
Showing posts from 2025

Influence of Thepsis on Greek Theatre

INTRODUCTION When considering ancient Greek life, theater was massively important. This is apparent by the Theater of Dionysius’ placement in the city state of Athens, with its close proximity to the Acropolis and the Parthenon. The Acropolis by definition meant the high point of the city state, and was on a plateau. Its raised status highlights its importance, thus radiating that importance onto nearby structures as well. Although the Greeks valued rational and reason, they also valued their emotional side as well. All plays were dedicated to the god of emotion – Dionysius. Much of what we know of the comedic aspects of Hellenic Greek theater productions comes from the plays of the playwright Aristophanes. The theatre of ancient Greece, or ancient Greek drama, is a theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece between c. 550 and c. 220 BCE. The city-state of Athens, which became a significant cultural, political, and military power during this period, was its center, where it...

usage of library resources in Kashim Ibrahim Library (A. B. U) Zaria.

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Nowadays there is enormous waste of information resources due to non-use and miss used in all types of libraries. This present a great challenge orienting the use is the proper solution. With shrinking budget libraries must encourage user to make greater and better use of available resources. In addition orientating the library user improves the quality of the use. User orientation aims to provide knowledge and skills necessary for a user to find his way in the library. User orientation is day-by-day getting more relevant especially in the present context when new sources of information are available. Further more information and that too in fraction seconds, so he/she has to be orientated about not only the use of library resources ie the various sources of information, but also about the various complexities involved the success of orientation programme would depend upon planning knowledge of psychology of the users and investm...

investigate the utilization of reference resources and services in Kaduna State Library Board, Kaduna.

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study The public library has been defined by as a library “authorized by state law,supported from general public fund or special tax fund voted for the benefitof the citizen of the country, town, city or region which maintains it on thebasis of equal access to all.The library in a community provides a unique service that should be accessible to everybody. Library is an institution that acquires, organizes, processes and disseminates information materials in all disciplines to those that need them with little or no expense on their part. The public library is a type of library from inception which has been regarded as a free library set up to provide service to everyone. It serves the community; hence it is referred to as people’s university, Adimora as cited in Moses2015. Of all types of libraries, public library has the most heterogeneous clients to serve. The services are directed at everyone including literate, non- literate, student...

to investigate the attitudes and behaviours of market women towards information

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Information means Informing or to be informed or told news or be knowledgeable. According to Mohammed as cited by Muyiwa (2014), information can be conceived as anything that adds to our existing knowledge, ideas, skills and experiences positively or negatively. It enables us to take decisions or react to situations immediately or later at an appropriate time Bello (2006) defined Information as “any idea or organized data, principles, laws, policies etc generated through human interaction, for harmonious co-existence and correlation, survival and continuity of human race. Information has always played an important role in the governance of people’s everyday lives. Information is an important resource, and if well utilized, it can contribute to the improvement of most professions and indeed the lives of many people. The increase in the amount of information available as well as the different formats in which it comes poses a lot of ...

the production of locust feed meal for broiler chicks.

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION Feed formulation is an applied field of nutrition where nutritionists apply their knowledge to produce balanced diets in which many pieces of information are incorporated to maximize the efficiency of the formulation process (Rasheed, 2016). Ration can be defined as the total amount of feed given to the animals on daily basis while ration formulation is the process by which different feed ingredients are combined in a proportion necessary to provide the animal with proper amount of nutrients needed at a particular stage of production (Afolayan, 2008). Ration formulation help to enhance adaptation of local feed stuff in compounding rations, thus, two basic concepts are put into consideration when formulating feed, the specific nutrient requirement of different animals and ingredients and cost of the feed itself. Nutrients are chemical substances found in food materials (feeds) which are required for the growth, maintenance, production and health of animal...

phytochemical screening and antibacterial activities of C.proceramethanolic leaf extract on selected bacteria (S.aureus, E.coli, Psuedomonasspp and Salmonellaspp).

CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION Medicinal plants being an effective source of both traditional and modern medicines are genuinely useful for primary health care WHO 1978 has advocated traditional medicine as safe remedies for ailment for both microbial and non-microbial origin. It was further added that the use of plant extract are phytochemicals with anti-microbial properties may be of importance in therapeutic treatment,whereas in the past few years,a number of studies have been conducted in different countries to prove such efficiencies( Salihu and Garba 2008). It is therefore pertinent to investigate such plants thoroughly to determine their pharmacological properties as well as the efficiency of their various parts of anti-microbial activities (Elliot, 1998). In Nigeria calotropisprocera is either used alone or with herbs to common diseases such as fever,rheumatism indigestion, cold, eczema and diarrhea. In addition, preparations from the latex with honey are used as antibodies and a...

determine Campylobacter coli in young chicks using two different cloacal swab techniques.

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction Campylobacter coli is a gram negative, thermophilic, obligated microerophilic bacteria that is usbiquitous in temperature enviroments. It colonize the intestional mucosa of most warm blooded hosts, individual all food producing animals and human (Skirrow, 1994). However, the favoured environment appears to be the intestine of all avains as a commensal organism, with the possible exception of ostriches (Hald, et al., 2000). Campylobacter generally colonize avains as a commensal organism, with the possible exception of ostriches (Verwoerd, 2001). In contrast, in humans, particularly in children and in adults in industrialized countries, infection is associated with cute enteritis (Tauxe, 1992). It is generally assumed that campylobacter contaminate poultry meat during processing, surving throughout the food chain supply to constitute a risk to human health (Tauxe, 1992). The campylobacter genus consist of a large and diverse group of bacteria currently compri...

the importance of tetanus toxoid vaccine for pregnant women attending ante natal Care at Yusuf Dantsoho memorial hospital, Tudun wada Kaduna.

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Tetanus is an acute infectious disease caused by toxigenic strains of the bacterium Clostridium tetani (C. tetani). The spores of C. tetani are present in the environment irrespective of geographical location; they enter the body through contaminated skin wounds or tissue injuries including puncture wounds. The disease may occur at any age and case-fatality rates are high even where intensive care is available. The majority of reported tetanus cases are birth-associated, occurring in low income countries among insufficiently vaccinated mothers and their newborn infants, following unhygienic deliveries and abortions and poor postnatal hygiene and cord care practices. The disease remains an important public health problem in many parts of the world where immunization programmes are suboptimal, particularly in the least developed districts of low income countries. Tetanus is a life-threatening disease caused by the spore-forming, ob...

Computer Business Centre Business Plan

INTRODUCTION You will hardly find a major road or street in Nigeria today where you do not find a computer business centre, popularly known as business centre. You can set up a business centre in strategic location on or around the campus. All you need is station photocopy machine and desktop computer where you can offer people photocopying services, typing of project, graphic design and printing etc despite the high competition in this business, it is one of the most lucrative small scale business in Nigeria. Because people will always typeset, print, scan, photocopy and laminate their documents. This is another great small business idea you can start with small capital, it is not only easy to run but it is also sustainable business. DEFINITION This is a business setup in which an individual or group of people can type, laminate, prints, photocopy and scan their document. It is also a place where one can acquire the knowledge of operating a computer system. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES It...

the impact of rural tourism on entrepreneurial development in Kaduna State

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Tourism is one of the essential sectors that can contribute to enhancing and sustaining the quality of life in rural areas. Leu (2019) mentioned that quality of life in rural area advance as rural community can get additional income from tourism activities. In addition, the development of the rural area, especially the quality of life, will be boosted in the form of sustainable businesses in the tourism village, which provides unique characteristics and added value for their products andservices (Alrawadieh & Alrawadieh, 2018). Hence, the development of the rural tourism area needs significant engagement on part of family enterprises and the tourism entrepreneur. In other words, rural tourism development is associated with entrepreneurship, which can facilitate economic growth and improve quality of life (Korsgaard & Müller, 2015). It is in line with Deller (2019) and Booth et al. (2020) who stated that one of the most signi...