Salmonella species are gram negative facultative anaerobic rods. The study was carried out to determine the susceptibility pattern of Salmonella typhi to selected routine antibiotics. A total of 100 stool samples were collected from Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital, Kaduna. Out of the total of 100 stool samples cultured, 13 (130) Salmonella isolated were identified by their colony morphology and biochemical tests of which 7 (53.84%) were Salmonella typhi and 6 (46.16%) were Salmonella typhimurium. Out of the 13 Salmonella isolates 5 (38.46%) were from males and 8 (61.54%) were from females. All the isolates of Salmonella typhi were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing using 10 antibiotics commonly used for the treatment of typhoid fever Augmentin (25mg), Gentamycin (10mg), Pefloxacin (10mg), Tarivid (30mg), Streptomycin (30mg), Septnin (30mg), Chloramphenicol (30mg), Sparfloxacin (10mg), Ciprofloxacin (10mg) and Amoxacillin (30mg). the Isolates showed resistance to 4 out of 10 Antibitics used (Chloramphenicol, Septrin, Augmentin and Amoxicillin) but were sensitive to Ciprofloxacin, Pefloxacin, Gentamycin, Tarivid, Streptomycin and Sparfloxacin with 21mm, 20mm, 16mm, 17mm, 21mm and 19mm as their mean zones of inhibition respectively. All isolates of Salmonella typhimurium were resistance to 4 out of 10 antibiotics which are Chloramphenicol, Septrin, Augmentin and Amoxicillin but sensitive to Ciprofloxacin, Pefloxacin, Gentamycin, Tarivid, Streptomycin and Sparfloxacin with 19mm, 22mm, 17mm, 18mm, 10mm and 16mm respectively. The results of this study suggest that only the Fluoroquinolones are effective against the typhoid bacteria and the results call for nationwide surveillance programme to monitor microbial trends and antibiotic resistance pattern in Nigeria.

Salmonella species member of the family Enterobacteriaceae are gram negative facultative anaerobic rods. The genus Salmonella contain two species S. enterica and S. bongori.S.enterica contains six subspecies which are S. enterica subspecies enterica, S. enterica subspecies diarizonae, S. enterica subspecies arizonae and S. enterica subspecies indica. Most of the isolates that cause disease in human and her mammals belong to S. enterica subspecies enterica(Center for food security and public health, 2011).

Salmonella enterica serotype typhi (S.typhi) inhabits the lymphatic tissues if the small intestine, liver, spleen and blood stream of infected humans, S. typhi is the causative agent of typhoid fever (David, 2013).

Salmonella typhi has combination of characteristics that makes it an effective pathogen. This species contains an endotoxin typical gram – negative organisms, as well as the Vi antigen which is thought to increase virulence. It also produces and excretes a protein known as “Invasin” that allows non-phagocytic cells to take up the bacterium, where it is able to live intracellularly. It is also able  to inhabit the oxidative burst of leukocytes making innate immune response ineffective (David, 2003).
Ineffective with Salmonella bacteria cause typhoid fever in people if they are infected with Salmonella enterica serotype typhi (S. typhi) or S. enterica serotype paratyphi (S. paratyphi A,B,C) (Effa et al., 2011).

Food products of animal origin are considered to be the major source of human Salmonella infection. Special programme have been implemented for surveillance of poultry, swine and cattle. Also include, the surveillance of healthy animals that maybe subclinical carriers of Salmonella organisms. Cross–examination during food processing is also monitored as contamination by healthy food handlers can occur (World Health Organization (WHO), 1994).

Human spreads Salmonella mainly through the stool, food borne illness among the people and transmission can occur when food and water are contaminated with stool or through direct fecal-oral route. Human stool acts as an important reservoir of Salmonella serovars that are the grouping of microorganisms based on their cell surface antigen. Species isolated from human stool are Salmonella typhi, S. paratyphi A, S. typhimurium, S. Wrothington and S. enteritidis (Kumar et al., 2009). 

The causative organism Salmonella typhi has rapidly gained resistance of antibiotics like Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone and Co-trimazole and also to previously efficacious drugs like Ciprofloxacin. The emergence of antimicrobial resistance, especially the multidrug resistance to Ampicillin, Chloramphenicol, and Co-trimazole, has further complicated the treatment and management of adult and paediatic infections (Neopane, S. B Singh et al., 2008).

