this shows that majority of the respondents are BSC and HND holders.

Table 4.3.3: The Types of Printed Information Resources Available in the Library



Percentage (%)










All of the above






Source: Researcher’s Survey, 2019

Table 4.3.3 indicates that 5 of the respondents, representing (21.7%) of the respondents choose books and serials, 3 of the respondents representing (13%) choose pamphlets, while 10 of the respondents representing all of the above. Therefore, this shows that all the above printed materials are available in the library.







Table 4.3.4: The Types of Electronic Resources Availablein the Library



Percentage (%)













All of the above






Source: Researcher’s Survey, 2019

Table 4.3.4 shows the types of electronic resources available in the library.  2 (8.7%) of the respondents choose diskettes, 4(17.4%) chooseCD-ROMS, 5(21.7%) choose E-books and E-journal while 7 (30.4%) of the respondents choose all of the above option. This indicates all of the above options are available in the library.

Table 4.3.5: The Types of Reference Resources Available in the Library



Percentage (%)













Geographical sources









Source: Researcher’s Survey, 2019

Table 4.3.5 shows the types of references resources available in the library.  5 (21.7%) of the respondents choose dictionary, 4(17.4%) chooseencyclopedia, 3(13.0%) choose E-Almanacs and geographical sources while 4(17.4%) choosedirectories and bibliographies.  This indicates that majority of the respondent access dictionary.

Table 4.3.6: Adequacy of Legal Deposit Materials in the Library



Percentage (%)




Very adequate



Not adequate






Source: Researcher’s Survey, 2019

Table 4.3.6 shows the adequacy of legal deposit materials in the library.  19 (65.2%) of the respondents representing adequate while 4(17.4%) of the respondents representing very adequate and not adequate.  This indicates that there is adequate legal deposit materials in the library.

Table 4.3.7: The Procedures for Managing Information Resources in the Library



Percentage (%)

Collection and acquisition of information resources



Organization of information resources



Preservation and conservation of information resources



Accessibility of information resources



All of the above






Source: Researcher’s Survey, 2019

Table 4.3.7 shows the procedures for Managing Information Resources in the Library.  7 (30.4%) of the respondents representing all of the above procedures for managing information resources in the library such as Collection and acquisition of information resources, Organization of information resources, Preservation and conservation of information resources and Accessibility of information resources. 

Table 4.3.8: The Factors that Influence Information need and the use of Information Resources by the User



Percentage (%)







Appropriate channel









Source: Researcher’s Survey, 2019

Table 4.3.8 indicates that, 6 (26.1%) of the respondents representing timelines and accuracy, 7(30.4%) claimed appropriate channel while 4(17.4%) of the respondents claimed presentation.  This indicate that the factors that Influence Information need and the use of Information Resources by the User mostly is through appropriate channel.






Table 4.3.9: The Challenges Associated with the Management of Information Resources in Library



Percentage (%)

Inadequate fund



Poor training opportunities for resources managers



Lack of adequate infrastructure and modern technology



Inadequate maintenance of information resources



All of the above






Source: Researcher’s Survey, 2019

The above table shows the challenges associated with the Management of Information Resources in Library. 4(17.4%) of the respondents representing Inadequate fund, Poor training opportunities for resources managers and All of the above, 5(21.7) Poor training opportunities for resources managers while 6(26.1%) of the respondents representing Lack of adequate infrastructure and modern technology. This shows that Lack of adequate infrastructure and modern technology is the major challenges that associated with the Management of Information Resources in Library.








Table 4.3.10: The Strategies Adopted to overcome the Challenges Associated with the Management of Information Resources in Library



Percentage (%)

Provision of modern ICT facilities



Provision of adequate fund



Adequate infrastructure should be provided



Proper maintenance of information resources



All of the above






Source: Researcher’s Survey, 2019

Table 4.3.10; indicates that 4(17.4%) of the respondents are of the option that provision of modern ICT facilities is needed, 5(21.7%) of the respondents said there should be provision of adequate fund and Adequate infrastructure should be provided, 3(13.0%) of the respondents said there should be proper maintenance of information resources while 6(26.1%) claimed all of the above options; it isbeen conclude that all of the above options are strategies Adopted to overcome the challenges associated with the Management of Information Resources in Library.









5.1       Introduction

This chapter presents the summaries of the study and the major findings, conclusion and recommendations.

5.2       Summary of the Study

The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of information management in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna. The researcher therefore, attempted to identifythe types of information resources available and accessible in library, the procedures adopted for managing information resources in the library, the challenges associated with the management of information resources and strategies to overcome the challenges associated with the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna.In order to achieve the objectives of the study, four research questions were raised. The researcher made use of descriptive survey research method for the study. The choice of this research method was informed by the nature of the research problem being investigated. The population of the study involved all the staff in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna and there is no sampling techniques because the population of the study is not much. The research instruments used to collect data for the study were questionnaire. Descriptive analysis using frequency table and simple percentages were used to analyze the data collected. The results of the findings were presented in tables, figures and showing their relative frequencies to their corresponding percentages.



5.3       Summary of the Findings

The summary of the major findings of the study are as follows:

1.      The types ofinformation resources available and accessible in national library of Nigeria, Kaduna are books, E-books, serials, E-journals and pamphlets.

