Water is one of our most basic and important resources. Engineering that we maintain an adequate safe supply of water is one of our most important environment objectives. The impact of solid waste disposal on the chemical quality of ground water sources in Tudun wada Metropolis, Kaduna Nigeria was carried out to assessed the quality of the water. The major rock types identified are gneisses, schist and granites. The project presents the result of chemical analysis of fifteen (15) ground water samples both boreholes and hand dugwell at three dumpsites location in Tudun wada, Kaduna in the basement complex of Nigeria. The results are elevated with a view to assessed the quality in terms of the chemistry within Tudun wada in the solid waste disposal site area.
1.0 Background of the Study
Lack of proper solid waste disposal in an environment has been recognized as one of the major sources of anthropogenic pollution/contamination in many urban cities of the developing countries worldwide. In many such, cases solid wastes are disposed on the land surface, in shallow excavations as well as along the river andstream channels. Many of these wastes contain heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, bismuth, arsenic, selenium e.t.c.
These heavy metals tend to pollute both the surface and the ground water through leaching and subsequent percolation toxic effects. Some of these metals are stored or incorporated in living tissues, sometimes permanently and are responsible for some of the social problems.
Lead for instance, is one of the most common toxic (harmful or poisonous) metals in our intercity environment especially in solid waste (old pipes, older lead accumulation, paint (etc) as well as in all biological systems. Unfortunately enough, there is no apparent biologic need for lead (Botkin and Keller, 1998) and yet it through food chains or drinking water and causes health and behavioural problems. The quality of ground water in some parts of the country is changing as a result of human activities. Ground water is less susceptibility .
1.1 Aim and Objectives
This study is aimed at evaluating the impact of solid waste disposal on the quality of ground water quality with respect to the heavy metals Fe, Cu and Pb in Tudun Wada Metropolis Kaduna Nigeria.
1.2 Objectives
To ascertain the elemental concentration in the various water samples collected.
To determine if the ground water is in confronting with WHO standard for drinking and domestic uses.
1.3 Scope of Study
The study area covers Tudun wada Metropolis, Kaduna Nigeria, from which ground water samples were collected and subjected to hydrochemical analysis.
1.4 Significance of Study
This research work is important to the inhabitants of Tudun wada, government agencies, and nongovernmental organization both local and international saddled with the responsibility of ensuring the provision of safe water and prevention of diseases associated with ground water quality in the coverage temperature during the dry season TS 360c.
The vegetation of the area Sudan savannah type, with scattered trees, mostly thorny shrubs with few tall trees. The grasses are thin but rarely tall and the vegetation tends to be dense luxuriate and greenish along river course due to prevailing, soil moisture condition there.
2.0 General Geology of Kaduna State
Kaduna state lies within the basement complex of Northern Nigeria. The rocks of the area are mostly precamrian in age and have been subjected to several phases of deformation, the latest being the Pan African Orogeny (Mccurry, 1975)
This thermo techonic event has virtually obliterated the imprints of earlier events but left its of structural earmarks, which include filling, fracturing, shearing, granitic emplacement and granitisation. The magmatic gneisis complex which underlies most of the Kaduna – Zaria area and typifies the area of investigation is characterized by spectacular exposure of well – defined migmatite around Kudenda, Kakau, Sabon Tasha, Kabala East and West areas in Kaduna metropolis (Ogezi, 1988).
Oyawoye (1970) and Mccurry (1976) reported that the oldest rocks of the area are gneisses and older metal sediments and believed to be Birimean in age (about 2500 million years).
Groundwater occurrence in the area could be grouped into three. These are:
(a) The weathered/fracture basement complex
(b) The newer basalts
(c) The river alluvium
The area is underlain by the crystalline basement rock. The dominate rocks types are the migmatite gneissis complex and the older granites which introduce the host gneissic rock. Prolonged in-situ weathering of the crystalline basement rocks under tropical conditions has produced a sequence of inconsolidate materials (laterite) whose thickness and lateral extent vary extensively. The three major rocks are interconnected and form one hydraulic system with unconfined waterable.
The depth of watertable in hand dug wells varied from 0.20m to 1.60m in the study area. Hand – dug wells were studied and they represent water samples that were analyzed in the laboratory. The results were compared with WHO (2006) and NAFDAC standards for drinking water. The results of physical parameters show pH ranged from 4.83 to 7.80 , electrical conductivity from 20.980/cm and TDS from 10 – 490mg/l.
The weathered granular sandy zone is composed of coarse sands, which form a level below the loose clayey laterite. The granular sands may consists of sands or gravels derived from the disintegrations of the crystalline rock.
2.1 The Study Area: Geology of Tudun Wada
Tudun wada is a populated place (class populated place) in Kaduna, Nigeria (Africa) with the region font code of Africa/middle east (Keller, 1998). It coordinates area 10030i45iN and 7024i40i in DMS (Degree Minutes seconds). Its UTM position is LS26 and its joint operation graphics reference is NC32 – 05 curent local time is 15:32, the sun rises at 08: 52 and sets at 20.59 local time (Africa/Lagos UTC/GMTH). The standard time zone for TUdun wada is UTC/GMTH + 1 in 2015 DST starts on and ends on (Wiltman, 1983).
2.2.1 Ground Water Movement
Ground water movement: This is the movement of water from a recharge area (were precipitation from the surface has percolated through the ground) to a discharge area (where ground water energies from the ground in the form of spring or well).
The path through which ground water flows and the rate at which ground water moves is also determined by hydraulic condition (porosity, permeability, fissures, pressures) keeping in mind that water flows in the path of least resistance. Movement of water from one point to another is caused by the difference of flow potential or head between points. In ground water flow, head usually consist of two components.
Pressure head component
Elevation head component
The pressure head component is when fluid flow from a point of high pressure to a point of low pressure. The elevation head pressure when the mechanism that provide the flows potential in surface water like stream.
The pressure head component is measured in force per unit area (kg/m2) while, the elevation head component is measured as metres above sea level (1) so, both formed the basis for daarcy’s law.