Antibiotic sensitivity (susceptibility) is a term used to describe the susceptibility of bacteria to antibiotics. The term “antibiotic” was derived from the ancient Greek word “anti against and compound that kills or inhabits the growth of bacteria ( 2009). Antibiotic susceptibility test is usually carried out to determine which antibiotic will be most successful in treating a bacterial infection. The effectiveness of individual antibiotics varies within location of the infection, the ability of the antibiotic to resist or inactivate infection ( sensitivity, 2009).

Antibiotic sensitivity test is divided into three categories; susceptible, resistant and intermediate categories. The “Susceptible” category implies that the isolates are inhabited by the normal levels or concentration of antimicrobial agent where the recommended dosage is used for treatment. The “intermediate” category includes isolates with antimicrobial minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) that approach usually attainable blood and tissue levels and for which response rates may be used (e.g. beta-lactams). The “resistant” category implies that isolates are not inhabited by the normal level or concentration of antimicrobial zone diameter used fall in range where specific microbial resistance (e.g. beta-lactams) are likely and the clinical efficacy of the agent against the isolates has not being reliably show in treatment studies. (,2009).
Treatment with appropriate antibiotics is essential for recovery from typhoid fever. However, treatment has come progressively more problematic with the gradual emergence of antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella typhi. Due to the resistance of S. typhi to antibiotics, there appears to be the need to carry out antimicrobial test to check the susceptibility of this organism to different antibiotics. The results from such anti-microbial test would provide a good basis that will guide the choice of the moist effective antibiotics that will be used in treating typhoid fever (Wain et al., 2001).

1.1             Aim and Objectives
·        To isolate and characterize Salmonella typhi from stools of symptomatic patients.
·        To investigate and check the susceptibility pattern of Salmonella typhi to selected routine antibiotics.
·        To recommend the antibiotics suitable for use in Salmonella typhi from stool samples.

1.2             Significance of the Study  
Knowing the susceptibility of Salmonella typhi isolated from stool samples could help in determining the routine antibiotics to be used on the patients.

2.1. The Organism
Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi, a gram-negative bacterium. A very similar but often less severe disease is caused by Salmonella serotype paratyphi A. the nomenclature for these bacteria is confused because the criteria for designating bacteria as individual species are not clear. Two main views on the nomenclature of the genus Salmonella have been discussed. Le Minor and Popoff suggested that two species should be recognized. Salmonella bongori and Salmonella enterica. S. enteric include six subspecies, of which subspecies I: (one) contained all the pathogens of warm–blooded animals. Salmonella typhi was a serotype within subspecies: Salmonella enteric subspecies I serotype typhi (World Health Organization (WHO), 2003).

Salmonella typhi can only attack humans, so the infection always comes from another human, either an ill person or a healthy carrier of the bacterium. The bacterium is passed on with water and foods and can withstand both drying and refrigeration (Charles, 2005).

In the body, the organism can be found in the blood within the first 10 days of infection from which it can be isolated. Later in the infection, it can be found in stool and urine (Cheesebrough, 1993).

2.1.1 The Disease
During an acute infection, Salmonella typhi multiplies in mononuclear phagocytic cells before being released into the blooded stream. After ingestion in food or water, typhoid organisms pass through the pylorus and reach the small intestine. They rapidly penetrate the mucosal epithelium via either microfold cells on enterocytes and arrive in the lamina propria, where they rapidly elicit an influx of macrophages that ingests the bacilli, but does not generally multiply. Some bacilli remain within macrophages of the small intestinal lymphoid tissue. Other typhoid bacilli are drained into mesenteric lymph nodes where there is further multiplication and ingestion by macrophages. It is believed that typhoid bacilli reach the blood stream principally by lymph drainage from mesenteric nodes, after which they enter the thoracic duct and then the general circulation (World Health Organization, WHO, 2003).

2.1.2 Epidemiology
Typhoid is transmitted mainly by the fecal-oral route, in most cases an asymptomatic carrier of Salmonella typhi or an individual who has recently recovered from the infection continues to excrete large number of organisms in the stool and contaminates food or water either through direct food handling, through transfer of bacteria by flies and other insects or by contamination potable water (Lin, et al., 2000).

Approximately, 10% of patients recovering from typhoid fever excrete Salmonella typhi in the stool for three months, and in the past 2-3% become permanent carries. These infections have great potential for epidemic spread therefore (Spike, et al., 1987 and Thong, et al., 1994). In the tropics enteric fever tends to be more common during the hot dry seasons when the concentration of bacteria in rivers and streams increases, or on the rainy season if flooding distributes sewage to drinking water sources. In some areas the incidence of typhoid may be as high as 1, 000 cases per 100,000 population per year. In such areas typhoid is predominantly a disease of children, and stool excretion of the infection. In such areas Salmonella typhi infections are commonly mild and self-limiting. Server disease represents the “tip of the iceberg”. In temperate countries persistent caries are more important reservoir of infection (Hoffman, et al., 1984).

