1.0   Introduction
Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) remains a common pathogen and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In Canada, population based surveillance studies for invasive pneumococcal disease revealed an overall incidence between 11.8 - 16.1 cases per 100,000 people between 1991 - 1993 (Mastro, et al., 2003).

In the United State, each year, there' are 2 to 4 cases of community acquired pneumonia with half a million hospitalizations and 5,000 death resulting in an annual associated cost of 20 billion dollars.(Kertesz,et al, 1999).Of all the organisms that can be readily cultured, S. pneumonia is by far the most common cause of community acquired pneumonia (15 - 60%) followed by Haemophilus influenza (3-10%), gram negative bacteria including Klaebsiella pneumonia and Pseudomonas aeruginosae (3 -10%), Staphylococcus aureus (3-5%) and Moraxellacatarhalis (l-20%) .(Jorgensen,et al,,1999 ).

In the United Kingdom, Pneumococcus is responsible for 30 - 50% of community acquired and 80% of nosocomial pneumonia and it may be the cause of most cases of pneumonia with no identified causative organism (Bulter  et al., 1993).
In Africa, the attack rate of pneumococcal disease is very high, particularly in children. It is estimated to cause 60 - 90% of lower respiratory tract infections in Gambian children younger than 5years and as many as 100 cases per 1000 population in adult. South Africans living in crowded mining communities (Chong, et al., 1995).

An estimate indicate that 18% of S. pneumonia strains from the USA have intermediate susceptibility to penicillin (Mic 0.12 - l.0mg/l) and 33% have high - level penicillin resistance (Mic>2mg/l) Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, (2005). Some other estimates have placed the increase in high - level penicillin resistance among Streptococcus pneumoniae at 60 fold over the past years. Outside the USA, resistance to penicillin is even 15 times higher, with Spain, Hungary and South Africa reporting rates of intermediate and high - level resistance between 40 and 70% (Marton et al., 2001).

In recent times, pneumococcal strains that are resistance to penicillin have~ emerged and these strains have also shown resistance to other antibiotic such as the cephalosporin, tetracycline, sulfonamides, erythromycin, chloramphenicol and clindamycin. (Klugman, et,al,1990) Resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae to antimicrobial agents varies with geographical location, which implies a growing need to monitor their presence in various localities (Orret, 2005).
 The increase in penicillin non-susceptibility is usually associated 'with resistance to other antibiotic and poses a well - demonstrated risk of therapeutic failure for pneumococcal infections as well as a potential danger for other respiratory tract infections (Feikin and Klugnan, 2002).

Documented information on pneumococcal disease in Africa and particularly Nigeria has been few. Little or no information exist on the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns in this region in the face of worldwide reports of antibiotic resistance among Streptococcus pneumoniae strains. (Feikin and Klugnan, 2002).

There are over 80 serotypes of Streptococcus. pneumoniae in circulation worldwide and these vary in their geographical distribution and pathogenesis (Platt, et al.,2001). These are information needed to plan effective interventions against various pneumococcal diseases in the region. Hence, this study set out to determine the involvement in clinical conditions, specifically in pneumonia cases, serotype distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of S. pneumonia strains in Kaduna, Northern part of Nigeria.
1.1   Aim and Objectives

1.                 The study is aimed at to determine the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Streptococcus pneumoniae among symptomatic and asymptomatic individual in Kaduna state Nigeria.                                  
2.                 The aim of this study was to determine the antibiotic resistance pattern and measurement of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) in S. pneumoniae strains isolated from clinical specimens.
3.                 To determine the drug resistance of the antibiotic susceptibility patterns of Streptococcus pneumonia among symptomatic and asymptomatic individual.
4.                 To determine the spread of Streptococcus pneumoniae strains and the antibiotic sensitivity pattern.
5.                 To determine drug resistance pattern that are similar in both carriage strains.   