2.2 Factors that affect Ground water Movements
Ground water quality is affected by a lot of factors but we shall be considering three
1. Liquid: This include its density and viscosity
2. Medium through which the liquid moves
3. The boundary condition
The liquid: The liquid is normally water, usually fresh but occasionally saline, its density is between 0 – 300c because the density of fresh water varies not the temperature. The viscosity is a measure of the shear strength of a fluid whereby the higher the viscosity, the higher the mobility.
The medium in which ground water moves is characterized by porosity, permeable and to some extent compressibility.
The boundary conditions like impermeable layers that could prevent flow of water e.g confiner aquifer. All sources of water intended for human consumption shall comply with Nigeria standard for drinking water quality and shall receives authorization from the ministry of health before being supply to the population.
2.2.1 Ground water quality standard and acceptable limits
Ground water quality standards are the maximum allowable concentration of pollutants in grounds water, which may be tolerated without creating a threat to human health or which will otherwise render the ground water insuitable use (drinking) and agricultural purpose.
Harmful pollutants to be identified are industrial waste, or effluents, solid waste, chemical pesticides, human faceas, radioactive materials, decayed animals waste and disinfectants. The substances in Nigeria standard for drinking water quality are simply divided into (i) physical/chemical organic and inorganic constituents, disinfectants and disinfectants by-products, radionuclides and microbiological parameters. All drinking water shall at anytime meet the minimum requirement.
2.3.1 Factors that are responsible for ground water accumulation
They are as follows;
1. Rainfall
2. Nature of the rock
3. Topography – movement from high to low elevation determine the quality of ground water
2.4 Ground Water pollution
Generally, water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers, and ground water). Water pollution occurs when pollutants are disacharge directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.
According to Hogan (2010), interactions between ground water and surface water are complex. Consequently, ground water pollution sometime reforced to as ground water contamination, is not easily classified as surface water pollution. By its very nature, ground water aquifers are susceptible to contamination from sources that may not directly surface water bodies, and the distinction of point vs non point source may be irrelevant. A spill or ongoing releases of chemical or radionuclide contaminants into soil (located away from a surface water body) may not create point source or non-point source pollution but can contaminate the aquifer below, define as a toxic plume. The movement of the plume, called a plume front, may be analyzed through a hydrological transport model or ground water model. Analysis of ground water contamination may focus on the soil characteristics and site geology, hydrogeology, hydrology and the nature of the contaminants, solid waste.
2.4.1 Solid Waste Disposal
Waste can be loosely defined as any maisial that is considered to be of no further use to the owner and is, hence, discard. However, most discarded waste can be reused or recycled, one of the principles of the management philosophic. What may be of no further use to one person and regarded as waste to be dumped, may be use to the next person and is the basis of the rag quicking trade, the sifting through of refuse at landfills for recovery and resale, a very fundamental historical waste management practice still functioning in many countries, often conducted on a highly organized commercial basis.
Waste is generated universally and is a direct consequence of all human activities. Wastes are generally classified into solid, liquid, and gaseous.
Gaseous waste is normally varied to the atmospheric, either with or without treatment depending on composition and the specific regulations of the country involved.
Liquid waste are commonly discharged into sewers or rivers, which in many countries is subject to legislation governing treatment before discharge. Liquid wastes are discharged into water bodies or allowed to infiltrate into the ground. Indiscriminant disposal of liquid wastes pose a major pollution threat to both surface and ground water. Potential underground water contamination by liquid waste from household.
Solid waste the subject of this chapter are mainly disposal of land fill, because landfill is the simplest, cheapest and most cost – effective method of disposing of waste (Barret and Lawler, 1995). In most low to medium income developing nations almost 100 percent of generated waste goes to lawfill. Even in many developed countries, most solid waste is landfilled. For instance, within the European Union, although policies of reduction, reuse and diversion from landfill are strongly promoted, more than half of the member states still send in excess of 75 percent of their waste to landfill (e.g Ireland 92 percent ) and in 1999 landfill was still by far the main waste disposal option for western Europe (EEA, 2003).
Landfill is therefore likely to remain a relevant source of ground water contamination for the foreseenable future (Allen, 2001) Waste composition, rate of generation and methods of treatment and disposal vary considerably throughout the world and largely determine the potential of waste to impair ground water quality. The purpose of this topic is to outline the risk that waste disposal presents to ground water quality and the information that is required to assess this risk.
2.5 Types of Solid Waste
Wastes generated by the full extent of human activities range from relatively innocuous substances such as food and paper waste to toxic substance such as paint, batteries, asbestos, health care waste, sewage sludge derived from waste water treatment and as an extreme example high – level (radioactive) waste in the form of spent nuclear fuel rods.
Numerous classification of solid waste have been proposed (e.g Technobanoglous et al., 1993; Ali et al., 1999), and the following represent a simple classification of waste into broad categories according to its origin and risk to human and environment health.
Household waste
Municipal waste
Hazardous (toxic) industrial waste
Construction and demolition (C & I) waste
Health care waste
Human and animal wastes and
Incinerator wastes
Household waste are wastes generated in the home and collected by municipal waste collection services. Municipal waste includes this plus shop and office waste, food waste from restaurants e.t.c. also collected by municipal waste collection system storage of waste in a disposal facility serves to minimize the effects of waste on the environment.
Waste accepted in municipal waste landfills in developed countries would normally consists of municipal solid wastes, plus commercial and non-hazardous industrial wastes, and construction demolition waste. There is a tendency in many countries for construction and demolition waste, usually regarded as inert to be buried on the construction site where it is generated.
However, since downward percolating rain water may leach heavy metals from construction and demolition waste, recent waste regulation in some developed countries requires all (and) waste to be disposed of in landfill.
Health care and research facilities can contaminate ground water through waste and waste water containing infectious pathogens and pharmaceuticals. Health care facilities may also release various diagnostic (e.g radiochemicals contract media) and disinfectants depending on the kinds of medical examination and treatment being conducted and local practice for handling these substances. This includes but are not restricted to the following classes antibiotics. Cytostatic agents, applied in cancer therapy.