For travellers the highest attack rate are associated with visits to per (17 per 105 visits) J, India (11 per 105 visits J and Pakistan (10 per 10S visits J. Although Indonesia has a reported annual incidence up to 1%, the attack rate for travellers is low. In general, the mortality of enteric fever is low (<10%) where antibiotics are available, but in poorer areas, or in the context of natural disasters, wars, migrations large concentrated refuge population and other privations, the mortality may rise to 10% - 30%, despite antibiotic therapy. Typhoid tends to cluster in families (Luxemburger,  et al., 2001), presumably reflecting a common source of the infection and is associated with poverty and poor housing. A part from explosive to the contaminated food (often ice creams or iced drinks) or water source, a number of host factors increase the risk of Salmonella infections. Disease related (achlorhydria) or iatrogenic (antacids, H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors) reduction in stomach acidity or get pathology (surgery, inflammatory bowel disease, malignancy) and recent antibiotics increase the susceptibility to infection. Disease related or iatrogenic immunosuppression and several other infections, notably schistosomiasis, malaria (Lucy et al., 1998 and Luxemburger et al., 2001), risk of Salmonella infections. Typhoid is more common and more severe at the extremes of age. Neonatal typhoid usually acquired from the mother may follow a fulminant course often with meningitis, patients with hemoglobinopathies, particularly sickle cell dieses are also at increased risk. (Bhutta, 1996 and Butter et al., 1991)

2.1.3 Mode of Transmission and Incubation Period
Humans are the only natural host and reservoir, the infection is transmitted by ingestion of food or water contaminated with faeces. Ice cream is recognized as a significant risk factor for the transmission of typhoid fever. Selfish taken from contaminated water and raw fruit and vegetables fertilized with sewage, have been sources of past outbreaks. The highest incidence occurs where water supplies serving large population are contaminated with faeces. Epidemiological dated suggest that water borne transmission of Salmonella typhi usually involves small inoculate, whereas food born transmission is associated with large inoculate and high attack rates over short period (Evanoff  et al., 1980). The incubation period is 10-20 days and depends among other things, on how large a dose of bacteria has been taken in. In the mild disease, the bacterium is eliminated very early in the course of the disease and there are perhaps only mild symptoms. It is possible to become a healthy carrier of infection (Charles, 2005).

Mbuh (1997) has reported different incubation periods, ranging from 3 to 40 days with mean of 5 to 14 days. Water borne infection has long incubation period, milk infection shorter and food the shortest.

 2.1.4 Clinical Manifestations
The clinical features or manifestations of enteric fever vary considerably between different geographic regions. In many areas typhoid becomes the leading differential diagnosis of a patient with a fever which has lasted for more than one week. The clinical features of typhoid and paratyphoid fever are generally similar, although paratyphoid tends to be a more mild infection (Christie, 1984).

Most  patients with enteric fever present with a non-specific gradual onset of an influenza-like illness although Salmonella typhi infection can present with fever and a bewildering array of signs and symptoms ranging from non-metastatic central nervous system syndromes including psychosis and cerebellacadaxia (Trevett, et al., 1994), through to focal involvement of bone (Decleroq, et al., 1994) liver (El-Newihi, et al., 1996,  Jagadish, et al., 1994 and Schwartz, et al., 1994), Spleen (Allal, et al, 1993), testes (Zafar, et al., 1995), meninges (Lecour, et al., 1994) ,and (Sharma, and Sharma, 1992), Vacular prostheses, antheromatous plagues etc. (Van Basten, and Stockenbrugger, 1960).

In general, the enteric fever is sub-acute infections with an incubation period of approximately 7 – 14 days (range 3-6 days) following espouse. The illness begins insidiously with non-specific signs and symptoms of fever (Pichons, et al., 1992), headache muscle and joint aches, malaise, lassitude, anorexia, often a dry cough. (Sometimes associated with a sore throat) (Sharma, and Sharma, 1992). The spleen enlarges, but lymphaderiopathy is not usually prominent. There may be a few rose spots (Sparse, pink, macular popular lesions which blanche with pressure and fade after two or three days) on the thorax or abdomen (usually less than 10), but these are often unnoticed (particularly in dark skinned patients). In paratyphoid fever rose spots may be more prominent. The classic “step ladder fever” of typhoid is unusual although the fever does become higher as the disease progresses, until it levels fluctuating between 39oc and 40oc. Mild chills and sweating are common but true rigors are rare. Relative bradycardia is considered common in typhoid although in many series this has not been a feature of the disease. Some abdominal complaints are usual although either diarrhea or constipation may occur. There is usually some abdominal discomfort and even in the first week of the disease the patient may notice passage per-rectum of a small amount of blood or meleia. Normal bowel habit is usual in typhoid. Diarrhea (Roy SK et al., 1985) is more common in infants (Bhutta, et al., 1991), and in patients with AIDS. Constipation occurs in approximately 40% of patients. A fulminant onset with a septic shock presentation may occur bi is unusual.  The clinical evolution of untreated typhoid is divided classically into weeks (Christie, 1984).

