Assessing the effect of Yoruba Local Dishes on tourism development

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Tourism is a major part of the contemporary experience economy, in which food plays an important role. Food provides much more than nourishment: it is also a key part of all cultures, a major element of global intangible heritage and an increasingly important attraction for tourists. The linkages between food and tourism also provide a platform for local economic development, which can be strengthened by the use of food experiences for branding and marketing destinations. Nigeria is rich in various foods and culture among different tribes and natives across the 932,768sqkm landmass. It is unfortunate that over the past ten to twelve decades, there has been steady and systematic disappearance of some local foods and beverages from Nigerians family tables. Today, a lot of youths and some adults of under forty years do not see many of the olden day’s foods but are only familiar with the modern day fast foods. Those who are able to retain some of the traditional foods are those who grow up in the rural settings and with elderly people of around sixty to eighty years and above. Anngers, (1993) give credence to this diet trends as stated ”here in Africa, the current quest for easy to make fast foods as brought with it a progressive loss of valuable components of food culture” gone are the skill oriented cooking procedures-that innate skill, perfected through constant practice, of preparing delicious traditional dishes using native condiments and spices. She also said that the sub-regions with variety of cooking spices and condiments are today slowly being replaced by the large number of bouillon cubes in the markets. On the contrary, people were not effective in adapting to modern cuisine. Till dates, many of people still look for the ingredients and prepare the early favourites meals on special occasions like new yam festivals when they get elderly guest for group meetings. On such occasion, old foods like abari in Igbomina Kwara states, ‘agbado owowo’ in Abeokuta Ogun state, efo yonri and eko in yewa Ogun state, ‘esikiri’ and isapa soup in akoko Ondo state e.t.c. other soups include efo odu, luru, efo ogun, eboloe.t.c. all these are special treats to the elderly in the rural area of south-west and are habitually taken with local beverages like oti sekete, burukutu, pito(cereal based beverages). Nigeria have rare numbers of local food crops unique to each tribe and well suited to local conditions and to the soil. These foods have been ignored in agriculture developed activities most probably because they are of little or no commercial advantage in world markets. Some maybe neglected because they are nutritionally inadequate and of low benefits or as ordinary diet (oguntonna 1985). Others may not be easy to cook nor appealing to taste but were consumed top avoid hunger. ‘imondu’ is a good example, it was eaten in Benue state, Nigerian in the past. The food was found inside the anthills in deep forest mostly by hunters and farmers. When swallowed ad water taken with it, we swell up inside and create a sense of fullness in the stomach. So is agandagidi, among the Yoruba, this food is boiled and eaten with palm oil. Another example is ansa native to Sokoto (okhiria 2010). Ansa usually boiled with potash to soften it after which pepper and oil supplement are eaten. Many of the foods are without meat, fish or any protein alternative. These are just few examples of ancient foods that have gone extinct thus leading to the gradual and systematic changes in the food habit and practices by Nigerians. Therefore, this research study tends to assess the effect of Yoruba Local Dishes on the development of Tourism in Kaduna North Local Government, Kaduna. 1.2 Statement of the Problem In Nigeria today, there is a little attention on local food in the country tourism industry, The overdependence on foreign foods in Nigeria hospitality and tourism industries is due to insufficient information on local foods consumption values, culture and heritage, so the aspiration of foreign tourist who are longing for local cuisine and new experiences are unfulfilled. Nigerian traditional menus consist of dishes or food items from the hundreds of ethnic groups that comprise the West African nation of Nigeria. Like other West African dishes, it uses spices, herbs in conjunction with palm oil or groundnut oil to produce deeply-flavour sauces and soups often made very hot with chilli peppers. Nigerian feasts are colourful and luxurious, while aromatic markets and road sides snacks cooked on barbecues of fried in oil are plentiful and varied. Yoruba is among one of the tribes in Nigeria that have numerous local dishes but the inadequacy of local caterers in the tourism industry has consequently reduced the preparation of local dishes. Many hospitality industries have engaged in foreign dishes, neglecting our local ones. If this holds true, it would suggest that our local dishes will fade out, hence affecting our notable culture. This has motivated the researcher to devise ways of assessing the effect of Yoruba Local Dishes on the development of Tourism in Kaduna North Local Government, Kaduna. 1.3 Research Objectives The objectives of the study were as follows: 1. To know the types of Yoruba local dishes available in Kaduna North Local Government 2. To Know the nutritional value of Yoruba Local dishes available in Kaduna North Local Government 3. To examine the effect of Yoruba local dishes on the development of Tourism in Kaduna North Local Government 1.4 Research Questions 1. What are the types of Yoruba local dishes available in Kaduna North Local Government 2. What are the nutritional value of Yoruba Local dishes available in Kaduna North Local Government 3. What are the effect of Yoruba local dishes on the development of Tourism in Kaduna North Local Government 1.5 Significance of the Research The significance of this study is to help in sensitizing the tourism industry on the importance and effects of Yoruba local dishes in tourism development. This research work will also be of benefits to students and researchers in the field of tourism as a guide in order to carryout research related to the topic. 1.6 Scope of the Study This research study is based on assessing the effect of Yoruba Local Dishes on tourism development


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