the provision of snooker board as recreational facility in the Tourism village in Kaduna Polytechnic

CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study Tourism is business activities that caters for the needs of visitors or tourist by providing them with services such as transportation, accommodation, feeding (catering services) at particular need of time while away from home (Johnson, 2012) . Tourism is an economic sector able to offer a significant contribution to the economic growth of a region and to the labour market and creating occupation opportunities directly and indirectly through the supply of goods and the necessary services for tourist activities. Culturally, tourism is considered as an element of community enrichment, this is attributed to the meeting of different cultures, tourism can positively contribute to the maintenance of environment by protecting, creating and maintaining national parks and other areas (World Tourism Organization, 2016). Recreation, which involves non-obligatory activities refers to as time spent replenishing energy/resting and partaking in involuntarily activities which is usually done after compulsory duties and activities such as work (Torkilolsen, 2005). Recreation is defined as a pleasurable, socially sanctioned activity that restores the individual, concomitant with the experience of leisure (Simmons and Moore: in Jafari and Xiao, 2016). Recreation can be likened to physical therapy in the health profession. Physical therapy is a form of physical activity which health practitioners use in healing certain ailments. A man that is ill in health is distracted, depressed, mentally disturbed, emotionally discouraged or/and physically disabled from partaking in all activities. (Bloom, et al, 2005). Tourists have attributed the following health benefits to participating in recreation; feeling of wellbeing, overall health, level of fitness, physical strength, management of stress, athletic ability, weight loss and control, self-confidence, balance/coordination and ability to concentrate (Forrester, 2014). Recreation activity is an important ingredient for long life. It is an experience or activity that is carried out within leisure, chosen voluntarily and providing pleasure for individuals of all age group (Akintunde, 2001, Adigun et al, 2016, Fatih et al, 2020) Recreation activities can be at community or individual level, it can be active or passive, indoor or outdoor and healthy or harmful. Simon (2015) emphasized that proper recreation is important as eating a healthy diet. Recreational facilities planning and provision is an important criterion in every tourism destination. Recreational facilities are mostly organised, provided and developed in the context of public and commune pool resources, which implies government and public sector involvement and provision. In that process, public sector deals with management issues ranging from simple cost-benefit analysis to complex questions of the optimal mix of recreational facilities (Bloom, Michael and Douglas, 2005; Kim et al, 2017). The essence of providing recreational facilities is to add value and satisfy visitors. Tourist satisfaction is a business philosophy that seeks to create value for tourists, provides and manages their expectations and demonstrates the ability to meet their needs (Curakovic, Sikora, Garaca, Curcis and Vukosav, 2013. Tourism village is a new destination developed by either the government or an individual in an effort to equalize development, preserve the environment, they are built and opened to increasing the income of the local communities and government as well as providing a new atmosphere for local and foreign tourist (Surjya, 2015). Tourism village in Kaduna Polytechnic provide tourism students with a demonstration resort centre that provide a background practical knowledge, it educate students with perspectives of what tourist product is all about rather than seeing tourism product from a myopic point of view, it provide a good atmosphere for relaxation, serve as viable resources centre for tourism purposes and activities worth visiting by the public (Keefe, 2017). The introduction of snooker game in the tourism village of Kaduna Polytechnic will bring about sustainable development and efficient way to target a large number of tourist visit to the tourism village. To this end, this research work tends to examine the need for the provision of snooker board as a recreational facility in tourism village of Kaduna Polytechnic. 1.2 Statement of the Problem Tourism sector in Nigeria today have long depend on the government for funding to gain more recognition among other sector of the economy and have not been able to reach its expected climax in the contribution to the economic and other social benefits in the country due to adequate provision of recreational facilities in most of the tourism destinations and has suffered a lot of setbacks. Recreational facilities as an integral part of physical infrastructure are indispensable pillar of overall economic and tourism development. Along with hotels and other hospitality facilities, they form the constituent called tourism infrastructure. Each of these elements boosts tourism development mostly by raising the attractiveness and competitiveness of a destination. Tourists expect facilitates in their chosen destination to be comparable to what they enjoy at home, especially those that have become the essential element of everyday life recreation. Hence, there is need for the provision of snooker board as recreational facility in the Tourism village in Kaduna Polytechnic in order to thrive well. 1.3 Objectives of the Study The objectives of this project are: 1. To examine the types of recreational facilities for a tourism village 2. To examine the need for recreational facilities in the tourism village of Kaduna Polytechnic. 3. To identify the recreational value of Snooker board game in the tourism village of Kaduna Polytechnic. 4. To examine the challenges facing the provision of Snooker board game in Tourism village of Kaduna Polytechnic. 1.4 Significance of the Study The significance of this study is to help sensitize tourism professionals in the field on the importance of recreational facilities to tourism development. Also, Private sectors will also benefit by making right decision when trying to find out where to invest. It will give them more insight on tourism development and its economic benefits. This research work will be of benefit to students and researchers in the field of tourism as well as guide in order to carryout research related to the topic. 1.5 Scope of the Study The scope of the study is on the need for the provision of snooker board as a recreational facility in the tourism village of Kaduna Polytechnic. The study respondents include lecturers and students in the Department of Tourism Management. 1.6 Research Questions The following are the research questions for this study 1. What are the types of recreational facilities for a tourism village 2. What are the recreational facilities needed in the tourism village of Kaduna Polytechnic 3. What are the recreational value of Snooker board in the tourism village of Kaduna Polytechnic 4. What are the challenges facing the provision of Snooker board in the tourism village  


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