1.2     Justification      
Antibiotic are substance produce by microorganisms that kill or inhibit the growth of other microorganism. Antibiotic are used routinely in medicine to treat patient with infectious disease. The use of carrying out antibiotic susceptibility testing is very important. For this reason, the need to determine the spread of Streptococcus pneumoniae stains and drug resistance pattern in very necessary.
Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a type of bacterium that comes in chains and shaped like a lancet a surgical knife with a short wide two edged blade. Pneumococcus is the leading cause of bacterial pneumonia and important contribution to bacterial, meningitis, pneumococcal infection are most common invasive bacterial infection in children in united states, causing about 1,400 cases of meningitis, 17,000 cases of blood stream infection and 7,000 cases of pneumonia every year in children under 5 years of age. (Reinert, et al, 2002).

The formal name of the bacterium is currently streptococcus pneumonia. (The "Strepto" meaning twisted and the coccus comes from the Greek "kokkos" meaning berry).(Koh,et,al,1998) and because of its coming in pairs, it has also been called Diplococcus pneumoniae. Vaccine now exists for those individual at high risk of infection with this bacterium.(Levine,et al,1998) Streptococcus pneumoniae belong to the following classification:
Domain       Bacteria
Phylum       Firmicutes
Class           Bacilli
Order          Lactobacillales
Family        Streptococciceae
Specie         Streptococcus pneumoniae      
Binomial name      Streptococcus Pneumoniae. (Doern,  et al., 2000 )

Streptococcus pneumoniae or pneumococcus is a gram positive, alphahemolytic falcutative anaerobic member of genus streptococcus. A significant human pathogenic bacterium, Streptococcus pneumoniae was recognized as a major cause of pneumonia in the late 19th century, and is the subject of many humoral immunity studies. (Doern,et al., 2000 )

Streptococcus pneumonia resides asymptomatically in the nasopharynx of healthy carriers. The respiratory tract, sinuses, and nasal cavity are the pairs of host body that are usually infected, however, in susceptible, individuals, such as elderly and immunocompromised people and children, the bacterium may become pathogenic spread to other locations and cause disease. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the main cause of community acquired pneumonia and meningitis in children and the elderly and of septicemia in (HIV) infected persons. The methods of transmission include sneezing, coughing and direct contact with an infected person.

Despite the name, the organism causes many types of pneumococcal disease which include meningitis, bacteremia, sepsis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, endocarditis, peritonitis, pericarditis, cellulitis, and brain abscess. (Hsueh, et al., 1999).

Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the most common cause of bacteria meningitis in adults and young adult along with (Neisseria meningitides) and is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in adult in the USA. (Orrett,  (2005).  It is also one of the evidence of top two isolates found in ear infection, otitis media pneumococcal pneumonia is more common in the very young and the very old. Its also a major bacterium for invasive disease like pneumonia and meningitis in South Asian children (12 years of age), though the evidence is of low quality and scarce, Streptococcus viridians, some of which are also alpha hemolytic, using an optochin test, as Streptococcus pneumoniae is optochin sensitive. S. pneumonia can also be distinguished based on it sensitivity to lysis by bile, the so-called 'bile solubility test', the encapsulated, gram positive coccoid bacteria have a distinctive morphology on gram stain, lancet shaped diplococcic. They have a polysaccharide capsule that act as a virulence factory for the organism, more than 90 different serotypes are known prevalence and extent of the drug resistance. (Paul, et al.,  2000 ).

2.1   History of S. pneumoniae
In 1881, the organism, known as the pneumococcus for its role as an (etiologic agent) of pneumonia, was first isolated simultaneously and independently by the US army physician (George Starnberg and the French chemist Louis Pasteur). The 'organism was termed Diplococcus pneumoniae from 1920 because of its characteristics appearance in gram stained sputum. It was Streptococcus pneumoniae in 1974 because of its growth in chains in liquid growth media. (Maugein,et al., 2003).

Streptococcus pneumoniae played a central role in demonstrating genetic material of DNA, in 1928, Fredrick Griffith demonstrated transformation of life, turning harmless pneumococci. In 1944 Oswald Avery, Colin Macleod, and Medyn Mccarly demonstrated the transforming factors in Griffiths experiment was DNA, not protein, as was widely marked the birth of the molecular era of genetics. (Maugein,et al., 2003).