During the first week the fever rises gradually and in the second week reaches a high plateau. By the second week the patient has become progressively weaker, has lost weight and has often developed the characteristic affect from which typhoid derives its name (typhoid means “like typhus”, which in turn drives from the Greek typhos meaning smoke, and refers to the clouding of the sensorium in these infection). The patient remains apathetic or depressed, ahergic, often confused and withdrawn whilst lying in bed, yet sleep does not come easily. By the third week of infection, if untreated, a dangerous stage is entered upon in which either intestinal perforation or hemorrhage become more likely as the  necrotic peyeris patches either erode through the wall of the terminal: leum (Bitar Rand Tarpley, 1985, Butter, et al., 1991 and Butter, et al 1985), or penetrate a large blood vessel. In large series reported before the pre-chloramphenicol era intestinal hemorrhage occurred in 7 – 21% of cases and intestinal perforation in between 0.7and 4.7% of cases (Christie, 1984).

In the antibiotic era, the incidence of perforation has fallen slightly to approximately 3% of cases, and clinically significant intestinal bleeding now occurs in less than 2% although figures still vary considerably from series to series. The risk of both hemorrhage and perforation increase from the middle of the second week. In the third week of the illness, the patient is often withdrawn, obtunded or intermittently delirious. The abdomen becomes distended and there may be, vomiting and abdominal pain. Right upper quadrant pain may indicate cholecystitis or cholangitis (35 of cases) whereas lower quadrant pain with signs of peritoneal irritation may indicate perforation. Complications in the third and fourth week also include preumonia (Parry, et al., 2002) ARDS (Buczko and Mclean, 1994), the development of acute Psychosis, Coma (Rajeshwari et al., 1995) and Biswa, 1994), myocarditis (Prabha,  et al., 1995), Pericarditis, orchitis (Zafar, et al., 1995), Venous thrombosis (Ghosh and Samanta, 1994) Splenic rupture (Ali, et al., 1994), meningitis (Leocour, et al., 1994), hepatic dysfunction (Jagadish et al., 1994) and occasional renal failure (Shernurne, et al., 2000). If the patient survive this phase of the illness there follows a gradual recovery.

As the duration of infection is an important determinate of the risk of severe complications, a delay in receiving appropriate antibiotic treatment may have serious consequences. In some endemic areas multi drug resistance (and thus delayed treatment with effective antimicrobials) has led to an increase in mortality, particularly in infants (Bhutta, 1996).

2.2       Diagnosis
The clinical diagnosis of typhoid is confirmed by culture of the organism from blood or born marrow or another non-gastrointestinal site. Isolation of the organism from the duodenal secretions or the stool on a febrile patient is also suggestive of enteric fever (although of course fever from a different infection may occur in someone who has recently recoveredfrom typhoid or in a chronic carrier). Stool cultures are positive in approximately 60% of children and 25% of adults. 77 excretion of Salmonella typhi in the stool is more likely with higher blood bacterial counts and children tend to have higher bacteremia than adults. Blood cultures are positive in 60% -80% of patients with yield maximized by taking a large volume of blood. Lysis centrifugation and lysis plating methods accelerate identification of Salmonella typhi from blood (Saha, et al., 2001). The median bacterial count is one cfu per ml of blood (Wain, et al., 2001).