2.      The procedures adopted for managing information resources in National library of Nigeria, Kaduna include collection and acquisition of information resources, Organization of information resources, Preservation and conservation of information resources and Accessibility of information resources

3.      Challenges associated with the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna are as follows; lack of adequate infrastructure and modern technology, Inadequate fund, Poor training opportunities for resources managers and Inadequate fund and poor training opportunities for resources managers

4.      The strategies adopted to overcome the challenges associated with the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna includes; provision of modern ICT facilities is needed, provision of adequate fund and adequate infrastructure and proper maintenance of information resources.

5.6       Suggestions for Further Research

1.   Management of serial collections in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna State Branch.

2.   Assessment of electronic information resource management by staff in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna State Branch.

3.   The use of information resources by users of National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna State Branch.


5.5       Conclusion

The study is on the management of information resources in the National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna. It was carried out in order to find out how the National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna effectively managed their information resources. The National Library of Nigeria plays a major role of being the depository library of all copyright publications within the country. They are designed to meet information, cultural, education, research and entertainment needs of their citizens and this can only be done through the provision of adequate and quality information resources with effective management of these resources in order to meet their needs.

5.6       Recommendations

Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made:

1.      The National Library of Nigeria needs not only books as its information resources, but also other current adequate information resources like the modern ICT facilities, for example, computers, as well as more audio-visual resources. There is also the need for information resources sharing among libraries so as to solve the problem of acquisition, as this would equally foster cooperation and unity among different libraries.

2.      The National Library of Nigeria should strive to ensure that legal deposit law which is still under review in the National Assembly is being attended to as quickly as possible and also awareness of it should be created to the people.

3.      The National Library of Nigeria should sensitize and enlighten the general public on the legal deposit as one of the means of making information resources available in the library and its function so that those concerned can take note and become aware, if really there is the need to sustain the system.

4.      There is the need to solve the challenges in the management circle of information resources, for example in the area of preservation and conservation among others if effective management of information resources for use is to be achieved in the National Library of Nigeria.

5.      User education programme should be introduced and maintained where librarians can teach the users on how to make good use of the library resources such as catalogues, indexes, abstracts, etc.

6.      The government should make provision of adequate funds, as that will enhance the provision of sufficient, adequate and current information resources in various formats, the provision of more effective Internet services, adequate facilities and to organize programmes on the management of information resources, the provision of constant power supply, etc.
















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Department of Library and Information science,

College of Administrative Studies &Social Sciences,

Kaduna Polytechnic.


October, 2019.

 Dear Sir/ma,

I am a final year student of the above named department currently carrying out research entitled “IMPACT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NIGERIA, KADUNA STATE.

This research is strictly for academic purpose and shall be treated with confidentiality. Please kindly respond honestly to the questions.

Thank you in anticipation of yore cooperation

                                                                                    Yours Sincerely,











Section A: Personal Data; please tick (        ) the appropriate box

1.      Gender                       

a. male             (           )          

b. female         (           )

2.      Highest academic qualification obtained       

a. SSCE           (           )          

b. ND              (           )

c. HND           (           )

d. BSC                        (           )

e. MSC            (           )

f. PhD             (           )

Section B

3.      What are the types of printed information resources available in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna?

a.       Books                                (           )

b.      Serials                                (           )

c.       Pamphlets                          (           )

d.      All of the above                (           )

4.      That are the types of electronic resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna?

a.       Diskettes                           (           )

b.      CD-ROMs                                    (           )

c.       E-books                             (           )

d.      E-journals                          (           )

e.       All of the above                (           )          

5.      What are the types of reference resources available National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna?

a.       Dictionary                         (           )

b.      Encyclopedia                    (           )

c.       Almanacs                          (           )

d.      Directories                         (           )

e.       Geographical sources        (           )

f.       Bibliographies                   (           )

6.      Is there adequate legal deposit materials in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna?

a.       Adequate                                      (           )

b.      Very adequate                   (           )

c.       Not adequate                    (           )

7.      What are the procedures for managing information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna?

a.       Collection and acquisition of information resources                    (           )                      

b.      Organization of information resources                                         (           )

c.       Preservation and conservation of information resources              (           )

d.      Accessibility of information resources                                          (           )

e.       All of the above                                                                            (           )

8.      What are the factors that influence information need and the use of information resources by user?

a.       Timelines                                                   (           )

b.      Accuracy                                                   (           )

c.       Appropriate channel                                  (           )

d.      Presentation                                              (           )

9.      What are the challenges associated with the management of information resources in National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna?

a.       Inadequate fund                                                               (           )

b.      Poor training opportunities for resources managers          (           )

c.       Lack of adequate infrastructure and modern technology             (           )

d.      Inadequate maintenance of information resources           (           )

e.       All of the above                                                                (           )

10.  What are the strategies adopted to overcome the challenges associated with the management of information resources in national library?

a.       Provision of modern ICT facilities                       (           )                      

b.      Provision of adequate fund                                  (           )

c.       Adequate infrastructure should be provided        (           )

d.      Proper maintenance of information resources       (           )

e.       All of the above                                                    (           )






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