2.2     Genetics of S. pneumoniae
The genome of S. pneumoniae is a closed, circular DNA, structure that contained between 2.0 and 2.1 million base pairs, depending on the strain. It has a concentration set of 1553 genes, Pius 154 genes with virulence, which contribute to virulence, and 176 genes that maintain a non invasive phenotype.  Genetic information can vary up to   10% between strains. (Ohene, 2001).

Natural bacterial transformation involves the transfer of DNA. from one bacterium to another through the surrounding medium. Transformation, it takes up and recombine exogenous DNA into its chromosome and it must enter a special physiological state, called competence. (Ohene, 2001).

Competence in S. pneumoniae is induced by DNA damaging agent such as mutomycin c, a DNA interstrand across liking agent and the fluorogunolone antibiotic norfloxacin, lerofloxacin and moxifloxacin, topoisomerase inhibitors that causes double strand breaks.

2.3     Infection of S. pneumoniae
Pneumococcal infection is a part of the normal upper respiratory tract flora, it can become pathogenic under the right conditions, like if the immune system of the host is suppressed invasive such as pnemolysim,which is an anti-phagocytic capsule, various adhesine and immunogenic cell components are all major virulence.

2.3.1  Transmission of S. pneumoniae
Pneumococcus is spread through contact with people who are ill or who carry the bacteria in their throat, pneumonia can be transmitted from respiratory droplets from the nose or mouth of an infected person. It is common for people, especially children to carry the bacteria in their throats without being sick.

2.3.2  Symptoms of S. pneumonia
Pneumococcus pneumonia may- begin suddenly; one may first have a severe shaking chill which is usually followed by
High fever
Shortness of breath
Rapid breathing
Chest pain and other symptoms may include,
Muscle aches.

2.3.3 Causes of S. pneumonia
Pneumococcus pneumonia can be caused by a variety of viruses, bacteria and sometimes fungi, pneumococcus pneumonia is caused by bacteria called Streptococcus pneumoniae .
2.3.4 Diagnosis of S. pneumoniae
Health care provider can diagnosis pneumococcal based on its symptoms, physical examination, laboratory test and chest x-ray.

Diagnosis is generally made based on clinical suspicious along with a positive culture from a sample for virtually any place in the body. An asotive of 200 units is significant, Streptococcus pneumoniae is in general, optochin sensitive, although optochin resistances has been observed. Antromentin and leucoelone posses anti bacterial activity inhibiting, the enzyme enoyacyl carrier protein reductase, essential for the biosynthesis of fatty acid in Streptococcus pneumoniae.(Parray et al, 2000).s

2.3.5 Treatment of S. Pneumoniae
The health care provider usually-will prescribe antibiotics to tract this disease. The symptoms of pneumococcal pneumonia usually go away within 12 to 36 hours after you start taking medicine. Some bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, however are now capable of resisting and fighting off antibiotics such antibiotic resistance is increasing world wide because these medicines have been over used or misused. Therefore if you are at risk of getting pneumococcal pneumonia, you should talk to your health care provider about what you can do to prevent it.(Centers for disease control and prevention 1997).
2.3.6 Prevention of S. pneumoniae
Acting the pneumococcal vaccine is the main way you can reduce your  chance of getting pneumococcal. Pneumonia vaccines are available for children and adult.

The centress for disease control and prevention (CDC) recommends that you get the pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine if you are in any of the following groups,
1.                 You are 65yrs old or older.
2.                 You have a serious long-term health problem such as health disease, sickle cell disease, alcoholism, ling disease (not including asthma) diabetes, or liver cirrhosis.
3.                 Your resistance to infection is lowered due to
·                    HIV/AIDS
·                    Lymphonai, Leukemia, or other cancers.
·                    Cancers treatment with long term steroid medicine
·                    Bone marrow or organ transplant.(bulter et al, 1993)s

2.4     Pneumococcal Vaccine
Interaction with haemophilus influenzae, both haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae can be found in the human upper respiratory system. A study of completion in vitro recorded Streptococcus pnemomiae overpowered Influenzae by attacking it with hydrogen peroxide. When both are placed together into the nasal cavity of a (mouse) with two (2) weeks, only H. influenzae  survives.  When both are placed separately into a nasal cavity each one survive upon. (Ndinya-Achola,et al., 2002).