Approximately, two thirds of these organisms are within phagocytic cells, and thus located in the buffy coat (Rubin FA et al., 1990 and Wain j et al., 1998). Blood bacterial counts decline as the disease progresses. Bone marrow counts are approximately ten times higher (Wain j et al., 2001). Bone marrow culture increases the diagnosis yield from blood cultures by approximately 30% (Dance, et al., 1991, Gilman, et al., 1975, Hoffman, et al., 1986 and Hoffman, et al., 1984) Biopsies of the rose-sports are also usually culture positive, Salmonella typhi is usually present in the duodenum and can be recovered using the sting test (Hoffman, et al., 1984). This is also useful for identifying chronic gallbladder carriers (Gilman, et al., 1979). Salmonella typhi is sometimes excreted in the urine and occasionally causes urinary tract infections, particularly if there are structural abnormalities of the urinary tract (Matthias, et al., 1995). In areas where Schistosoma haematobiumis endemic, such as Egypt, urinary tract carriers outnumber enteric carriers of Salmonella typhi. Urine antigen tests have been described recently (Chaicumpa W et al., 1992) but these have not been evaluated sufficiently several PCR methods have not been described, but these are not used widely (Sharma, et al., 1992), although molecular typins is important in distinguishing recrudescent from newly acquired infections in endemic areas (Wain, et al., 1999) Serological diagnosis is widely relied upon (House, et al., 2001), the widal test which measures the antibody titres to the somatic O and flagella H antigens is relied upon widely, although there are very divergent views on its utility. There have been several well documented epidemics in which the widal was usually negative, but other epidemiological settings where it has proved useful. Overall sensitivity is approximately 70-80% with specificity ranging from 80-95% (Parry, et al., 1999), new Ig M and Ig G based rapid serological tests have proved useful in some areas. (Bhutta, and Mansurali, 1999; Choo, et al., 1999 and Lim, et al., 1998) but are not validated sufficiently for widespread adoption.

2.3       Treatment
2.3.1   General Management
Supportive measures are important in the management of Salmonella typhi infection (typhoid fever), such as oral or intravenous hydration, the use of antipyretic and appropriate nutrition and blood transfusion if indicated. More than 90% of patients can be managed at home with oral antibiotics, reliable care and close medical follow-up for complication or failure to respond to therapy (Punjabi, 2000). However, patients with persistent vomiting, severe diarrhea and abdominal distension may require hospitalization and parenteral antibiotic therapy.

2.3.2 Antimicrobial Therapy
The majority of patients with typhoid fever have uncomplicated infection and present with a febrile illness. Most patients can take oral treatment and 90% of cases are treated as outpatients. The proportion of patients who present with complication infections varies considerably; for example in Nepal and Vietnam the majority of patients with typhoid have uncomplicated infections and many are still able to walk despite having positive blood cultures. In contrast, in Jakarta, Indonesia, severe infections are relatively common, particularly in children and are often present with encephalopathy or shock (Hoffman, et al., 1986). These patients obviously require parental treatment. With the extensive spread of multidrug resistant Salmonella typhi chloramphenicol can no longer be regarded the drug of choice for suspected enteric fever (Gulatis, et al., 1992 and Rowe, et al., 1987).

In complicated infections the median time to fever clearance in fully sensitive infection is usually 4-5 days. It is not uncommon for blood cultures to remain positive up to the third day of treatment with chloramphenicol in a fully sensitive infection. The fluoroquinohone should now be regarded as the treatment of first choice for typhoid fever. They sterilize the blood more rapidly than other drugs and in general fever clearance times have ranged between 3 and 5 days within this group of drugs fever lasting one week following fluoroquinolone treatment unusual and usually indicates halidixic-acid (i.e. quinolones) resistance. With the third generation cephalosporius fever clearance times have been longer, generally ranging between 5 and 8 days (Girgis, et al., 1995, Hien, et al., 1994, Smith, et al., 1994 and Wallace, et al., 1993). Recent studies with short course fluoroquinolone treatment suggest that the duration of fever does not reliably reflect the duration of infection. Two days treatment with fluoroquinohone, which have over 85% treatment efficacy (Vinh, et al., 1996), are associated with a fever clearance  time of 4-5 days that is, the patient is febrile for a longer period than the treatment is given. Patients with background immunity will have a better response to treatment than non-immunes and may self cure with ineffective drug treatment. Oligosymptomatic patient with mild fever will usually respond rapidly and have a low incidence of relapse. In recent study from Nepal high plasma concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines, reflecting a more server infection, were associated with a delayed response to antimicrobial treatment and an increased risk of relapse (Butter, et al., 1993).

Quinolone resistance poses a major therapeutic problem; MDR quinolone resistant Salmonella typhi still usually responds to azithromycin, long courses of high dose fluoroquinolones, or third generation cephalosporins, nut the optimum treatment has not been determined.