2.5.1 Factors Governing Contamination of Ground water by disposal of waste
Waste deposited in landfills or in refuse dumps immediately becomes part of the prevailing hydrological system. Fluids derived from rainfall, snowmelt and groundwater, together with liquids generated by the waste itself through processes of hydrolysis and solubilization, brought about by a whole series of computer biochemical reactions during degradation of organic wastes percolate through the deposit and mobilize other components within the waste.
2.5.2 Sources of Ground water Pollution
Salt water encroachment, associated with over drafting of aquifers or natural leaching from natural occurring deposits are natural sources of ground pollution. Most concern over ground water contamination has cetered on pollution associated with human activities. Human ground water contamination can be related to waste disposal (private sewage disposal systems, land disposal of solid waste, municipal waste water, waste water impoundaments (and spreading of sludge, brine disposal from the petroleum industry) or not directly related to waste disposal (accidents, certain agricultural activities, mining, high way, deicing, acid rain improper well construction and maintenance road salt) (Lenntech, 1998).
2.5.3 Natural Source of Ground water Pollution
Ground water contains some impurities, ever if it is unaffected by human activities. The types and concentrations of natural impurities depend on the nature of the geological material through which the ground waters moves and the quality of the recharge water. Ground water moving through sedimentary rocks and soil may pick up a wide range of compound such as magnesium, calcium and chlorides. Some aquifers have high natural concentration of dissolved constituents such as arsenir, boron, and selenium. The effect of these natural sources of contamination on ground water quality depends on the type of contaminates and its concentration. In raining season, the water get mixed into the waste and most of the chemical and decomposition of materials dissolves in water and start leaching. (Lenntech, 1998).
2.3.5 Agricultural Source of Ground water Pollution
Pesticides, fertilizers, turbicides and animal waste are agricultural sources of ground water contamination. The agricultural contamination sources are varied and numerous, spillage of fertilizers and pesticides during handling, runoff from the loading and washing of pesticides sprayers. Agricultural land that lacks sufficient drainage is considered by many farmers to be lost income land. So they may install drain tiles or drainage wells to make the land more productive. The drainage well then serves as a direct conduct to ground water for agricultural wastes which are washed down with the runoff. Contamination may also occur when chemicals are stored in uncovered areas, unprotected from wind and rain (Lenntech, 1998).
2.3.6 Industrial Source of Ground water Pollution
Manufacturing and services industries have high demand for cooling water processing water and water for cleaning purposes. Ground water pollution occurs when used water is returned to the hydrogeological cycles. Modern economic activity requires transportation and storage of material used in manufacturing, processing and construction. Along the way, some of this material can be lost through spillage, leakage or improper handling. Waste water disposal practices of certain types of business, such as automobile service stations, dry cleaners electrical component or machine manufacturers or fabricators are of particular concern because the waste they generate is likey to contain toxic chemicals. Mining of fuel because the waste they generate is likely to contain toxic chemicals. Mining of fuel and non – fuel minerals can create many opportunities for ground water contamination. The problems stem from the mining process itself disposal of wastes, and processing of the ores and waste it create (Lenntech, 1998).
2.3.7 Residential Source of Ground Water Pollution
Residential waste water systems can be a source of many categories of contaminants including bacteria, viruses, nitrates from human waste, and organic compounds, injection wells used for domestic waste water disposal are of particular concern to ground water quality of located close to drinking water wells. Improper storing or disposing of household chemicals such as paints, synthetic detergents, solvents, oils, medicines, batteries, gasoline and diesel fuel can lead to ground water contamination. Similarly, wastes dumped or buried in the ground can contaminate the soil and leach into the ground water quality (Lenntech, 1998).
3.1 Hydrogeological Field Work
Desk study and reconnaissance survey was first conducted to identify the nature and terrain of the study area, and plan how to carry out the field work. Satellite imagery and topographic map on a scale of 150,000 covering the entire project area were obtained and used to identify manmade features such as road network, building and also available natural features such as rivers, streams e.t.c. Location of three dumpsites where water samples were collected were delineated on the satellite imagery. The hydro geological mapping involved the location of dumpsites close to boreholes and hand dug wells and collection of water samples which were analyzed discussed and thereby representing the chemical quality of the water in the study area.
3.2 Sample Collection and Preservation
A total number of 15 (boreholes and hand dugwell ) water samples were collected for analysis on the 12th August, 2015 in a well drained of 0.75litrs containers already sterilized with acid and distilled water and were rinsed out with same water in each case following specific water sampling techniques standard in (figure ). Insitu list such as pH, electrical conductivity (EC),and and total dissolve solid (TDS) were carried out using the pH, EC and TDS metre. The temperature of the water samples were as well measured using the thermometer. After the sampling, the samples were immediately transferred to the lab and store in cold room (40c). The analysis was started without delay in lab based on the priority to analyze parameters as prescribe by APHA (1994) methods. All the samples were analyzed for selected relevant physiochemical parameters
Major elements
Minor element and
Trace element
S/No Location Water source Latitude Longitude Elevations
1 Fire brigade Industrial Site 1
1 Fire brigade Industrial Borehole 10031178 07024165 2095fit
A topical hand dug well in the study area
3.3 Hydrochemical method of analysis adopted
Most determination of the elemental constituent of the water samples were by atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). This is because AAS is the best analytical techniques for water analysis as literature has proven that. Atomic absorption spectrometer is primarily used for the determination of trace metals in many type of samples composed of organic or inorganic matrices. In this method, radiation is absorbed by non-existed atoms in the vapour state and as a result, electronic transition of the atoms (metals) from the ground state to selected excited state occurs. The instrument is composed of a light source, a cell monochrometer, a detector system. The light source (hollow cathode) emitter .
3.3.2 Chloride Determination (CD)
Through rapid titration procedure
Take 10ml of aliquot of the soil extract/water sample into 2.50ml conical flask and dilute to 50ml.
Add 20ml of 0.1ml Kn Cr Co2 solution and mix thoroughly
Titrate with 0.1m AgNo3 solution until a muddy/yellow colour change to red record the titrate value.
