Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme Report sample

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION The student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) is a skills training program. This program is been conducted by the industrial training fund (ITF) established under decree No. 44 of 1971 stale as SIWES and harmonized the progromme as scheme in 1973. The scheme is for student of science related course science and technology including environmental studies. 1.1 DEFINITION OF SIWES SIWES is a skill program from which it forms part of approved minimum academic standards in the various courses for all national and international tertiary institution. The program is compulsory for all students in science and technology, it is designed to help the student to acquire practical knowledge in their area of specification so as to not be limited only in the theoretical aspect being learnt in the class. 1.2 PURPOSE OF SIWES 1. ...