2.3.4 Antimicrobial Susceptibility
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing is crucial for the guidance of clinical management. Isolates from many parts of the world are now multidrug-resistant (MDR) (Rome B et al., 1997, Bhutta ZA, 1996 and Gupta A, 1994). Isolates are usually resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, sulfonamide, trimethoprim, streptomycin and tetracycline. Alternative drugs that are used for treatment include: Fluoroquinolones (e.g. Ceftriaxone), third generation cephalosporin (e.g. Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime) a mono bantam beta-lactam (aztreonam) and a macrolide (azithromycin). Even though resistance to the first two has been noted they nevertheless, remain useful (Saha, et al., 1999). Reduced susceptibility to Fluoroquinolones is indicated by in vitro resistance to halidixic acid (Murdoch, et al., 1998).

In vitro susceptibility testing usually involves disc diffusion; the choice of antimicrobial agents for the test is dictated by the agents that are currently being used for treatment and the desire to determine the prevalence of MDR stains. After the previous first-line drugs were discontinued for the treatment of typhoid fever in Bangladesh because of the emergence of MDR strains, the prevalence of multidrug resistance decreased and the possibility arose of using these drugs again. It is therefore recommended that susceptibility tests be performed against the following antimicrobial agents:  a fluonquinolone, a third-generation cephalosporin and any other drug currently used for treatment, halidixic-acid (for determining reduced susceptibility to fluonquinolone because of the possibility of false in vitro susceptibility against the fluonquinolone used for treatment) and the previous first-line antimicrobials to which the stains could be resistant (chloramphenol, ampicillin, trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole, streptomycin and tetracycline). Azithromycin disc test result should be interpreted with caution. The appropriate break-point recommendations for azithromycin against Salmonella typhi are still not clear. Patients may respond satisfactorily to azithromycin even if isolates are intermediate according to current guidelines (Murdoch, et al., 1998).

3.1       Study Area
The study area was Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital which is located in the Northern part of Nigeria. The study was situated at 10.52 north latitude, 7.41 east longitude with about 1,582102 inhabitants residing in the state.

3.2       Sample Collection
A total number of 100 samples of Salmonella typhi of stool samples was collected from patients suffering from suspected typhoid fever who attends Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital, Kaduna and put into stool sample containers.

3.3       Methodology
3.3.1   Media Preparation Macconkey Agar
52g of Macconkey agar powder was dissolved in 1 litre of distilled water, the mixture was then stirred properly to dissolve the agar. It was sterilized by autoclaving at 1210c for 15 minutes and the medium was poured aseptically in sterile petri dishes and allowed to solidify. Selenite – F Broth
4g of sodium biselenite was dissolved in 1 litre of distilled water, 19g of broth base (1ab4a) was added and the both components was heated gently until it was dissolved. It was allowed to cool rapidly, dispensed into final containers and sterilized for 10minutes in a boiling water bath. Salmonella-Shigella Agar
66g of Salmonella – shigella agar was dissolved in 1 litre of distilled water, where the mixture was boiled with frequent agitation until the agar dissolved properly. It was allowed to cool to 500c then mixed and poured into sterile petri dishes to be solidified. Nutrient Agar
28g of nutrient agar was dissolved in 1 litre of distilled water, it was allowed to dissolve gently by autoclaving at 1210c for 15minutes. The medium was poured aseptically in sterile petri dishes and allowed to solidify.

3.4       Isolation
A loopful of faeces was inoculated on selenite – f broth alongside on Maconkey agar and incubated at 370c for 24 hours then colourless colonies which developed was sub-cultured on Salmonella – shigella agar for 24 hours at 370c.

3.5       Gram Staining
·                    Thin smears was prepared by using a sterile wireloop to pick a small amount of colony from the discrete colonies
·                    It was emulsified in small amount of water on a sterile grease tree glass slide
·                    The smear was allowed to dry then it was heat fixed
·                    The smear was then covered with crystal violet for about 1 minutes
·                    It was washed with water and covered with grams iodine about for 1 minute
·                    The slide was washed with water and decolorized with alcohol for 10 – 30 seconds
·                    The slide was washed with water and finally covered with safranin stain for 10 – 30 seconds
·                    It was washed with water and allowed to dry
·                    The back of the slide was wiped clean and placed on a draining rack for the smear to air – dry
·                    The slides was viewed using a microscope with x100 objective lens
·                    A pink (red) colour bacilli was observed on the glass slide.

3.6       Antibiotic Sensitivity Disc testing
3.5g of nutrient agar was dispensed into a sterile conical flask and 125ml of distilled water was poured into the flask and stirred to dissolve the agar. The mixture was autoclaved and poured into petri dishes. A colony was picked from the isolates and spread on the plate containing nutrient agar. The gram negative antibiotic sensitivity disc was introduced using sterile forceps and then incubated for 24 hours at 370c. The antibiotics which were susceptible or resistant and were recorded.