2.4.1  Complication
In about 30 percent of people with pneumococcal pneumonia, the bacteria invade the blood stream from the lungs, this causes bacteremia a very serious complication of pneumococcal pneumonia that also can cause other lung problems and certain heart problems. (Orrett,  2005).

2.4.2 Who Is At Risk
Pneumococcal disease occurs around the world travelers may be at higher risk of spending time in crowded settings or in close contact. (Rahav et al, 1997).

2.4.3 Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing
Antibiotic sensitivity assay involves testing selected antibiotics against a pathogen isolated from a diseased individual. The assay is carried out by inoculating a standard suspension pathogen in broth containing various concentration of an antibiotic. The lowest concentration that will inhibit the pathogen from reproducing in the broth can be measured by determining the turbidity of the broth after an incubation period. Inoculated broth tubes containing inhibitory concentration of the antibiotic being tested will remains clear. Those tubes containing non inhibitory levels of antibiotics will become turbid ,reflecting microbial growth. The efficiency of the antibiotic can then be determined by the lowest concentration of that antibiotic that will kill or inhibit the pathogen. This procedure for determining the effectiveness of an antibiotic, called the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) procedure, is very popular in clinical laboratories because it yields reliable result ad is well suited to automation. The dispensing of culture media, dilution of the various antibiotics, inoculation of microorganisms, and measuring of turbidity can all be preprogrammed and computerized.(Bogaerts et al, 1993).

Another reliable procedure for determining the effectiveness of a drug, or the degree of sensitivity or resistance of a pathogen to various antibiotics is the Kirby-Bauer method. The test, introduced by William Kirby and Alfred Bauer in 1966, consists of exposing a newly-seeded lawn of the bacterium to be tested, growing on a nutrient medium (Mucller-Hinton agar), to filter paper disks impregnated with various antibiotics. The culture is in batedrs for 16 to18 hours and then examined for growth. If the organism is inhibited by one of the growth. If the organism is in habited by one of antibiotics, there will be a zone of inhibition around the disk represeareaa the area in which the microorganism was inhibited by that antibiotic.(Inostroza et al, 2001).

The diameter of the zone of inhibition around an antibiotic disk is an     indication of the sensitivity of the sensitivity of the tested microorganism to that antibiotic. The diameter of the zone, however, is also related to the rate of diffusion of the antibiotic in the medium. This fact must be kept in mind when interpreting the zones of inhibition of various antibiotics (Lyon et al, 2000).                                                                                                                                                 
3.1            METHODOLOGY
Study Area                                                                                
The research study was carried out in Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital tudun wada , 44 Army Reference Hospital Governor Road, Shalom Hospital Gonin Gora within kaduna metropolis, kaduna state. Kaduna state is located in the zone of Nigeria. Samples of streptococcus pneumouiae were collected from Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital, at Tudun Wada, 44 Army Reference Hospital at Governor Road and Shalom Hospital Gonin Gora respectively.

3.2     Samples Collection
A total of (30) thirty samples of streptococcus pneumoniae isolate were obtained from (3) three hospitals, namely, Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital, 44 army reference hospital and shalom hospital respectively. All the specimen were collected and cultured based on the guidelines governing the collection and cultivation of microbiological samples.

Thirty (30) throat swab specimen (for the evaluation of Pneumococcal carriage) was collected from all the healthy individuals attending Yusuf Dantsoho hospital clinical laboratory, and those attending shalom and 44 Army Reference Hospital using cotton tipped wooden swab stick. The specimen was taken to the laboratory for microbiological analysis. The biodata of each individual from whom specimen were collected include age and sex as documented for the pneumonia cases, the sputum specimen here after was referred to as clinical specimens and collected in a clean sterile wide mouth container.

