This study is basically an assessment of the Impact of KSMC Television in Enlighten the Public on Election among Mahuta residents  of Kaduna State. The study focused on the history of KSMC, history of Mahuta, analysis of various programmes of Kaduna State Media Corporation, history of television, benefits of television, characteristics of television, roles the media play in election, the impact of television in enlightening the public on election in Nigeria, the role of television in enlightening the public on election, the role the play in pre-election and post election period and the impact of “KSMC Television in Election” on the residents of Mahuta. The researcher used the indepth interview method to collect data from 30 respondents on the research. The result showed that “Political platform” a programme of KSMC has impacted greatly on the public by educating, informing and enlightening them on political issues in the country.

According to Doki et al (2009) television is a vastly important medium for number of reasons, the amount of time that many people spends watching it, its ability to bring together diverse groups of people in a sense of shared national identity, and the powerful role as a source of information about experience other than the viewers own. It was first medium to relay in a communication satellites, pictures across continents and it is the prime route to the public for presenting news and current affairs, including the progress of wars and national campaigns, it is thus a powerful influence in public perception and opinion.

Media coverage is the very lifeblood of politics because its hopes the perceptions that form the reality on which political action is based. Media (Television) do more than depict the political environment; they are like the political environment Doris (2001).

The role television plays in promoting and influencing politics and political situations cannot be over emphasized especially in a third world country like Nigeria. The role television play in politics is either increasing or decreasing election and post election environment (peace or violence) by what they relay to the public and viewers depicts reality hence, influence the public opinion.

A German Inventor named Paul Nipkon invented the first rotating disk that would  allow pictures to transmit over wire in 1884. His discovery was the first electron mechanical television scanning system in the world. This rotating disk would rotate at a fast pace, while light passed through the holes to create a picture on a screen.

John Bird invented first pictures in motion that were televised in Europe in 1924. He later transmitted the human face into a screen and during World War II, he invested the first colour picture tube. While it would have be sometime before colour television became a shape in America house hold his contribution to the history of television was enormous.

Charles Jenkins invented a mechanical television that he called “radiovision”, which was said to have transmitted one of the first moving images in 1923. This America inventor went into promote his theories, the technology of the television along with other inventors, when they transmitted the first live pictures onto a screen. This pilgrim in the history of television is also famous for creating the first television station in North America.

Vladimir Zwirykia invented the cathode ray tube, which he named the kinescope and started a new era in the history of television. Before, the kinescope, televisions in the 1920s were mechanical. The cathode ray tube was not only needed for transmission, this device transformed the television into an electronic device.

According to Dynamics of Mass Communication by Joseph R. Dominick, pictures quality of the early television system as poor, but technical developemtnd during the 1930s improved performances. RCA with Zworykius help and a patent arrangement, that permitted it to used farsworth. Invention, set out to develop television’s commercial potential to NBC, owned by RCA, gave the first public demonstration of broadcast commercial television at the 1939 world’s fair. Dominick (2004).

Finally, an American farmer named Philo Farnsworth made a breakthrough in history of television at the age of 13, when he discovered a way to transmit images into a screen by the use of 60 horizontal licies, which made the picture clearer. Farnsworth also invented over 165 devices including the dissector tube which became ground work for television we use today.

However, television broadcasting in Nigeria can be traced down to the initiative of the first Western region premier, chief Obafemi Awolowo who on October 31st 1959 launched television broadcasting at Ibadan, the Headquarters of the region. The Western region government went into partnership with overseas rediffusion limited. The Western Nigeria  Radiovision service limited was created with the responsibility of radio and television broadcasting under one management. A small transmitter of 500 watts power was mounted on Mapo Hill in Ibadan and another at Abafon near Ikorodu. The television was therefore established to disseminate information and entertain viewers. The television station in the western region pioneered commercial broadcasting in Nigeria to supplement government subvention.

In 1962, the Western region government task full control of the WNBS/WNTV by buying over all the shares held by the overseas rediffusion limited. In the same year, the Nigeria Television Services was born in Lagos with the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) and the National Broadcasting Company International Limited managing the station.

The federal military government of Nigeria under General Olusegun Obasanjo took over the television stations in Nigeria in 1978 and changed it name to Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) today. Today, Nigeria has thirty six states with each having her own television stations. The Federal Government has also established a branch of NTA in each state.

Television appeals to the senses of sight and sound and it is a comprehensive technique and the combination of audio and visuals colour and motions which has the ability to captured the interest of most viewers. Television has the ability to inform, educate and persuade the general public to perform certain functions. Its ability to send pictures and sound simultaneously to a large and widely dispersed audience makes it dramatic in nature and captivating. That is why the government and other private bodies gives much attention to it. The television serves as an intermediary between widely through to have the most extensive influence over public opinion today. Constock (1978) and Martin (1973).