3.7       Biochemical characteristion and identification
3.7.1   Catalase Test
A drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide was placed on a clean glass slide and a colony of Salmonella isolate was picked with a sterile wireloop and emulsified. The presence of bubbling and frothing was observed which indicates a positive reaction.

3.7.2   Indole Test
Each isolate was grown in 5mls of peptone water broth in a test tube for 24hours and then 2 drops of kovec’s reagent was added, the mixture was carefully agitated. A positive test is indicated by the development of a red colour in the reagent layers above the broth within 1 minute. A negative test is indicated by the reagent retaining its original yellow colour.

3.6.3   Oxidase Test
Two drops of freshy prepared oxidase reagent was placed on a filter paper. A part of the colony of the bacterial isolate was collected using one end of sterile grease free glass slide and smeared across the filter paper impregnated with the oxidase reagent and observed for deep purple colour within 10 seconds.

3.6.4   Motility Test
A molten nutrient agar medium was poured in a sterile test tube and kept to solidify. A growth will be picked from the isolates and inoculated into the test tube by stabbing the medium with the aid of a straight wireloop and incubated at 370c for 24hous. A diffused cloud extending away from the line of inoculation will indicate a positive motility test. If the growth is restricted to the line of inoculation and it is sharply defined which will make the rest of the medium to be clear and indicates a negative motility test.

4.0       Results
The work on the susceptibility of Salmonella typhis isolated from stool samples of symptomatic patents attending Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial hospital, Kaduna to selected routine antibiotics have been carried out and the results are presented below. Out of the total of 100 samples subjected to an analysis for Salmonella typhi, 13 (13%) isolates were identified by biochemical tests and the result is presented on table 1.

From the 13 (13%) Salmonella isolation 7 (53.84%) were Salmonella typhi and 6 (46.16%) were Salmonella typhimurium (Table 2) of the 13 Salmonella isolation 5 (38.46%) were from males and 8 (61.54%) from females.

Drug susceptibility of the Salmonella Species to ten (10) commonly used antibiotics in treating typhoid fever infection showed that Salmonella typhi strains showed resistance to Augmentin (25-ug), Septrin (30ug), Chloramphenicol (30ug) and Amoxicillin (30ug) but were sensitive to ciprofloxacin (10ug), Gentamycin (10ug), Pefloxacin (10ug), Tarivid (30ug), Streptomycin (30ug), and Sparfloxacin (10ug) with mean zone of inhibitors of 21mm, 16mm, 20mm, 17mm, 21mm, and 19mm respectively.

Salmonella typhimurium showed resistance to Augmentin (25ug) Septrin (30ug), Chloramphenicol (30ug) and Amoxicillin (30ug) but were sensitive to ciprofloxacin (10ug), Gentamycin (10ug), Pefloxacin (10ug), tarivid (30ug), Streptomycin (30ug), and Sparfloxacin (10ug) with mean zone of inhibition of 19mm, 17mm, 22mm, 18mm, and 16mm, respectively (Table). The percentage resistance of the isolates against the antibiotics used is 10% since the isolates were resistant to (4) four out of (10) ten antibiotics used and the  percentage susceptibility of the isolates is 60% since the isolates were fully susceptible to (6) six of the antibiotics used.

Table 1 Incidence of Salmonella Species
Total no of stool samples
No of males
No of females
No of Salmonella isolates

Table 2 Insistence and Sex Distribution of Salmonella Species Isolated From Stool Samples
Salmonella species 
Number of isolates
% distribution according to sex
 male %
Female %
Salmonella typhi 
7 (53.84%)
2 (15.38%)
5 (38.46%)
Salmonella Typhimurium
6 (46.16%)
3 (23.08%)
3 (23.08%)

13 (100%)
5 (38.46%)
8 (61.54%)

Table 3 Antibiotic Susceptibility of Salmonella Species
Antibiotics used
Sensitive/resistant/ intermediate
Mean zone of inhibition (mm)
Salmonella typhi 
Salmonella typhimurium
Salmonella typhi
Salmonella typhimurium 

Augmenting (25ug)
Gentamycin (10ug)
Pefloxacin (10ug)
Tarivid (30ug)
Streptomycin (30ug)
Septrin (30ug)
Chloramphenicol (30ug)
Sparfloxacin (10ug)
Ciprofloxacin (10ug)
Amoxicillin (30ug)
Keys: R-Resistant, S-Sensitive, Ug-microgram, mm-millimeter
Biochemical Tests
Colony morphology
Gram charactenstics
Salmonella typhi
Single-milky colonies with black dots 
Gram-negative single rods (Bacilli)
Salmonella typhimurium
 Single-mikly colonies with large amount of blacks dots
Gram-negative single rods (Bacilli)
Key + - positive
       - - negative
5.0       Discussion
The incidence of 13 positive results in 100 samples (Table 1) is of great public heath concern, because these 13 people may serve as source of infection resulting in the continuous spread of the infection unless they are properly treated with the right antibiotic drug to cure the infection.