The specimen were inoculated into 5% defibrinated sheep blood Agar and incubated at 37%c for 24hrs. Colonies obtained on the blood Agar medium were examined for morphology (Small Greenish) and alpha haemolysis characteristics of S. pneumoniae. Their identity was confirmed by the bile solubility and optochin sensitivity test.

3.3     Antibiotic susceptibility testing using kirby bauer method
In this study, based on Kirby Bauer method as describe by CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute) and EUCAST (European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing) was adopted for each selected antibiotic. The inclusion criteria were based on CLSI and EUCAST which referred to minimum inhibitory concentration of selected antibiotics isolated strains were classified into susceptible, intermediate and resistance. 

3.4     Preparation of Culture Media
The selective culture medium was Nutrient Agar it was prepared according to the manufacturer instructions and sterilized in an autoclave at 1210c for 15 minutes and was allowed to cool at 370c, 50ml of the blood sheep was then introduced aseptically into the prepared Agar which in turn becomes blood sheep Agar.

3.5     Antimicrobial Agent
Antimicrobial agent used in this study consist of Ampicillin (PN) (30 mcg) Ceporex (CEP) (lomcy), Septrin (SET) (30 mcg), Nalidixic acid NA (30mcg). Augmentin Au (30mcy) Gentamycin CN (10mcg), Ciproflox Cpx (10mcg),  Reflacine PSF (10mcg), Ampiclox APX (20mcy), Erythromycin E (30mcg), Chloramphenicol CH (30mcy), Norfloxacin NB (10mcg), Rifampicin RD (20mcg), Amoxil Aml (20Mcy).

3.6     Isolation of Streptococcus pneumoniae
The isolation of S. pneumonia is carried out based on clinical examination the isolation was done after solidification of the prepared blood sheep Agar while the inoculated samples and were kept for 24hrs in the incubator at 370c for observation of the growth of the organism on the Agar.

3.7     Identification of Streptococcus pneumoniae    
Is based on the physical and microbiological analysis being carried out on the samples obtained on the blood Agar medium,the colonies were examined for morphology (Small Greenish) and analysis characterized through identification of S. pneumoniae. The identification was confirmed by bile solubility and optochin sensitivity test.

4.0       RESULT
Symptomatic Individual
4.1       Zone of Inhibition (Mm) of Twelve Tested Antibiotics Against Streptococcus pneumoniae

TABLE 4.1: Zone of Inhibition of Tested Antibiotics Against S. Pneumoniae Isolates From Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital
Tested isolates
CPX 10mcg
Au 30mcy
CN 10mcg
S (30mcg)
PN (30mcy)
SXT (30mcg)
NA (30mcg)
OFX (10mcg)
CH (30mcg)
E (30mcg)
NB (10mcg)
S. pneumonae

4.2               Zone of Inhibition (Mm) of Twelve Antibiotic Against Streptococcus pneumoniae

TABLE 4.2: Zone of Inhibitions of Tested Antibiotics against Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolated From 44 Army Reference Hospitals
Tested isolates
CPX 10mcg
Au 30mcy
CN 10mcg
S (30mcg)
PEF (10mcg)
PN (30mcy)
SXT (30mcg)
NA (30mcg)
OFX (10mcg)
CH (30mcg)
E (30mcg)
NB (10mcg)
S. pneumonae

4.3       Zone Of Inhibition (Mm) Of Twelve Antibiotic Against Streptococcus pneumoniae

TABLE 4.3:  Zone of Inhibition of Tested Antibiotics Against S. Pneumonae Isolated From Shalom Hospital
Tested isolates
CPX 10mcg
AU 30mcy
CN 10mcg
S (30mcg)
PEF (10mcg)
PN (30mcy)
SXT (30mcg)
NA (30mcg)
OFX (10mcg)
CH (30mcg)
E (30mcg)
NB (10mcg)
Streptococcus pneumonia
CPX – Ciproflox (10mcg)
AU – Augmentin (30mcy)
CN – Gentamiycin (10mcy)
S –   Streptomycin (30mcg)
PEF – Reflaxin (10mcg)
PN –  Amplicillin (30mcg)
SXT – Septrin (30mcg)
NA –  Nalidixic Acid (30mcg)                              OFX – Taravid (10mcg)
CH –  Chloramphenicol (30mcg)                         E – Erythromycin (30mcg)
NB –  Norfloxacin (10mcg)

