phytochemical screening and antibacterial activities of C.proceramethanolic leaf extract on selected bacteria (S.aureus, E.coli, Psuedomonasspp and Salmonellaspp).

CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION Medicinal plants being an effective source of both traditional and modern medicines are genuinely useful for primary health care WHO 1978 has advocated traditional medicine as safe remedies for ailment for both microbial and non-microbial origin. It was further added that the use of plant extract are phytochemicals with anti-microbial properties may be of importance in therapeutic treatment,whereas in the past few years,a number of studies have been conducted in different countries to prove such efficiencies( Salihu and Garba 2008). It is therefore pertinent to investigate such plants thoroughly to determine their pharmacological properties as well as the efficiency of their various parts of anti-microbial activities (Elliot, 1998). In Nigeria calotropisprocera is either used alone or with herbs to common diseases such as fever,rheumatism indigestion, cold, eczema and diarrhea. In addition, preparations from the latex with honey are used as antibodies and also in the treatment of toothaches cough (Kew, 1985). The leaf extracted, chopped leaf and latex of calotropisprocera have shown great promise as nematacides in vitro and in vivo (Anver and Alam, 1992). Kuta (2006) reported the stem-bark of Calotropisprocera as a promising antifungal agent,which could be used against dermatophytes and suggest that calotropis could be potential source ofchemotherapeutic agents, thus could be used for treatment of tine of diseases. The leaf and fruit extracts calotropisprocera when boiled together can be used in the extraction of guniea worm by immersion of the infected limbs, either for several hours of three consecutive days. The dry leaves in northern Nigeria are used as a remedy for asthma cough etc. (Oke etal., 2004; Noatay, 2005). The dry leaves and pithy stems are burned for patients to inhale the smoke or the leaves are smoked like tobacco in a pipe for the treatment of paralysis,arthralgia,swellings and intermittent fever(Agharkar,1991) different part of C.procera have been reported to exhibit ethno medicinal and nutritional properties while phytochemical evaluation of the plant part reveals the presence of essential and trace element in varied quantities(Olasupo et al.,2004).Its use in West Africa was first documented by Dalziel(1937) who reported it use as a local anesthetic; Irvine 1961 also reported the use of decoctions derived from the root bark for the treatment syphilis. (Adoum etal., 1997), show that the latex of C.procera possesses antibacterial activities against E.coli, S.aureus,Salmonella and pasterullaspecies.C.procera is the family of Asclepiadaceae.It is a small to medium-sized shrub, up to 5.5m high, occasionally branchless to a height of 2.5m.The bark is fibrous, scaly deeply fissured when old, grey to light brown. All part of the plant exudes white latex when cut or broken. It is commonly Sodom apple and locally known as “Tumfafiya” in Hausa. The Yoruba’s of Western Nigeria call it“Bomubomu” and the Kanuri of North Western Nigeria know it as “Kayou” (Adoum et al., 1997). The plant is also known for its toxic properties that include irridocyclitis,dermatitis and acts like a poison and produce lethal effects.The Nomadic Fulani women of Northern Nigeria use part of the plant in the production of “waran gashi” (a local soft cheese), the practice is still popular today even in almost all the part of the country where the fluid milk is abundant (Rohimi,etal., 2004).Phytochemical and biological activities are the primary steps for isolation biologically active compounds which leads to the discovery of new drugs. A large number of secondary metabolites have been isolated from this plant that includes many flavonoids, cardiac glycosides,triterpenes and sterols(Gaurav, etal., 2010). 1.2 JUSTIFICATION Medicinal plant such asC.procera is mostly use as folk medicine for the treatment of various kinds of disease throughout the world including Nigeria.The anti-bacterial analysis of C. procera leaf extract is very important in other to gain insight of its acceptability in therapeutic and medicinal use. (Rajesh etal., 2014). 1.3 AIMANDOBJECTIVES 1.4 AIM To carry out phytochemical screening and antibacterial activities of C.proceramethanolic leaf extract on selected bacteria (S.aureus, E.coli, Psuedomonasspp and Salmonellaspp). 1.5 OBJECTIVES - To determine the significant antibacterial activity against all the tested bacteria. - To determine the MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) and MBC (Minimum Bactericidal concentration). - To determine the bioactive substances present in C.procera leaves.


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