According to Pra Krit (2010) television is one of the most important and reliable means of communication. It is a medium for everybody whether a person is old or young. It can help students learn many things. Television today in the modern world is very necessary for everybody to know about the outside world and changes that have come. Television is a means which the public know or get to know about the latest news of their country and others. Its impact and create political awareness with the view of all these, television as a powerful fictional medium in contemporary society.

The mass media (television) force attention to certain issues, they are constantly suggesting what individuals in the mass audience should think about, know about and have feelings about Pre Kriti (2010). 

The mass media generates topical issues for publics consideration and discourse through “agenda setting”, this they do in order to effects the public belief and opinion about what is important. The role of television in the public pre-suppose much more than acting as a checks on the activities of government and it is true to say that television plays a crucial role in naturing and consolidating a democratic ethics in Nigeria and facilitating the enjoyment of fundamental freedom ones, which is the right to free expression of though. Martin (1978).

1.           Informative: Television broadcast the news about weather stations to keep you up to date on the current events. This is a very good benefit since a person needs  to know what happens around them. Without it people would not have the benefit of keeping on top of current events in their area as well as what is happening in the political world.
2.           Education: Television can be very educational for the watcher. They can learn new things through educational programs and from television in general,
3.           Family bonding: the television makes for great family bonding. It allows family to watch a show or movie together and share a great time together.
4.           Intelligence: Complex television shows or movies requires a great deal of intelligence to understand the show or movie. Television isn’t about comedy, drama and fantasy.
5.           Lean about different cultures: Television brings different kinds of people and culture into your family room, such as the travel channel and the food networking channel
6.           Water cooler effect: Television brings in many different things into the family room and gives people many different things to talk who have little in common.
7.           How to do things: The television inform the viewers on how to do things, either how to make, create or build things.
8.           Entertainment: With the different reality television shows it makes for great entertainment.
9.           Exercise: Television makes exercise easier, you don’t have to join a club or sign up for an exercised class to get profession exercise help
10.       Memory: Many drama shows require you to remember the plot from week to week. This will allow you to get the most out of the shows. Palmer (2010).

The Kaduna State Media Corporation was born out of the former Nigeria Broadcasting Corporation (N.B.C) Kaduna established in the 1950’s following the re-organization of broadcast in the country in 1978, regional radio stations at Enugu, Ibadan and Kaduna which transmit on short wave, were taken over by the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria in place of the then NBC station, except the National Station in Lagos were handled over to respective state government of the location. Thus BNC Kaduna was handed over to the Kaduna State government and rename Kaduna State Broadcasting Corporation (KSMC through edict No. 7 Act of 1978.

In 1991, the Kaduna state government awarded contract for the establishment of its own television station at the same time transferred the publication of the weekly news monitor newspaper from the Ministry of Information to KSMC. This necessitates the change in name from broadcasting corporation to media conglomeration saddled with the responsibilities of AM radio, FM stereo, television and news publishing services.

Accordingly, the present Kaduna State Media Corporation (television) came into being under edict No 7 of May 28th 1991. The Kaduna State Television commended transmission on December 31st 1995 from Kufena house  studio near the Ultra –modern Sheikh Mahmood Gumi Central Market. Seven years later, KSTV Kachia boaster station started transmission from the Southern part of the state.

On the 5th of October, 2001 yet another channel, Capital TV hit the air waves of Kaduna metropolis with fast paced programming and great entertainment. KSMC has a great reach from high masts and powerful transmitter with a pen chart for top quality documentaries from the station, the station engaged in quite a lot of creative production that include a wide range of commercial jingles, grassroot news, intriguing drama, and entertainment programmes. Programming is in English and Hausa with a rich variety of cultural festival and features (KSMC Library, 2013).

Mahuta has been in existence since the creation of Kaduna state. However, the population of inhabitants began to grow around 1994. Prior to that time, there were only a few people inhibiting in the area. The current population revolution in the area today is a factor of a number of reasons which includes economic purposes.

Mahuta is located in Chikun Local Government area of Kaduna state, along Kachia Road Opposite NNPC Junction Kaduna South. Basically, Mahuta is headed by two district heads and theya re called “Dakaci of Mahuta”.

The pre-occupation of people of the area is farming, while others are traders and teachers. The inhabitants are peace loving and have co-existed for a long period of time without community clashes.

They also make themselves available for learning and also assist themselves in terms of developmental projects. The structure of houses in Mahuta are modern houses with a few huts and primitive houses. They also have a small market where one can purchase foodstuffs and other valuables. In Mahuta there are several private schools for learning and one government school (Mahuta Residents Interviewed).