In a study conducted in Yola, Adamawa state, to determine the resistance pattern of Salmonella typhi to commonly used antibiotics, 744 isolates were obtained from 974 samples from four different hospitals in Yola between 2001-2004. This incidences however does reflect the poor level of hygiene and water treatment being practiced today in Nigeria. Otegbaya, (2003) reported that the availability and portability of drinking water is still a luxury in Nigeria at the peak of the dry season especially in Nigeria, water is often sourced from various doubtful places most of which are contaminated by human waste.

Over-packed refuse dump, as well as blocked and eutrophicating drainages with offensive emissions of human and animals excreta are common sites in many parts of the state, Consequently food and drinking water sources alongside broken pipes are often easily contaminated by flies, cockroaches and rodents that scavenge for food in these, contaminated environments resulting in high Salmonella infection rate.
In this study, more females (61.54%) then males (38.46%) were infected, (Table 2), However, both genders are equally susceptible to Salmonella infections.

The demonstration of high rate of resistance by the isolates against Chloramphenicol, Amoxicillin, Septrin, and Augmentin (Table 3) is a cause for great concern. This is because these antibiotics which are usually the first line treatment of typhoid fever can no longer be used for treating typhoid fever in this part of the world. The result is in accordance with Mirza et al, (1996), which states that towards the end of 1980 and 1990 Salmonella typhi developed resistance simultaneously to all drugs that were then used as first line treatment. In the study, the isolates showed high susceptibility to Streptomycin Ciprofloxacin, Pefloxacin Sparfloxacin Gentamycin and Tarivid (Table 4).

Uzma et al, (2002) reported that there is strong evidence that the fluoroquinolones are the most effective drugs for the treatment of typhoid fever and other Salmonella infections. The variation in the sensitivity pattern and high resistant rates to these commonly used drugs could be attributed to the prevailing usage and abuse and the common attitude of over the counter purchase of drugs in Nigeria. Resistance by microorganisms to antibiotics may be an indication of the presence of resistance factors such as B-lactamases and of recent extended B-lactamases (EBL). The prevalence of (EBL) extended B-lactamses enzymes has been increasing in many parts of the world. Infections caused by extended B-lactamases producing isolates are difficult to treat, because they counter resistance to all currently available B-lactam agents except Impipenem and in some cases Piper acillintazobactam (Jones, 2001)         

5.1       Conclusion
From the result of this research, it can be seen that the incidence of Salmonella typhi (13%) during the study period is of public heath importance and the antibiotic resistance (40%) among Salmonella typhi is common and significant.
The result also shows that only the Fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin, Pefloxacin, Sparfloxacin, Streptomycin, Gentamycin, and Tarivid) will effectively treat typhoid fever and other Salmonella infections, due to the (60%) susceptibility of the organism to these antibiotic used.

5.2       Recommendations
From the study carried out it was discovered that the incidence of Salmonella infection was significant and the organisms showed multi drug resistance to the routine antibiotics used against them which makes treating typhoid fever and other Salmonella infections difficult. Therefore it is recommended that
1.                  Specific days should be declared in a month for environmental sanitation by the government.
2.                  Vaccine for treatment of typhoid should be acquired by the government to curb the incidence of typhoid in the country.
3.                  Adequate training and facilities for performing standardized sensitivity tests should be emphasized.   
4.                  Patients should be sufficiently informed about isolation and their use to avoid abuse of antibiotics.
5.                  Adequate laboratory facilities should be provided for accurate diagnosis and oblation of pathogens to prevent the inappropriate use of antibiotics.
6.                  Cultural methods should be used as the standard diagnostic method for typhoid fever so as to ensure that susceptibility test is carried out on all suspected isolates before treatment to select the most effective antimicrobial drug, instead of the use of widal test, because the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of this test varies considerably among geographical regions.
7.                  Antimicrobials should only be obtained from recognized treatment centers and should not be taken without medical supervision.

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