3.3.3 Sulphate Determination (Ground water)
Filter enough quality of water sample
Measure 100m of the filterate
Add 2ml 3: 1 H2SO4/ distilled water
Take to boil and add 10ml Bacl to ppt formation
Allow to stand below boiling point for 30minutes and cool to room temperature
Filter in Whatman No. 42 in glass funnel
Oven dry the filter paper and ppt
Cool in dissicate and weigh as M4
So4 = 6.86m/50,000 x 106 IN MG/C
3.3.5 Bacteriological Test
Preparatin of innoculant (potato broth) sweet potato was padded and to pieces and poured into evaporating dish about 50g if powdered milk was introduced and 450ml of distilled water added and heated to boil. It was cooled and supernatant decanded using as innoculant.
3.3.6 Preparation of Serial Dilutions
3 sets of 0.1ml were measured with test samplex
3 sets of 1ml were measured units tests samples
3 sets of 10ml were measured with test samples of 10ml making a total of test tube i.e serial dilutions
To each test tubes 1ml of inoculants were added and 0.1mls of indicator (bromocasol) were also added and samples incubated at 370 for 4 hours.
After this incubation period, gas observation (development) was observed as positive (+v) . The observations were red against the chart in terms of E. coli /100ml.
4.1 Results
The results of the field measurements and the chemical analysis of all the analyzed water samples are discussed and also below in the table from the results, the followings were observed.
4.1 Physical Parameters
Temperature: The temperature of the water sample was in the range of 2603026040 with average of 26030
Hydrogen iron exponent, measures of the acidity or alkality of water. For pH and conductivity readings, the pH metre and conductivity metre were used respectively for direct measurement.
Hydrogen ion exponent depends on free carbondiozide from the atmosphere absorbed by rain or on presence sulphate. All of them cause low pH, but high pH is due to the presence of bicarbonate, carbonate and hydrozides of calcium, magnesium and sodium.
4.2 Chemical Parameters
4.3 Major Elements
All the fifteen water samples from the study area were physical analyzed to determine the taste, colour and odour,, concentrations of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nitrate, total iron, chloride, sulphate, the pH, hardness, conductivity and total dissolved solids were also determined chemically.
The totality of all the chemical components analyzed for in all the water samples are regarded as either mineralization or total dissolved solid (TDS). These components includes the cation and anions as well as trace metals.
4.3.1 Concentration of Trace Metals in the Study Area
The heavy metals in the study tend to pollute the ground water through leaching and subsequent percolation and they have direct physiological toxic effects. Some of these metals are stored or incorporated in living tissues, sometimes permanent and are responsible for some of the social problems.
Lead (pb) for instance, is one the most common toxic (harmful or poisonous) metals in our intercity environment in solid waste disposal site as well as in all biological systems. Unfortunately enough, there is no apparent biologic need for lead (Botkin and Killer, 1998) and yet it ingested through food chains and causes health and behavioural problems. Acute lead toxicity is characterized by a mental retardation, palsg, seizures, incoodination, lead toxicity is a problem for young children who tend to to be exposed to higher concentrations in some urban areas and apparently are mrore susceptible to lead poisoning than are adults.
Concentration of lead (pd) in the study area varied between 0.01 to 0.116 with an average of 2.0-116 which is within the permissible limit of WHO (2012) guideline.
Copper (Cu)d is one of the essential metals to diet as it form an integral part of one or more enzymes involved in a metabolic or biochemical process and plays a role as catalyst in cellular functions. Its abnormalities cause anemia, skeletal defects and degeneration of the nervous system as well as Menkes syndrome (in new borns). Its toxicity causes liver problem (Wilson’s disease Centena, 2003). The recorded copper (Cu) value in the studied water sample ranges between 0.001 to 0.012mg/l which shows that all the groundwater samples studied had copper content below the WHO (2012) permissible limit.
Zinc (Zn) The concentration of zinc (Zn) in the study area varied between 0.04 to 0211 which is within the permissible limit of WHO (2012) guideline.
Iron (Fe) is the fourth most abundant in the earth’s crust. It is an element of nutrition as it is an essential constituent hemoglobin, myoglobin, e-trasport enzyme and oxidases, its deficiency in human causes anemia susceptibility to infection and impairment of growth. Its toxicity in human affects livers and cause iron overload in children (Centeno, 2003). In order to monitor the pollution of the environment especially water for drinking purposes, the World Health Organization set a standard or guideline values as to the permissible limit of such heavy metals in drinking water. Water containing values above the above standard are regarded as not fit for drinking.
The concentration of iron (Fe) in the analuzed water varied between 0.01 to 0.02 with an average of 0.05mg/l which is within the permissible limit of WHO (2012) guidelines.
4.3.2 Concentration of Cations
The average concentration of the analyzed cations in the water sources was in the order mg2+> Na+ > K+ from the summary of the results on samples the concentration of each of the cations are 60% are within the permissible limit of WHO (2012) guideline values.
4.3.3 Concentration of Anions
In the case of the anions, the average concentration of each anions from the table Hco3 > So42 – No3 > So and Cl are far beow the WHO (2012) permissible limits.
5.1 Conclusion
The quality of ground water sources in the vicinity of solid waste disposal site around Tudun wada, Kaduna metropolis, physic-chemical and microbial parameters.
The water in the area is classified as Ca-HCO3 type. All the analyzed physical and chemical parameters in the area are far below the NSDWQ (2007) and WHO (2003) maximum allowable limits. The observed anomalies are purely anthropogenic in origin. Coliform bacteria are transmitted to water from different waste products, broken drains, refuse dumps e.t.c and its presence signifies faecal contamination and possible contamination by pathogenic organisms. The hydrogeological mapping carried out revealed that the aquifer system in the study area is largely unconfined highly porous and permeable. From the chemical characteristics above, the ground water in the study area is not suited for drinking.