Kaduna State Media Corporation (KSMC) has various programmes that serve various audience, just as the saying goes “variety is the spice of life”. Hence, each of these prorgammes has its own target audience and rationale for producing such programmes. Some of these political programmes broadcastes on KSMC television are politics today, Kaduna today and political platform.

Politics today is normally broadcast on Mondays, for 45 minutes (10:0am – 10:45am). A particular presenter anchor the programme, though the anchor has fixed day of presenting the programme which is usually on Mondays.

Politics today is aimed at uniting the society, it addresses our everyday political life, knowledge, living and interaction with one another on politics, celebrities from different political party are normally being interviewed to enlighten the audience on political background i.e from the grassroot level of politics. The mode of presentation for this programme is through interviewing of guest and sometimes accompanied by telephone calls.

Kaduna today is also a programme on KSMC, aired once a week, for 30minutes. The main objectives is to discuss the current happenings in the society (Kaduna). The mode of broadcasting of the programme is mostly in discussion format in the studio and viewers making phone calls to ask questions, contribute and to give their own opinion on a particular issue. The programme also has the Hausa version of it which is called “Ayau”.

Political platform is another powerful enlightenment programme broadcast on KSMC television which is normally being broadcast once a week. This programme is of two version, Hausa and English. The English version is called political platform while the Hausa version is called “Ceyesa Yache”. Various presenters this programme, though each presenterhas fixed time of presenting having Hausa version taking off immediately after the English version, for the purpose of clear understanding.

The aim of this programme is to create awareness of party political candidate and also to discuss current happenings during pre-election, the election, the election proper, post election and political environment in the society.

Political platform is a 45minutes programmes with weekly editions. The method of presentation of the programme is also in a discussion, political experts, senators, different party chairmen are being invited to the studio one-on -one discussion to enlighten the public on election or the ongoing election. During the programme the different party chairmen or candidate reveal their aim of contesting and also the senator warns the public against election violence either before, during or after the election. It is an educative programme because it enlightens people about politics.

The media play an indispensible role in the proper functioning of a democracy. Discussion of the media’s function within electoral contexts often focuses on their “watchdog role” by unfettered scruting and discussion of the successes and failure of candidates, governments and electoral management bodies, the media can inform the public of how effectively they have performed and help hold them to account. Yet the media also have other roles in enabling full public participation in election. Cairo (2011).
1.   By educating voters on how to exerice their democratic rights
2.   By reporting in the development of an election campaign
3.   By creating a platform for political parties and candidates to communicate their messages to the electorate.
4.   By providing a platform for the public to communicate their concerns, opinions, and needs to the parties/candidates, the NGO, the government and the other voters, and to interact on the issues.
5.   By allowing the parties and candidates to debate with each other on television or other broadcast media.
6.   By reporting results and monitoring vote counting
7.   By scrutinizing the electoral process itself, including electoral management, in order to evaluate the processes fairness, efficiency and polity
8.   By providing information that as far as possible avoids inflammatory language, to help prevent election related violence. Cairo (2011).

KSMC programme “political platform” has impacted so much on residents of Mahuta area of Kaduna state by exposing them to new and promising ways of solving their political problems, thereby helping to build and sustain existing political.

The programme also impact on young, adult, skills on how to vote for their right choice political party, hence, the programme has help members of the society to broaden their knowledge on political understanding and co-existence among parties.

The programme has also helped to re-unite political parties as those affected has being able to right their wrongs, hence, the need for peaceful co-existence was re-emphasized. Moreso, the programme has become an educative segment for most publics where different political party members react to letters read by the presenters thereby, bringing party closer and getting to know one’s feeling or thought about issues of politics.

The messages from “political platform” a programme of KSMC will go a long way in enhancing political orientation, parties information, candidate’s profile and antecedents from one generation or tenure to the next.
In an attempt to build on the weakness of the study, the researcher made the following recommendations:
1.           The media (KSMC) should focus more on political programmes in their programme content, this will help in addressing political corruption or problems occurring during political campaigns and frequent problems between parties in our society.
2.           Political platform is an interactive programme which has high level of viewership but its time is short, hence other organization should help sponsor the programme as to have more time for viewership.
3.           The rate of controversy in politics in our society is alarming forcing people to vote for candidate that is not their choice in the polling unit/thieving of ballot box, the government, media and policy makers should initiate porgrammes or policy aimed at reducing the rate of this so that there will be understanding among all.
4.           There should also be fully assurance of no NEPA failure when a programme is on air (being broadcast) to avoid discouragement or getting the viewers distracted from watching their programme
5.           The KSMC media should work on their electronics used in passing messages to the audience to avoid mechanical noise which distort the messages sometimes during their programme.


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