
Showing posts from January, 2016
EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ON THE QUALITY OF GROUND WATER QUALITY ABSTRACT Water is one of our most basic and important resources. Engineering that we maintain an adequate safe supply of water is one of our most important environment objectives. The impact of solid waste disposal on the chemical quality of ground water sources in Tudun wada Metropolis, Kaduna Nigeria was carried out to assessed the quality of the water. The major rock types identified are gneisses, schist and granites. The project presents the result of chemical analysis of fifteen (15) ground water samples both boreholes and hand dugwell at three dumpsites location in Tudun wada, Kaduna in the basement complex of Nigeria. The results are elevated with a view to assessed the quality in terms of the chemistry within Tudun wada in the solid waste disposal site area.   CHAPER ONE 1.0 Background of the Study Lack of proper solid waste disposal in an environment has been recognized as on...