5.2 Recommendation
The surrounding environment should be kept clean and tidy to avoid contamination, disinfection of water
Boiling of the water before drinking is recommended because of the high coliform content in the ground water, most bacterial do not withstand treat or high temperature
Periodic checks of the chemical and bacteriological quality of water sources in the area should carried
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Water is one of our most basic and important resources. Engineering that we maintain an adequate safe supply of water is one of our most important environment objectives. The impact of solid waste disposal on the chemical quality of ground water sources in Tudun wada Metropolis, Kaduna Nigeria was carried out to assessed the quality of the water. The major rock types identified are gneisses, schist and granites. The project presents the result of chemical analysis of fifteen (15) ground water samples both boreholes and hand dugwell at three dumpsites location in Tudun wada, Kaduna in the basement complex of Nigeria. The results are elevated with a view to assessed the quality in terms of the chemistry within Tudun wada in the solid waste disposal site area.
1.0 Background of the Study
Lack of proper solid waste disposal in an environment has been recognized as one of the major sources of anthropogenic pollution/contamination in many urban cities of the developing countries worldwide. In many such, cases solid wastes are disposed on the land surface, in shallow excavations as well as along the river andstream channels. Many of these wastes contain heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, bismuth, arsenic, selenium e.t.c.
These heavy metals tend to pollute both the surface and the ground water through leaching and subsequent percolation toxic effects. Some of these metals are stored or incorporated in living tissues, sometimes permanently and are responsible for some of the social problems.
Lead for instance, is one of the most common toxic (harmful or poisonous) metals in our intercity environment especially in solid waste (old pipes, older lead accumulation, paint (etc) as well as in all biological systems. Unfortunately enough, there is no apparent biologic need for lead (Botkin and Keller, 1998) and yet it through food chains or drinking water and causes health and behavioural problems. The quality of ground water in some parts of the country is changing as a result of human activities. Ground water is less susceptibility .
1.1 Aim and Objectives
This study is aimed at evaluating the impact of solid waste disposal on the quality of ground water quality with respect to the heavy metals Fe, Cu and Pb in Tudun Wada Metropolis Kaduna Nigeria.
1.2 Objectives
To ascertain the elemental concentration in the various water samples collected.
To determine if the ground water is in confronting with WHO standard for drinking and domestic uses.
1.3 Scope of Study
The study area covers Tudun wada Metropolis, Kaduna Nigeria, from which ground water samples were collected and subjected to hydrochemical analysis.
1.4 Significance of Study
This research work is important to the inhabitants of Tudun wada, government agencies, and nongovernmental organization both local and international saddled with the responsibility of ensuring the provision of safe water and prevention of diseases associated with ground water quality in the coverage temperature during the dry season TS 360c.
The vegetation of the area Sudan savannah type, with scattered trees, mostly thorny shrubs with few tall trees. The grasses are thin but rarely tall and the vegetation tends to be dense luxuriate and greenish along river course due to prevailing, soil moisture condition there.
2.0 General Geology of Kaduna State
Kaduna state lies within the basement complex of Northern Nigeria. The rocks of the area are mostly precamrian in age and have been subjected to several phases of deformation, the latest being the Pan African Orogeny (Mccurry, 1975)
This thermo techonic event has virtually obliterated the imprints of earlier events but left its of structural earmarks, which include filling, fracturing, shearing, granitic emplacement and granitisation. The magmatic gneisis complex which underlies most of the Kaduna – Zaria area and typifies the area of investigation is characterized by spectacular exposure of well – defined migmatite around Kudenda, Kakau, Sabon Tasha, Kabala East and West areas in Kaduna metropolis (Ogezi, 1988).
Oyawoye (1970) and Mccurry (1976) reported that the oldest rocks of the area are gneisses and older metal sediments and believed to be Birimean in age (about 2500 million years).
Groundwater occurrence in the area could be grouped into three. These are:
(a) The weathered/fracture basement complex
(b) The newer basalts
(c) The river alluvium
The area is underlain by the crystalline basement rock. The dominate rocks types are the migmatite gneissis complex and the older granites which introduce the host gneissic rock. Prolonged in-situ weathering of the crystalline basement rocks under tropical conditions has produced a sequence of inconsolidate materials (laterite) whose thickness and lateral extent vary extensively. The three major rocks are interconnected and form one hydraulic system with unconfined waterable.
The depth of watertable in hand dug wells varied from 0.20m to 1.60m in the study area. Hand – dug wells were studied and they represent water samples that were analyzed in the laboratory. The results were compared with WHO (2006) and NAFDAC standards for drinking water. The results of physical parameters show pH ranged from 4.83 to 7.80 , electrical conductivity from 20.980/cm and TDS from 10 – 490mg/l.
The weathered granular sandy zone is composed of coarse sands, which form a level below the loose clayey laterite. The granular sands may consists of sands or gravels derived from the disintegrations of the crystalline rock.
2.1 The Study Area: Geology of Tudun Wada
Tudun wada is a populated place (class populated place) in Kaduna, Nigeria (Africa) with the region font code of Africa/middle east (Keller, 1998). It coordinates area 10030i45iN and 7024i40i in DMS (Degree Minutes seconds). Its UTM position is LS26 and its joint operation graphics reference is NC32 – 05 curent local time is 15:32, the sun rises at 08: 52 and sets at 20.59 local time (Africa/Lagos UTC/GMTH). The standard time zone for TUdun wada is UTC/GMTH + 1 in 2015 DST starts on and ends on (Wiltman, 1983).
2.2.1 Ground Water Movement
Ground water movement: This is the movement of water from a recharge area (were precipitation from the surface has percolated through the ground) to a discharge area (where ground water energies from the ground in the form of spring or well).
The path through which ground water flows and the rate at which ground water moves is also determined by hydraulic condition (porosity, permeability, fissures, pressures) keeping in mind that water flows in the path of least resistance. Movement of water from one point to another is caused by the difference of flow potential or head between points. In ground water flow, head usually consist of two components.
Pressure head component
Elevation head component
The pressure head component is when fluid flow from a point of high pressure to a point of low pressure. The elevation head pressure when the mechanism that provide the flows potential in surface water like stream.
The pressure head component is measured in force per unit area (kg/m2) while, the elevation head component is measured as metres above sea level (1) so, both formed the basis for daarcy’s law.