4.4     Asymptomatic Individual    
From the research carried out, All the samples collected from Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital, 44 Army Reference Hospital and Shalom Hospital respectively shows that all samples are negative to Streptococcus pneumoniae which means patient attending clinical laboratories in the hospital are not prone to Streptococcus pneumoniae  saccording to the research carried out.

5.1     Discussion                                                     .  Antibiotics are substances produced by micro organisms (certain fungi and bacteria) that kills or inhibits the growth of other micro organisms. Antibiotics are used routinely in medicine to treat patients with infectious diseases. A modern medicine takes advantage on the many antibiotics that are commercially available to treat infectious diseases. Not all antibiotics however are effective against all infectious disease. Before these drugs are administered to a patient, it must first be determine to ascertain which one to use, this is done by performing an antibiotic sensitivity test on the pathogens.

Antibiotics sensitivity assays involves testing selected antibiotics against a pathogen isolated from a diseased individual. The assay is carried out by inoculating a standard suspension of pathogen in various concentrations of an antibiotics. The lowest concentration that will inhibit the pathogen from producing in the broth can be measured by determining the turbidity of the broth after an incubation period. Inoculated broth tubes containing inhibitory concentrations of the antibiotic being tested will remain clear.

The reliable   procedure to determine the effectiveness of a drug or the degree of sensitivity or resistance of a pathogen to various antibiotics, is the Kirby Bauer method. The test introduced by William Kirby and Alfred Baver in 1966, consist of exposing a newly seeded lown of the bacterium to be tested, growing on a nutrient medium (Mueller – Hinton Agar), to filter paper disks impregnated with various antibiotics. The culture is inoculated for 24 to 48hours and then examined for growth. If the organism is inhibited by one of the antibiotics, there will be zone of inhibition around the disk, representing the area in which the microorganism was inhibited by that antibiotics.

The diameter of the zone of inhibition around an antibiotic disk is an indication of the sensitivity of the tested micro organism to those antibiotics. The diameter of the zone, however, is also related to the rate of diffusion of the antibiotics in the medium.

Based on the research carried out which is the antibiogram pattern of Streptococcus pneumoniae and to determine the antibiotics resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae strains isolated from clinical specimens.Table 4.1,4.2,and 4.3 above illustrate the zone of inhibition of the bacteria isolate (Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from three different hospital in Kaduna metropolis).
Table 4.1 are result obtained from Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital Tudun Wada Area of Kaduna State indicating the susceptible, intermediate and resistance drugs based on zone of inhibition.

The 1st roll numbers indicates that the antibiotics are susceptible to the Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates obtained from Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital, 2nd roll shows the intermediate of the drugs while the 3rd roll shows the resistance of the drugs to the isolated strains.

The 1st roll which is the susceptible, Gentamycin is more active on the isolate including other like Streptomycin, Augmentin, Septrin, Reflexacin, Erythromycin and Norfloxacin which are fairly active to the isolates. Gentamycin really shows actively on the isolates from Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital because the resistance was very low on the isolate and the intermediate was also close to the susceptible. Septrin, Chloramphenicol, erythromycin and Norfloxacin shows total resistance to the isolated strains.