2.2 Factors that affect Ground water Movements
Ground water quality is affected by a lot of factors but we shall be considering three
1. Liquid: This include its density and viscosity
2. Medium through which the liquid moves
3. The boundary condition
The liquid: The liquid is normally water, usually fresh but occasionally saline, its density is between 0 – 300c because the density of fresh water varies not the temperature. The viscosity is a measure of the shear strength of a fluid whereby the higher the viscosity, the higher the mobility.
The medium in which ground water moves is characterized by porosity, permeable and to some extent compressibility.
The boundary conditions like impermeable layers that could prevent flow of water e.g confiner aquifer. All sources of water intended for human consumption shall comply with Nigeria standard for drinking water quality and shall receives authorization from the ministry of health before being supply to the population.
2.2.1 Ground water quality standard and acceptable limits
Ground water quality standards are the maximum allowable concentration of pollutants in grounds water, which may be tolerated without creating a threat to human health or which will otherwise render the ground water insuitable use (drinking) and agricultural purpose.
Harmful pollutants to be identified are industrial waste, or effluents, solid waste, chemical pesticides, human faceas, radioactive materials, decayed animals waste and disinfectants. The substances in Nigeria standard for drinking water quality are simply divided into (i) physical/chemical organic and inorganic constituents, disinfectants and disinfectants by-products, radionuclides and microbiological parameters. All drinking water shall at anytime meet the minimum requirement.
2.3.1 Factors that are responsible for ground water accumulation
They are as follows;
1. Rainfall
2. Nature of the rock
3. Topography – movement from high to low elevation determine the quality of ground water
2.4 Ground Water pollution
Generally, water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers, and ground water). Water pollution occurs when pollutants are disacharge directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.
According to Hogan (2010), interactions between ground water and surface water are complex. Consequently, ground water pollution sometime reforced to as ground water contamination, is not easily classified as surface water pollution. By its very nature, ground water aquifers are susceptible to contamination from sources that may not directly surface water bodies, and the distinction of point vs non point source may be irrelevant. A spill or ongoing releases of chemical or radionuclide contaminants into soil (located away from a surface water body) may not create point source or non-point source pollution but can contaminate the aquifer below, define as a toxic plume. The movement of the plume, called a plume front, may be analyzed through a hydrological transport model or ground water model. Analysis of ground water contamination may focus on the soil characteristics and site geology, hydrogeology, hydrology and the nature of the contaminants, solid waste.
2.4.1 Solid Waste Disposal
Waste can be loosely defined as any maisial that is considered to be of no further use to the owner and is, hence, discard. However, most discarded waste can be reused or recycled, one of the principles of the management philosophic. What may be of no further use to one person and regarded as waste to be dumped, may be use to the next person and is the basis of the rag quicking trade, the sifting through of refuse at landfills for recovery and resale, a very fundamental historical waste management practice still functioning in many countries, often conducted on a highly organized commercial basis.
Waste is generated universally and is a direct consequence of all human activities. Wastes are generally classified into solid, liquid, and gaseous.
Gaseous waste is normally varied to the atmospheric, either with or without treatment depending on composition and the specific regulations of the country involved.
Liquid waste are commonly discharged into sewers or rivers, which in many countries is subject to legislation governing treatment before discharge. Liquid wastes are discharged into water bodies or allowed to infiltrate into the ground. Indiscriminant disposal of liquid wastes pose a major pollution threat to both surface and ground water. Potential underground water contamination by liquid waste from household.
Solid waste the subject of this chapter are mainly disposal of land fill, because landfill is the simplest, cheapest and most cost – effective method of disposing of waste (Barret and Lawler, 1995). In most low to medium income developing nations almost 100 percent of generated waste goes to lawfill. Even in many developed countries, most solid waste is landfilled. For instance, within the European Union, although policies of reduction, reuse and diversion from landfill are strongly promoted, more than half of the member states still send in excess of 75 percent of their waste to landfill (e.g Ireland 92 percent ) and in 1999 landfill was still by far the main waste disposal option for western Europe (EEA, 2003).
Landfill is therefore likely to remain a relevant source of ground water contamination for the foreseenable future (Allen, 2001) Waste composition, rate of generation and methods of treatment and disposal vary considerably throughout the world and largely determine the potential of waste to impair ground water quality. The purpose of this topic is to outline the risk that waste disposal presents to ground water quality and the information that is required to assess this risk.
2.5 Types of Solid Waste
Wastes generated by the full extent of human activities range from relatively innocuous substances such as food and paper waste to toxic substance such as paint, batteries, asbestos, health care waste, sewage sludge derived from waste water treatment and as an extreme example high – level (radioactive) waste in the form of spent nuclear fuel rods.
Numerous classification of solid waste have been proposed (e.g Technobanoglous et al., 1993; Ali et al., 1999), and the following represent a simple classification of waste into broad categories according to its origin and risk to human and environment health.
Household waste
Municipal waste
Hazardous (toxic) industrial waste
Construction and demolition (C & I) waste
Health care waste
Human and animal wastes and
Incinerator wastes
Household waste are wastes generated in the home and collected by municipal waste collection services. Municipal waste includes this plus shop and office waste, food waste from restaurants e.t.c. also collected by municipal waste collection system storage of waste in a disposal facility serves to minimize the effects of waste on the environment.
Waste accepted in municipal waste landfills in developed countries would normally consists of municipal solid wastes, plus commercial and non-hazardous industrial wastes, and construction demolition waste. There is a tendency in many countries for construction and demolition waste, usually regarded as inert to be buried on the construction site where it is generated.
However, since downward percolating rain water may leach heavy metals from construction and demolition waste, recent waste regulation in some developed countries requires all (and) waste to be disposed of in landfill.
Health care and research facilities can contaminate ground water through waste and waste water containing infectious pathogens and pharmaceuticals. Health care facilities may also release various diagnostic (e.g radiochemicals contract media) and disinfectants depending on the kinds of medical examination and treatment being conducted and local practice for handling these substances. This includes but are not restricted to the following classes antibiotics. Cytostatic agents, applied in cancer therapy.
2.5.1 Factors Governing Contamination of Ground water by disposal of waste
Waste deposited in landfills or in refuse dumps immediately becomes part of the prevailing hydrological system. Fluids derived from rainfall, snowmelt and groundwater, together with liquids generated by the waste itself through processes of hydrolysis and solubilization, brought about by a whole series of computer biochemical reactions during degradation of organic wastes percolate through the deposit and mobilize other components within the waste.
2.5.2 Sources of Ground water Pollution
Salt water encroachment, associated with over drafting of aquifers or natural leaching from natural occurring deposits are natural sources of ground pollution. Most concern over ground water contamination has cetered on pollution associated with human activities. Human ground water contamination can be related to waste disposal (private sewage disposal systems, land disposal of solid waste, municipal waste water, waste water impoundaments (and spreading of sludge, brine disposal from the petroleum industry) or not directly related to waste disposal (accidents, certain agricultural activities, mining, high way, deicing, acid rain improper well construction and maintenance road salt) (Lenntech, 1998).
2.5.3 Natural Source of Ground water Pollution
Ground water contains some impurities, ever if it is unaffected by human activities. The types and concentrations of natural impurities depend on the nature of the geological material through which the ground waters moves and the quality of the recharge water. Ground water moving through sedimentary rocks and soil may pick up a wide range of compound such as magnesium, calcium and chlorides. Some aquifers have high natural concentration of dissolved constituents such as arsenir, boron, and selenium. The effect of these natural sources of contamination on ground water quality depends on the type of contaminates and its concentration. In raining season, the water get mixed into the waste and most of the chemical and decomposition of materials dissolves in water and start leaching. (Lenntech, 1998).
2.3.5 Agricultural Source of Ground water Pollution
Pesticides, fertilizers, turbicides and animal waste are agricultural sources of ground water contamination. The agricultural contamination sources are varied and numerous, spillage of fertilizers and pesticides during handling, runoff from the loading and washing of pesticides sprayers. Agricultural land that lacks sufficient drainage is considered by many farmers to be lost income land. So they may install drain tiles or drainage wells to make the land more productive. The drainage well then serves as a direct conduct to ground water for agricultural wastes which are washed down with the runoff. Contamination may also occur when chemicals are stored in uncovered areas, unprotected from wind and rain (Lenntech, 1998).
2.3.6 Industrial Source of Ground water Pollution
Manufacturing and services industries have high demand for cooling water processing water and water for cleaning purposes. Ground water pollution occurs when used water is returned to the hydrogeological cycles. Modern economic activity requires transportation and storage of material used in manufacturing, processing and construction. Along the way, some of this material can be lost through spillage, leakage or improper handling. Waste water disposal practices of certain types of business, such as automobile service stations, dry cleaners electrical component or machine manufacturers or fabricators are of particular concern because the waste they generate is likey to contain toxic chemicals. Mining of fuel because the waste they generate is likely to contain toxic chemicals. Mining of fuel and non – fuel minerals can create many opportunities for ground water contamination. The problems stem from the mining process itself disposal of wastes, and processing of the ores and waste it create (Lenntech, 1998).
2.3.7 Residential Source of Ground Water Pollution
Residential waste water systems can be a source of many categories of contaminants including bacteria, viruses, nitrates from human waste, and organic compounds, injection wells used for domestic waste water disposal are of particular concern to ground water quality of located close to drinking water wells. Improper storing or disposing of household chemicals such as paints, synthetic detergents, solvents, oils, medicines, batteries, gasoline and diesel fuel can lead to ground water contamination. Similarly, wastes dumped or buried in the ground can contaminate the soil and leach into the ground water quality (Lenntech, 1998).
3.1 Hydrogeological Field Work
Desk study and reconnaissance survey was first conducted to identify the nature and terrain of the study area, and plan how to carry out the field work. Satellite imagery and topographic map on a scale of 150,000 covering the entire project area were obtained and used to identify manmade features such as road network, building and also available natural features such as rivers, streams e.t.c. Location of three dumpsites where water samples were collected were delineated on the satellite imagery. The hydro geological mapping involved the location of dumpsites close to boreholes and hand dug wells and collection of water samples which were analyzed discussed and thereby representing the chemical quality of the water in the study area.
3.2 Sample Collection and Preservation
A total number of 15 (boreholes and hand dugwell ) water samples were collected for analysis on the 12th August, 2015 in a well drained of 0.75litrs containers already sterilized with acid and distilled water and were rinsed out with same water in each case following specific water sampling techniques standard in (figure ). Insitu list such as pH, electrical conductivity (EC),and and total dissolve solid (TDS) were carried out using the pH, EC and TDS metre. The temperature of the water samples were as well measured using the thermometer. After the sampling, the samples were immediately transferred to the lab and store in cold room (40c). The analysis was started without delay in lab based on the priority to analyze parameters as prescribe by APHA (1994) methods. All the samples were analyzed for selected relevant physiochemical parameters
Major elements
Minor element and
Trace element
S/No Location Water source Latitude Longitude Elevations
1 Fire brigade Industrial Site 1
1 Fire brigade Industrial Borehole 10031178 07024165 2095fit
A topical hand dug well in the study area
3.3 Hydrochemical method of analysis adopted
Most determination of the elemental constituent of the water samples were by atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). This is because AAS is the best analytical techniques for water analysis as literature has proven that. Atomic absorption spectrometer is primarily used for the determination of trace metals in many type of samples composed of organic or inorganic matrices. In this method, radiation is absorbed by non-existed atoms in the vapour state and as a result, electronic transition of the atoms (metals) from the ground state to selected excited state occurs. The instrument is composed of a light source, a cell monochrometer, a detector system. The light source (hollow cathode) emitter .
3.3.2 Chloride Determination (CD)
Through rapid titration procedure
Take 10ml of aliquot of the soil extract/water sample into 2.50ml conical flask and dilute to 50ml.
Add 20ml of 0.1ml Kn Cr Co2 solution and mix thoroughly
Titrate with 0.1m AgNo3 solution until a muddy/yellow colour change to red record the titrate value.