Table 4.2 which represents result obtained from 44 Army Reference Hospital, Governor Road,Kaduna shows that Augmentin, Septrin and Ampicillin are very active drugs on the clinical isolates obtained from 44 Army Reference Hospital Governor Road . Augmentin was reactive in both the susceptible and intermediate. Norfloxacin, Erythromycin and Chloramphenicol shows total resistance to the isolates obtained from the hospital.
Table 4.3 are result obtained from Shalom Hospital, Gonin Gora. Augmentin was susceptible on the isolates obtained from the hospital. Reflaxin, Chloramphenicol and Norfloxacin also shows fairly active on the isolates, Augmentin, Streptomycin, Reflaxin are intermediate on the isolates. Septrin, Chrloramphemicol, Erythromycin and Norfloxacin are all resistance
on the isolated strains.

In this study, drug resistance pattern were similar in both the three hospitals which were used as the area of         study, in table 4.1,4.2, and 4.3 hospital clinical strains, From the research carried out, it shows that samples from Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital were mostly susceptible to Gentamycin while that of 44 Army Reference Hospital and Shalom Hospital shows susceptible to Augmentin which means according to (Reinert et al., 2007) and other scientist who conducted research and stated that pneumococcal drug resistance rate vary from region to region. Still the research table 4.1 show that Gentamycin has the highest zone of inhibition in intermediate and also Septrin which also has some amount of zone of inhibitive on the table 4.1 clinical isolates.

Septrin, Chloramphenicol, Erythromycin and Norfloxacin shows non effective total resistance to Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital and Shalom Hospital clinical isolate. Chloramphenicol, Erythromycin and Norfloxacin except Septrin also shows resistant to 44 Army Reference Hospital clinical isolate.

Resistance of penumococcus to drugs tested in this work is similar to the observations reported from other African countries including Egypt, Ghana (Coheren, 1997, Kenya (Paul,  et al., 1996), Rwanda (Bogaest,  et al., 1993), Senegal, Tunisia, Morocco and Ivory Coast. Nevertheless, for most antibiotic tested in this work, the magnitude of the problem differs from one area to the other.

Considerable variations of the antibiotics resistance patterns have been observed in countries of the same region (Appelbaum, 1992, Doem,  et al.,  1996), between regions in the same country (Doem, et al., 1996) or even between hospitals within a country (CDC, 1999). The difference observed antibiotics policies, the low rate of resistance to Chloramphenicol, Erythromycin, Norfloxacin and Septrin observed in this study may be explained by the fact that these antibiotics are rarely used. This implies that chloramphenicol, Septrin, Erthromycin, Norfloxacin, Gentamycin and Augmentin would be effective in the treatment of pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae.

5.2     Conclusion
It is of public health interest that pneumococcal strains encountered in this study are included in the available pneumococcal vaccines, however, high rate of resistance to Chloramphenicol, Erythromycin and Norfloxacin observed is a concern.Nevertheless, the continuous monitoring of pneumococcus regarding drug resistance in Nigeria is needed to assses the real issue regarding drug resistance, which will allow doctors to adjust the empirical treatment In this research work carried out, the antibiotic susceptibility testing of the drugs on the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae  effective based on the region and area of where the patient acquired the disease. Gentamycin shows effectively on the isolate obtained from Yusuf Dantsoho memorial Hospital at Tudun Wada, while Augmentin shows effective on the clinical isolate obtained from 44 Army Reference Hospital and Shalom Hospital respectively.

5.3     Recommendations
Based on this project work, the following recommendations were made:
1.                 Before the treatment of streptococcus pneumoniae disease, a culture sensitivity testing must be carried out to determine the antibiotic resistant of the drug on the disease.
2.                 Self medication should not be a first priority in any symptoms of disease, which implies that the need to consult the doctor who will direct you to the laboratory for further analysis.
3.                 When carrying out research on antibiotic resistance pattern on any isolate, when the use of negative sensitivity disk shows all resistance to the antibiotic, it is advisable to use the positive antibiotic disk because the antibiotic present in the positive disk including the concentration of the drugs may not be present in the negative disk.
4.                 In this research, it was observed that some antibiotics in the negative disk and positive disk were all resistance to the drugs which implies that the patient is on self medications of different antibiotic which there will be no result without the proper analysis on the patient sample in the laboratory.


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