3.3.3 Sulphate Determination (Ground water)
Filter enough quality of water sample
Measure 100m of the filterate
Add 2ml 3: 1 H2SO4/ distilled water
Take to boil and add 10ml Bacl to ppt formation
Allow to stand below boiling point for 30minutes and cool to room temperature
Filter in Whatman No. 42 in glass funnel
Oven dry the filter paper and ppt
Cool in dissicate and weigh as M4
So4 = 6.86m/50,000 x 106 IN MG/C
3.3.5 Bacteriological Test
Preparatin of innoculant (potato broth) sweet potato was padded and to pieces and poured into evaporating dish about 50g if powdered milk was introduced and 450ml of distilled water added and heated to boil. It was cooled and supernatant decanded using as innoculant.
3.3.6 Preparation of Serial Dilutions
3 sets of 0.1ml were measured with test samplex
3 sets of 1ml were measured units tests samples
3 sets of 10ml were measured with test samples of 10ml making a total of test tube i.e serial dilutions
To each test tubes 1ml of inoculants were added and 0.1mls of indicator (bromocasol) were also added and samples incubated at 370 for 4 hours.
After this incubation period, gas observation (development) was observed as positive (+v) . The observations were red against the chart in terms of E. coli /100ml.
4.1 Results
The results of the field measurements and the chemical analysis of all the analyzed water samples are discussed and also below in the table from the results, the followings were observed.
4.1 Physical Parameters
Temperature: The temperature of the water sample was in the range of 2603026040 with average of 26030
Hydrogen iron exponent, measures of the acidity or alkality of water. For pH and conductivity readings, the pH metre and conductivity metre were used respectively for direct measurement.
Hydrogen ion exponent depends on free carbondiozide from the atmosphere absorbed by rain or on presence sulphate. All of them cause low pH, but high pH is due to the presence of bicarbonate, carbonate and hydrozides of calcium, magnesium and sodium.
4.2 Chemical Parameters
4.3 Major Elements
All the fifteen water samples from the study area were physical analyzed to determine the taste, colour and odour,, concentrations of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nitrate, total iron, chloride, sulphate, the pH, hardness, conductivity and total dissolved solids were also determined chemically.
The totality of all the chemical components analyzed for in all the water samples are regarded as either mineralization or total dissolved solid (TDS). These components includes the cation and anions as well as trace metals.
4.3.1 Concentration of Trace Metals in the Study Area
The heavy metals in the study tend to pollute the ground water through leaching and subsequent percolation and they have direct physiological toxic effects. Some of these metals are stored or incorporated in living tissues, sometimes permanent and are responsible for some of the social problems.
Lead (pb) for instance, is one the most common toxic (harmful or poisonous) metals in our intercity environment in solid waste disposal site as well as in all biological systems. Unfortunately enough, there is no apparent biologic need for lead (Botkin and Killer, 1998) and yet it ingested through food chains and causes health and behavioural problems. Acute lead toxicity is characterized by a mental retardation, palsg, seizures, incoodination, lead toxicity is a problem for young children who tend to to be exposed to higher concentrations in some urban areas and apparently are mrore susceptible to lead poisoning than are adults.
Concentration of lead (pd) in the study area varied between 0.01 to 0.116 with an average of 2.0-116 which is within the permissible limit of WHO (2012) guideline.
Copper (Cu)d is one of the essential metals to diet as it form an integral part of one or more enzymes involved in a metabolic or biochemical process and plays a role as catalyst in cellular functions. Its abnormalities cause anemia, skeletal defects and degeneration of the nervous system as well as Menkes syndrome (in new borns). Its toxicity causes liver problem (Wilson’s disease Centena, 2003). The recorded copper (Cu) value in the studied water sample ranges between 0.001 to 0.012mg/l which shows that all the groundwater samples studied had copper content below the WHO (2012) permissible limit.
Zinc (Zn) The concentration of zinc (Zn) in the study area varied between 0.04 to 0211 which is within the permissible limit of WHO (2012) guideline.
Iron (Fe) is the fourth most abundant in the earth’s crust. It is an element of nutrition as it is an essential constituent hemoglobin, myoglobin, e-trasport enzyme and oxidases, its deficiency in human causes anemia susceptibility to infection and impairment of growth. Its toxicity in human affects livers and cause iron overload in children (Centeno, 2003). In order to monitor the pollution of the environment especially water for drinking purposes, the World Health Organization set a standard or guideline values as to the permissible limit of such heavy metals in drinking water. Water containing values above the above standard are regarded as not fit for drinking.
The concentration of iron (Fe) in the analuzed water varied between 0.01 to 0.02 with an average of 0.05mg/l which is within the permissible limit of WHO (2012) guidelines.
4.3.2 Concentration of Cations
The average concentration of the analyzed cations in the water sources was in the order mg2+> Na+ > K+ from the summary of the results on samples the concentration of each of the cations are 60% are within the permissible limit of WHO (2012) guideline values.
4.3.3 Concentration of Anions
In the case of the anions, the average concentration of each anions from the table Hco3 > So42 – No3 > So and Cl are far beow the WHO (2012) permissible limits.
5.1 Conclusion
The quality of ground water sources in the vicinity of solid waste disposal site around Tudun wada, Kaduna metropolis, physic-chemical and microbial parameters.
The water in the area is classified as Ca-HCO3 type. All the analyzed physical and chemical parameters in the area are far below the NSDWQ (2007) and WHO (2003) maximum allowable limits. The observed anomalies are purely anthropogenic in origin. Coliform bacteria are transmitted to water from different waste products, broken drains, refuse dumps e.t.c and its presence signifies faecal contamination and possible contamination by pathogenic organisms. The hydrogeological mapping carried out revealed that the aquifer system in the study area is largely unconfined highly porous and permeable. From the chemical characteristics above, the ground water in the study area is not suited for drinking.
5.2 Recommendation
The surrounding environment should be kept clean and tidy to avoid contamination, disinfection of water
Boiling of the water before drinking is recommended because of the high coliform content in the ground water, most bacterial do not withstand treat or high temperature
Periodic checks of the chemical and bacteriological quality of water sources in the area should carried
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